As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was thinking about Dodge pickups due to reading the history of World War II. While the Willys Jeep gained fame, it was Dodge pick ups to half ton to one and three quarter ton which won the war. The Dodge was what carried all those Russian rape cocks into Germany as Russia had nothing but American transport.
The Dodge was a magnificent creation of war, because it ran from the Arctic to the desert heat of Africa. That is what is amazing in all of this, in Ford produced the first pickups in the Model A and T, but Dodge is the company that took over and built the heavy equipment for war.
This opened up the market for GI's returning from the war, and into 1970 Dodge had numerous models of trucks and pickups for consumers, but God only knows why in that period, the farmers and ranchers who stayed home, kept on buying Ford pickups and trucks out of Minneapolis to make them the number one selling truck in America, supplanting the Dodge.
My Grampa had a Dodge pick up, and old beat up thing which I am going to have to track down when I have the big donations. Otherwise it was Fords and Chevys which prevailed. I remember my Uncle always had a Chevy, while my dad had Fords, until he bought a 1970 Ford half ton, and he said, "That is the first pick up I ever owned'.
In my world, a pick up was not a pick up, but a thing you rodded the hell out of. You chased cattle with them in lieu of a horse, you hauled grain in them to bow the springs and you just put things into them that people who had sense would never try. I remember my dad used to put those big round bales in his half ton Fords and they never balked in the least.
I own GMC's and honestly, they are a good pick up, and I think as good as Ford makes, but Ford does not make pick ups like they used to from 1948 to 1978. Those vehicles you could not destroy and we tried time and again from parents to children.
Which brings me to the Dodge, as our neighbor Butch had a Power Wagon. A big nasty looking, baby blue thing, with grip tires. That thing looked like it just ran over Nazi's that morning. Those were solid vehicles those Dodges from the late 1960's. That is why when our other neighbor who was a Plymouth and Dodge man purchased one of the few pick ups I ever saw again as a Dodge, I was not impressed with that maroon looking thing.
I was even less impressed when I noted the dude had hauled cattle in that pick up and the bed warped. You could drop a tractor into a Ford and not dent it. That Dodge also when we were playing with it spinning tires developed some problem which it started making noise in the engine or clutch. That cured me of Dodge's and I never wanted one.
Then Dodge started appearing again, when Ford fucked things up for themselves. I never would own a Chevy if I could help it. Those things bent and I bent a friend of my brother's Chevy 4 x 4 while deer hunting. All I did was take a dip a little fast as it was fun, and it bent the hood......sort of like jammed the shock into the hood. Chevy is not a pick up. They are cars......and old Ford cars had more pick up in them than Chevy ever had.
I checked out a Dodge pick up that a deputy shot the owner of, and when I lifted the hood, it was like plastic which made me wince. I have asked people who have Dodge's and they like them. Hell my neighbor's wife has a Dodge and she rods the hell out of that Ram going on now for 5 years and has not blown it up or taken out a transmission, so as Terrorists can not be wrong about Toyotas, my wild neighbors with two kids in the pen for dope sales, sure can be right about Dodge Rams.
That got me nostalgic for a Dodge and when a big donation comes in, after we get our place, I fully intend to get an old before my time pick up with a carb on it. Those Dodge though have like 400 engines in them, so that ought to suck gas like a hole in the tank. It is though something I want in a vehicle that I can leave sit in the shed for a year and then go out there and start it. My dad's old Ford would sit there forever and some stupid kid like me would decide to crank it up in the snow bank when he was not home and it would start like it was summer. Those 360 engine Ford put out were amazing. Ford had lots of amazing engines until they fucked them up. The 289 was a pretty dream. The 351 Cleveland and the 429 Interceptor was great engines. Last engine Ford put out that was any good was that 300 that UPS used to run in all their trucks.
For me though I have a dream to something, and if it is a Dodge 4 x 4 from when America was still a smoldering Republic of the 1960's, I will be content to have that. I just need something to get through snow. I sort of trained TL now on our errands to town that we take the slow way home in the country, instead of the highway. That gets most interesting with that 2 wheel drive GMC I have. I don't like having a one lane track through 2 feet drifts 100 yards long. Sure I have a cell, but no one to call, and these urbanites living in country plots are never home, and the farmers aren't either, so being stuck in below zero weather is not something I take a shine to.
TL says though TL has evolved in TL is the one who usually tells me "You can make it" when it is some Russian swamp we are looking at that used to be a road. I would be a great deal braver if I forgot how being covered with mud is in being stuck.
It is the plan to get some geezer pick up in the future as I need something to run when the nukes go off. So many people are going to be hoofing it when all those electronics burn out, and unfortunately my GMC suffers from the same condition, even if I admire that pick up for being faithful in never letting me down, even when I abuse it chasing cattle. You can always tell how good a pick up, in chasing wild cattle. If they hold up to that, they will hold up to anything.
That is your education for the day on Dodge, the once great rape cock transport which for some reason never manifested. Maybe someday when we have time, I will take TL in for an adventure of test driving some Dodge Ram, just to see what the hell the things drive like. I just would that it was a 1966 Ford as I know I can not destroy them.
Sorry Hans, I have my standards, after being
raped by Russians in FDR's lend lease of Dodge trucks