Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The United States will loose under Trump to Macro Warfare


 ...and Daddy Pompeo sat me on his knee, gave me candy, and said.....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The United States has a Jewish problem and it manifested in the attack upon the Saudi Aramco oil facilities in the kingdom.
What has been touted as an attack by Iran, is more an attack by state sponsored terrorists of Yemen, inside of Iraq. as the warheads came north and west, and that is Iraq, but the question is what are terrorists doing in Iraq in the first place, and more to the point, these were indeed Iranian produced weapon's systems.

If you study the photo below, you will note almost 4 mirror image detonation points on these oil storage tanks. This is a remarkable achievement by Iranian munitions.

For the record, this is American technology, which Jews acquired, sold back to America, and then did not safeguard it, in allowing a drone to be shot down over Iran, where Iran back engineered this high technology. It was the golden goose handed to Iran in taking them from the camel age to the space age. Tel Aviv should have destroyed this drone at all costs, but instead advanced Tehran into the space age to attack the United States.

The source of the holes in these tanks are Iranian weapon's systems due to Jews not protecting American technology. This is a major problem for the United States of America.

Mohajer-6 carries 2, Qaem TV/IR-guided missiles.

Shahbed - 129 based on the Jewish Hermes, which Iran shot down and back engineered. 100 kilo payload, 3000 kilometer range.

Iran has been busy in converting their heavy atomic weapons to Dr. Khan cone shaped warheads for a number of years. The above weapon systems are capable of not only delivering biological and chemical weapons, but precision warheads. If Iran could suitcase nuke warheads, this puts entire regimes in the Mideast and the world at risk of decapitation, and moreover, the US Navy in jeopardy as these drones are capable of pinpoint accuracy and capable of eluding US radars.

Iran has a weapon's system that it can fly almost 2000 miles and placed it's weapon's platform consistently in a room size area. That kind of technology would put big holes in royal palaces or jets landing.
Iran due to the Jews has now become a strategic threat to the world. Iran can decapitate governments. Iran could literally launch from a container ship a drone with a biological, fly it 1000 miles to a European or American city, broadcast the payload and fly it back, all under stealth and no one would know until the pandemic appeared.

Surgical strikes used to be the realm of advanced nations, but Iran has stepped through and can literally make 9 11 look like child's play with this kind of accuracy.  Penetraitor type warheads would mean nuclear facilities, including missiles or reactors on Naval ships vulnerable, to these Tehran Tel Aviv drones.

The Jewish IDF should have had a destroy at all costs in these Hermes drones, and whatever idiot American conglomerates ever let this technology out to foreign nations, and have it then sold back to Americans, as these Jewish systems are operating on the US Border, should be indicted on treason, as this tops Bill Clinton sending Boeing to Russia to fix Vladimir Putin's Sunburn supersonic missile which could not hit anything. After Boeing fixed the gyro, the Sunburn became an American aircraft carrier non nuclear weapon destroyer.

The United States is facing Macro Warfare, where small systems are capable of doing billions of dollars in damage for an expenditure terror states can afford. The United States will lose to Macro Warfare as this is the warfare that Adolf Hitler dreamed of in the V rockets, as the Iranian Jewish systems have proved fly through the window accurate.
This one attack by Iranian proxies will cost the United States and Europe citizens trillions of dollars, while making a fortune to buy gold for Iran and Russia.

The epitaph of this all is, this was bought and paid for by Barack Obama dumping money into Iran, who then built Jewish drones on American technology which should have never left the United States, and Donald Trumps, Treasury Secretary got John Bolton fired, because Steve Mnuchin wanted 30 pieces of silver in trading with Iran.,.

Three years of Trump policy on Iran, and Donald Trump fires the Conservative who said Iran was a danger, and Iran now has Jewish drones which are the most lethal weapons on earth in Macro Warfare.

Yeah, you listened to Pompeo and Mnuchin in digging this hole, Donald.

Nuff Said
