Monday, September 23, 2019

Überbank von Trump

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

While you pansy ass rich non donors have been keeping the swipe card unactive in not supporting this blog, because they do not like the Truth about President Donald John Trump, this poor orphan girl always Inspired by the Holy Ghost, as I work no matter what in trying to save these United States, while you shroud yourselves in portfolios thinking in them you trust and somehow you will be saved from the American Genocide.

I am going to save Donald Trump, not the way the cartel framed him and saved him to be their dick suck, but a way for the cartel to reshuffle the deck for a payoff bigger than the quadrillion penny ante game they are playing with Trump. I am talking about multiple quadrillions rolling a year.

See whenever there is not enough money to transform society, smart people create things like fractal lending, paper money, fiat currency, National Banks, Bonds, Federal Reserve, Quantitative Easing and now the Lame Cherry is going to make the trillions in world debt disappear.

This poor orphan girl though is first taking you through the Looking Glass to a mirror period in time, 1864, in the Lincoln presidential election in reflections of Donald Trump's 2020 elections.

The United States had just experienced two depressions. The first was when Andrew Jackson broke the central bank in America in the money interests and distributed the gold to local banks, who then loaned this cash cow to their interests, without oversight, creating an economic surge and in the bad loans a financial collapse.
Abraham Lincoln unleashed the same thing in his genocide war against Southern Democratic power which used slavery as the weapon to shatter that economic power forever. Salmon Chase, the Treasury Secretary instituted a monetary policy of not raising taxes for Lincoln's war which would have collapsed Lincoln's regime, so Chase began printing money backed by gold called Greenbacks, as these bills were green on the back.
Lincoln printed up 2 billion dollars in debt which is equal to the Obama Trump trillions in debt transfer to Americans, while the cartel holds the loot.

Andrew Jackson had drained the economy of gold and silver with his Specie Circular of 1836.  A similar situation occurred during the Civil War.  In November 1861, Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase (who wanted to be president) decided it was more politically expedient to finance the Union war effort by emitting bills of credit rather than by raising taxes.  He began issuing massive amounts of United States Notes — “Greenbacks.”  Chase had just promised the nation’s bankers in August that he would do no such thing.

The United States has been running inflation of 15% per year which has been a magic show, where special interests play roulette economics, in each in turn is allowed to spike prices and then lower them.  Sugar one quarter, gas the next quarter, bread the next, as the Trump tax cuts have been all factored in to the Nazi Conglomerates.
Trump America is not yet 600% inflation, but it is close to destroying the tax base, as in the Confederacy in the enslavement to the Mexican nigger.

By the middle of December, gold reserves were almost completely depleted.  The banks suspended convertibility on December 31, 1861.  Convertibility was not resumed until January 1, 1879, following the Panic of 1873 and the “Great Depression” of 1873-1878.  As a result of financing the war with debt instead of taxes, the North experienced a 600% inflation rate, while the Confederate currency simply ceased to have any value at all as the tax base disappeared.

What followed the Lincoln money dumps, after the Greenbacks were sold back to the regime by the Rothschild bankers for gold, was the economic meltdown of 1873 AD in the year of our Lord.

In those years, you will recognize the scam now, in the Fed printing money that does not exist, robbing the poor, while the rich pimp their whores in media, government, police state and industry, but back in Lincoln's day it was the railroads and the Indian Ring.

The Panic of 1873, while triggered by events in Europe engineered by Prince Otto von Bismarck, Chancellor of the new German Reich, was caused by the fact that (in the U.S. at least), the debt-backed paper currency was being deflated to restore parity with gold.  This “starved” consumers, small businessmen and farmers for credit and depleted savings.
At the same time, the railroads and the large industrial and commercial interests could create all the money they wanted virtually at will — and were receiving government subsidies into the bargain.  They created money by drawing and offering bills of exchange backed by the present value of the new capital the bills were financing: future increases in production instead of past reductions in consumption.
The bills were accepted in trade and commerce, or discounted or rediscounted to back demand deposits at the new National Banks.  The National Banking Act of 1863 created the National Bank system to serve as a quasi-central bank.  This was to stabilize the currency and impose uniformity on the specie and paper currencies once parity with gold was reestablished through deflation

One hell of a financial mess is it not, what not eh?

So hwo does this all get fixed without some nuclear, biological war to cover up the criminal looting which has been going on for decades?

Why the Trumptastic answer is bigger than slum lord Jared Kushner, who thinks small. How did the elite fix it all previously. Simple answer in they created a centralized bank and a bogus currency.

See they had a national bank, bankrupted that. Then they made a world bank, bankrupted that. So the Lame Cherry has the cartel create an Over Bank, das Überbank. Now this institution is the biggest of all, the most sound of all, a bank you could trust your ovary eggs too as it is so legitimate. That is what the literature states in Congress and Parliament, and this bank issues not just bank notes, nope not bank notes, but Stella Notes.

I mean can you not trust something that is a Stellar Note? Got to be good, sound as Ivanka's silicon tits. See you have to inslut the Princess, because when this bites, you know that the President just trumped Ivanka for In Stellar We Trust.

Money has to be backed by something right? Sure it does, well it doesn't as the dollar is backed by jack and shit, but the Stellar Note is backed by the stuff that dreams are made of. Yes stardust dreams, the stuff that men sell their souls for, and we are not talking about blonde pussy nethers either, we are talking about gold, silver and gold in those great secure vaults on the Moon and Mars.

Our vaults are full of gold and silver off planet and it is all  In Stellar We Trust.

a group of meteorites came from Mars. As such, they represent actual samples of the planet and have been analyzed on Earth by the best equipment available. In these meteorites, called SNCs, many important elements have been detected. Magnesium, Aluminium, Titanium, Iron, and Chromium are relatively common in them. In addition, lithium, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, niobium, molybdenum, lanthanum, europium, tungsten, and gold have been found in trace amounts

Among the moon’s vast riches: gold, cobalt, iron, palladium, platinum, tungsten and Helium-3, a gas that can be used in future fusion reactors to provide nuclear power without radioactive waste. “We went to the moon 50 years ago, yet today we have more computing power with our iPhones than the computers that sent men into space,” Jain said. “That type of exponential technological growth is allowing things to happen that was never possible before.”

See you are still doubting me, as this is too big for your little portfolio minds to comprehend to be true, but you missed the above, so I will requote what the Railroads did and what QE is doing.

They created money by drawing and offering bills of exchange backed by the present value of the new capital the bills were financing: future increases in production instead of past reductions in consumption.

Translated for your little minds............they create money based on gold in the vaults of Mars and the Moon, based on the promise that the ores will be mined when we get there, and that ore will be the property of the miners and the Stellar will be used to redeem that gold in the future.

See the cartel now has an offer it can not resist, as this is quadrillions of dollars every quarter, not just over 6000 years of human slavery. Now what Jewish Shylock could turn that down? What Donald Trump could turn this down? Hell, Donald Trump with no winds on Mars can build himself a real Trump Tower, a mile high tower, out of Martian steel, and all that dirt for concrete, a real monument to Barron's great grandchildren, who will say, "Yes the world was imploding.........

The market wants to crash because the global economy is rolling over. Trump certainly doesn’t want to take the blame. In fact, he’s the master at shifting the blame to others. If the market starts crashing, why wouldn’t he blame Warren and then aggressively force it lower so voters feel real pain? I know I would. That’s how you win elections. Trump is a winner—consequences be damned. Are Trump’s incentives about to change?

 ....but Groß,
Groß, Vatter Donald saved the world by convincing the Shylocks in the cartel the art of the deal in solar system banking and Aunt Ivanka's  fake tits did not get in the way.


Ivanka's tits are big, but they can not be banked on.

See there was not a zero before the Arabs created it. Imagine Zerohedge without the zero. Yes we are saved by zero, we zero out debt by the Überbank which backs all debt in assuming it on gold revenues in the Stellar Note. 

See this is too big of a deal for the cartel to not take it up and run with it. See this poor orphan girl just saved you and your portfolios, saved Donald Trump, gave increased value to Ivanka's ample fake breasts, and has afforded the cartel the opportunity to control a coming trillion people in enslaving them.

I know how ashamed you are for not supporting this blog as you should have. I just know it and thanks be to Inspiration from God in solving this simple economic problem the Shylocks created.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
