Monday, September 23, 2019

The Obamacrats of 2020 in the End of the White Race

The Ghost of Tom Hayden Past
In 2007, Hayden made news for his speech at the wedding of his son Troy, where, as Hilton Als wrote in The New Yorker, he "said that he was especially happy about his son's union with actress Simone Bent, who is black, because, among other things, it was 'another step in a long-term goal of mine: the peaceful, non-violent disappearance of the white race'".

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Tom Hayden has been dead for a few years, but all of America and the world is held captive in the genocide of this demagogues ideology.  While Sal Alinsky and Bill Ayers are blamed for radicalism of Birther Hussein Obama, the reality is the political cesspool which was Barack Obama, was the Vatican Marxist Latin Revolution, transplanted into the United States into Black radicalism. It was though Tom Hayden who was the political mutant which infected the socialism of Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman to create the 21st century democratic party which is in schism of Clinton National Socialism and Obama Communism.
The entire upheaval of the democratic party of today, hearkens back to the summer of 1968, where Tom Hayden organized riots in Chicago against the Democratic party of Senator Hubert H. Humphrey, created a political genocide, and by this helped elect Richard Nixon to the White House.

It was from this, that Tom Hayden moved from his vision of mob rule, to capitalism, where he married Jane Fonda, and used his money to purchase political seats in the California Congress.
From the environmentalism to all what California is, in a shit hole, which has had liberals fleeing from it, bringing ruin to Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Arizona, Missouri and Montana, are the political disease of Tom Hayden in his policies. He brought ruin to California and the rest of these once high standard of living States.
There is no denying the facts of this, in every one of these states the standard of living, security and ability for people to afford homes, all degraded. The Hayden political reality is Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, New Jersey and Illinois. Massive debt, people fleeing and absolute corruption of morality. 

 What is of interest in this is Tom Hayden's third and last wife, the Canadian, Barbara Williams.

Mrs. Hayden is the perfect disciple to a guru like Tom Hayden in this quote from Heavy is the essence of her perfect delusion.
As you read the following paragraph, know that Barbara Williams as a child sang in her Church. From the rugged Canadian individual of Christian morals, Mrs. Hayden became a captive of her abandoning common sense.

Being the daughter of a logger, Williams has seen firsthand the damage caused by clearing vast stretches of forest. She has been an activist for environmental causes for a long time. She protested against the poor wages and working conditions of strawberry pickers in California. She also protested against the practices of publications that import pulp made from ancient trees in order to force them into adopting sustainable alternatives. She was among the six environmentalists arrested for the latter.
Williams started the environmental organization Clayoquot Sound, which works to protect the rainforests and marine ecosystems.

To address the above in Barbara Williams, besmirching her hard working father, is the fact that California, most of Western America, and Canada are burning up every year in wildfires, because cutting timber has ceased, as much as ending controlled burning, due to the fraud of "global warming".
The world is burning down due to policies Mr. and Mrs. Hayden said would fix the world. Their policies are an environmental disaster and they are not being made to politically and criminally answer for those policies.

Mrs. Hayden's protests of poor wages for strawberry pickers who are Mexicans in California is deemed noble  to Barbara Williams, but the end result is mechanical pickers begin to replace people. The end result is Barbara Williams or Tom Hayden NEVER once or a thousand times, ever pay 100 or 1000 dollars for a box of strawberries to a farmer producing them, to help subsidize these poor Mexicans. None of these liberal millionaires ever volunteer to pay more for anything, instead they put more laws on farmers to pay money they can not afford, causing their family's harm, cause Mexican pickers harm, and then deprive poor American consumers strawberries as they can no longer afford 4 dollar a pint berries.

Then there is Mrs. Hayden protesting paper mills and publishers who are accused of using "ancient trees" to produce books etc... "Ancient trees" do not exist. This is a scam like global warming, as this is about the Amazon jungle in trees there. If you have not noticed the Amazon is burning in 2019 AD in the year of our Lord. It is the reality that Brazilians are driven to eat, and to do that, they need to clear forests to produce something to eat. If they can not sell the trees, they burn them. If the trees are not cleared in being old, because there is no sort of thing of an ancient tree, because old trees die, and either bugs eat them, or they start on fire in dry years when stuck by lightning.

Mrs. Hayden's environmental organization is set to protect the jungle and the ocean, like all of these groups, and the fact is, they are either scamming people of money which ends up in Wall Street portfolios and high salaries, or as in Mrs. Hayden's reality, she has protected absolutely nothing, because the United States has already led the world in promoting sound management based upon the wildlife killer, Theodore Roosevelt's sound conservation practices.

Does anyone reading this in beholding California, consider it a utopia? Has the importation of political slaves improved California? Has gun control made Californians safer? Has a world mocking Protestant Christian morals produced a societal advancement?

These are Mr. and Mrs. Hayden's headlines which they have brought to America like the plague.

 Tom Hayden was not pleased with the Designer Negro, Barack Hussein Obama, in Obama's failures. Hayden viewed Obama as an experiment. That translates as "Obama was a lab rat to see if a Negro could  actually do a White man's job". The answer was no, but in that with the above headlines, Tom Hayden has left a trail of dead bodies across the world, oceans  of sewage, enslavement and impoverishment, all the while he and his wives were blaming White Protestant America, which they chose capitalism to feed off the system, while they promoted socialism and communism for the mob.
Tom Hayden unleashed on America homicidal politics. Tom Hayden is dead, but his politics of death are still slaughtering the environment and people, with the people being the only genus who can actually invent solutions by God's Grace. Solutions though have ceased due to the concentration of wealth due to Tom Hayden's policies. Before Tom Hayden Americans had a dream, after Tom Hayden Americans have a nightmare.

It requires to be stated, that Tom Hayden advocating in any form the ending of Caucasians is a crime against humanity, as much as China dumping nation sized debris piles of plastic in the ocean. Tom Hayden was a sociopath, as much as Pol Pot, as much as Joe Stalin, as much as Hillary Clinton in her "undesirables". A sociopath is someone who has anti social misbehaviors. It is abnormal on a child's wedding day to relish the genetic genocide of a genus of human.
There is absolutely no difference in Tom Hayden saying what he said, and Adolf Hitler appearing at a wedding and stating that his final solution in his goal to end the Ashkenaz race.

Yet no one holds these homicidal politicists accountable. They receive praise like the gladiators butchering Christians in the Roman games.

As Webster Griffin Tarpley exposed on the Jeff Rense program, the political elites, who funded Tom Hayden, were going to split the democratic party into a communist and socialist wing to rule America, eliminating the Republican and Green parties to non status. This is what the political rapine of Tom Hayden has generated for 2020 AD in the year of our Lord. This is not democracy. This is not mob rule which democracy is. This is the same feudal rule by the few of the many who are in the same economic and political bondage before 1776 AD in the year of our Lord.

The question in 2020 is not about Donald Trump or whoever  the democrats have chosen for them. The question in 2020 is can any of us point to California or any of the Tom Hayden cesspools and state that is what you want to live in, leave for your children or what you worked for.

Review the above links in serial murderers, streets as human toilets, poverty, a Soylent Green world, that is Tom Hayden's solutions in action, the end result is people devolving into animals as the world is engulfed in wildfires.

By the feudal elite, the world is being handed to the Tom Hayden Obamacrats for the end of humanity. That is what the 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, elections are all about.


Some  peace for America eh?

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
