Monday, September 30, 2019

SHOCK: Elizabeth Warren A Republican Longer Than Donald Trump!!!

I knew I could count on you Elizabeth to carry on the Flame.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The best kept secret of the 2020 AD in the year of our Lord election is that the longest serving member of the Republican Party in this presidential race is not Donald Trump, as he is but a tourist of Ivanka liberalism. It is not Mike Pence either, as he is barely wet behind the ears. In fact, you could stack up all the Trump children and they still would not come close to the person who is the person who is the longest member of the Republican Party, as that honor does not go to the shadowy Barry Goldwater campaigner of 1964 AD in the year of our Lord in Hillary Hamrod Clinton, but the GOP member of the ages is none other than Elizabeth Pocohantas Warren.

‘Liz Was a Diehard Conservative’

Elizabeth Warren doesn’t like to talk about it, but for years she was a registered Republican. Why she left the GOP—and what it means for her campaign.

As you can read in the above Politico article, Elizabeth Warren was one of the original John Birch Goosesteppers. In high school she called out even her best friend for being a "pinko" in having socialist friends, who of course would now be voting for Bernie Sanders.
That is the strangest part of this in, this information has been known by the DNC zealots since last spring and they are not only backing Elizabeth Warren, but have gone scorched earth on Joe Biden, lynched that handsome Nigger, Kamala Harris and have put socialist Bernie Sanders on life support.

These DNC zealots refuse to go on camera expressing their Indian Love Call attraction for Elizabeth Warren, but they are off the record stating they can not figure out why they are attracted to this White Republican Racist Goosetepper, but the following quote says it all.


Beto and Booker, these are the Deplorables!!!
But it was a surprise when more than 150 of the Democratic Party’s biggest donors similarly lined up on Thursday night after her speech at a dinner here—and it struck even some of the Democrats waiting to take photos with her.

“These are people who should not like her,” said one attendee, who spoke to me on the condition of anonymity to avoid showing favoritism. “And they love her.”

Elizabeth Warren has stated plainly that her first vote for a Republican was Gerald Ford. This was after Watergate and after President Ford pardoned the detested Richard Nixon. The President that Hillary Clinton did all she could to frame, drive from office and throw into prison for Teddy Kennedy, and Elizabeth Warren proudly confessed that she voted for the man who protected Richard Nixon from prison.
And yet the democrat billionaires are donating to Elizabeth Warren in this Webster Griffin Tarpley era of Donald Trump Nazism and it appears that it will be Elizabeth Warren Communism. Who would have ever dreamed that in 2020, America would have two democrats, running as Republicans representing the left in America.

she cast her ballot for just one GOP nominee, Gerald Ford in 1976. She does not talk about her Republican past in either of her books or as part of the biography she recounts in her stump speech; the information often comes as a surprise even to Beltway politicos and longtime Warren allies.

Somehow it has been hidden for almost a decade, the real story of the racism of Elizabeth Warren's family. Yes it all goes back to 1932, when Elizabeth Warren's father eloped with her Indian maiden mum to another town, because her father's family hated Indians like the 7th Cavalry.

This schism was to deep that her father's family, would not accept the Squaw mum into the family, and the rift lasted until the Squaw mum died in 1995.

Elizabeth Warren elopement story falls apart

Posted by    Thursday, August 16, 2012 at 10:16am

Father of Elizabeth Warren and the Squaw


So one can understand why Elizabeth Warren would not let go of her Indian heritage which blood tests failed to prove, as her family were racists who hated Indians, and everywhere Elizabeth Warren went she embraced with a grip of steel the Republican Party in outing pinkos, not letting friendships get in the way of her extremism in defense of liberty, protecting Richard Nixon, voting for the protector of Richard Nixon, not voting for Ronald Reagan, because he obviously was not extreme enough for Elizabeth Warren, and it appears finally when all was lost with the Nigger Beaner loving Bush family, Elizabeth renounced her GOP status, went undercover at Harvard, to become the John Birch mole in the Obama Democratic Party.

Warren’s parents had to elope in 1932 because her father’s family would not accept her mother because her mother was part Cherokee and part Delaware.  Warren claims that the family tensions were so great that the problem persisted through her mother’s death in 1995.

Elizabeth Warren is the most clever of wingnut racists in a party of David Letterman wealthy cocktail crowd racists and pedophiles, in she has fooled those stalwarts of the left like Debra Messing, John Cusack and Alyssa Milano, who have not uttered a word of warning of this on Twitter, in how Elizabeth Warren is one Iowa primary away from taking over the democratic party for the John Birch Society.

Seriously, America hid that Barack Hussein Obama admitted he was a British subject and never vetted him. How many groups detested by the progressives is Elizabeth Warren a member of?

Is Elizabeth Warren an NRA member? Is she Obama forbid a Protestant who goes to Church? Does Elizabeth Warren have a Constitution printed up and in her pocket she reads? 
Is Elizabeth Warren pro life like the Clinton's used to be? Is Elizabeth Warren homophobic like the Clinton's used to be?
Seriously, when Elizabeth Warren is president, is she going to be nominating Ted Cruz to the Supreme Court and then mystified when he votes Conservative and be appointing Sarah Palin to Homeland and suddenly all the liberals are being carted off to FEMA camps?

Does not America this time, considering Birther Hussein betrayed blacks and was a Wall Street plunderer of America, require a vetting of Elizabeth Warren, so we know who this woman really is?

She is from Massachusetts, so was she the one who was behind the Willie Horton ads against Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis?

Elizabeth Ann Warren is an American politician and former academic serving as the senior United States Senator from Massachusetts since 2013. She was formerly a law school professor specializing in bankruptcy law.Wikipedia
Born:Elizabeth Ann Herring, Jun 22, 1949, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, U.S.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
