Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Trump's Campaign Manager Linked to Felons

No I don't know why the FBI would be following me.....


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What Donald Trump and Jared Kushner have done in selling your private information is a violation of the sacred trust of a political party. The problem in this is thought that Donald Trump, Katie Walsh, Brad Parscale, Jared Kushner are not Republicans.

New details are emerging connected to the quid pro quo of Brad Parscale, the data miner who joined Jared Kushner to suppress the Black vote in America in 2016. Besides being racist, it was an action which literally almost cost Donald Trump the election as Blacks voted in great numbers for Donald Trump.
Kushner bragged about this vote suppression early, but soon enough started blaming others, but this racism came from Kushner and Parscale, and now we have discovered a cash payment of 10 million dollars to Parscale after the election for Parscale's data mining company.

Parscale told 60 Minutes in 2017 that he had received an email through his company in 2015 to make a website for Trump’s presidential run and he agreed to do it for $1,500. By the time the election was over, Parscale sold his business CloudCommerce for $10 million.

And where is your rich Republican money going? Why to Florida condos, Range Rovers and Florida mansions. Americans can not afford to miss a pay check, and Donald Trump's not Republican campaign manager is blowing money like a crack whore.

This year alone he’s bought a $2.4 million waterfront mansion in Fort Lauderdale, a $78,300 BMW, and a $146,000 Range Rover, according to the Daily Mail. This was just months after Parscale and his wife had spent $2 million on condos in the Fort Lauderdale area

All of this centers around your trust in Donald Trump in 2016, and how Brad Parscale and Jared Kushner then marketed that trust in your private banking data and internet choices in surfing. to target you.
There are now two competing factions with your data in Kushner's Goat Boy, Gerrit Lansing running WinRed, and this Parscale Asian Morman entity of CloudCommerce. The net result is you are not getting jack or shit, and millions of dollars are buying and selling your financial data.

The problem in this is, no one knows who the hell Jonathan Lei and Andrew van Noy are. They appear to be sfelon, and there are rumors of stock manipulation of penny stocks, but no one knows where in hell all of this money came from and more to the point, this sale of your private data.
These are two players, who have are involved in hedge fund money. Hence the possible source, but like Jeffrey Epstein's interesting finances which appeared out of nowhere, this kind of money dumped on Brad Parscale, looks a great deal like a money laundering payment from an intelligence service or a foreign nation trying to curry favor or blackmail status on a US political candidate.

Associated Press reported that Jonathan Lei, the former CEO of the company when it operated under a different name, was the subject of an FBI sting operation in 2006, and later pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit securities fraud. And according to court filings reviewed by WIRED, current CloudCommerce CEO Andrew Van Noy settled a real estate fraud suit in 2010 alleging he accepted $100,000 to buy property in Park City, Utah, and instead spent it on his "personal uses." In a 2010 bankruptcy filing reviewed by WIRED, Van Noy also reported just over $16,000 in annual income, while his LinkedIn profile reflects that at that time, he was working at Morgan Stanley, managing "over $300 million dollars worth of transactions."

The Lame Cherry has been warning all of you, as you are non donors who left me by the side of the road, in there is something morally wrong with what is taking place, here and if this was investigated there would be criminal charges in sweetheart deals. We know for certain now that Brad Parscale and Jared Kushner are involved with two Asian sounding individuals that the FBI was setting a sting up on, and another is a felon.
These are not people who you want having your personal data. None of us who voted for Donald Trump ever did so, that our data could be mined and sold, and marketed, so Brad Parscale has already been paid over seven million dollars this year for your credit card information by the RNC.

According to the Daily Mail, Parscale also earns a percentage of all contributions to the Trump 2020 re-election campaign, and from the Republican National Committee which has paid his company Parscale Digital $7.3 million so far this year.

The Lame Cherry again calls for the Attorney General to investigate both the RNC and DNC over this and for the Federal Election Commission to ban all commerce, trade and selling of political party lists as this is private data, and the many are being sold by the few.

There is one certainty in this, none of us want felons having our personal data, and Donald Trump needs to be asked about this by his Four Fairies of Levin, Limbaugh, Hannity and Carlson, as this looks crooked as hell and if this President will not protect his own voters, then what does that say about the entire farce of Donald John Trump.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
