Todah Sayun Schiff
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As more information assembles in the Impeachment of Donald Trump, this is becoming more entertaining in the Lame Cherry is being proven absolutely correct in Donald Trump was not guilty of anything impeachable, as Donald Trump was running an intelligence sting with himself as bait to indict the coup plotters. With Jeffrey Epstein dead, the next weak link is Joe Biden.
In the study of this, another weak link and mind is Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi has violated all protocols for impeachment. There has to be a VOTE by all members to open an Impeachment Inquiry. The reason Ms. Pelosi is not calling for a vote is she does not have enough democrats to vote to open an inquiry. That is why she is centralizing power in the City State conspirators of Los Angeles, San Francisco etc.. in an attempt to turn the House into a Kangaroo Court.
That is the hidden fact in this, there are a dozen democrats who would not vote for impeachment inquiry at this point, because they would be destroyed next year in the elections.
So Ms. Pelosi is with another John Brennan - Birther Obama coup to split the democratic party to railroad Donald Trump to another searching inquiry as with Robert Mueller's failed framing of the President, as Russiagate, the President's taxes have failed, and now this scripted conversation Mr. Trump had with Ukraine, is the focus.
The evidence is confirming what the Lame Cherry first reported in Donald Trump knew this was coming. The phone call was in July, the set up of false information to the snowflake CIA agent went into August, where the House changed the rules of Whistleblower from first hand information to rumors, and with that, a very legal document appeared, authored by lawyers, appeared before the #NeverTrumpers of democrat Adam Schiff of the House in California and rhino Richard Burr of North Carolina.

Nancy Pelosi - Adam Schiff
From my experience, such an extremely polished whistleblowing complaint is unheard of. This document looks as if this leaker had outside help, possibly from congressional members or staff.
Moreover, it looks like more than a coincidence that this complaint surfaced and was directed to the House Intelligence Committee just after Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), an outspoken opponent of President Trump, expressed numerous complaints in August 2019 accusing President Trump of abusing aid to Ukraine to hurt Joe Biden. This includes an August 28 tweet that closely resembled the whistleblowing complaint.
In some in depth investigative reporting, Huffington Post is reporting that the Whistler after being fed fake reports from White House staff, he went to the CIA's top attorney. This sent off a chain of notifications where numerous legal authorities were made aware of the Ukrainian phone call. This went up the chain of command to Attorney General William Barr was briefed.
Remember this in everyone from the CIA, the White House to DOJ legal oversight was made aware of the Whistler in what the President was engaged in.
Remember that point as it is vital in this, as Rudy Giuliani is now speaking of his part in this and it is most interesting as it just forced a John McCain associate at State to resign.
White House Knew Of CIA Whistleblower Before He Filed Formal ...
The CIA officer who filed the whistleblower complaint about President Donald Trump's interactions with his Ukrainian counterpart first reported his concerns to the CIA's top lawyer, who then shared his concerns with White House and Justice Department officials, The New York Times reported Thursday night.
The week after the call, the CIA officer anonymously shared “a somewhat broad accusation” with CIA general counsel Courtney Simmons Elwood, the Times reported. Government policy required that Elwood determine whether there was a “reasonable basis” for the anonymous accusation. Elwood consulted with deputy White House counsel John Eisenberg, who was already aware of concerns about the July 25 call, according to the Times.After discussing it with their deputies, Elwood and Eisenberg decided the accusations were reasonable. On Aug. 14, they spoke to John Demers, the head of the Justice Department’s national security division, who went to the White House the next day to read the transcript of the call. Demers decided to tell Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and Brian Benczkowski, the head of the Justice Department’s criminal division, the Times reported. Around this time, Attorney General William Barr — a Trump loyalist who “appears to be involved” in the Ukraine scandal, according to the whistleblower complaint — was briefed on the existence of the accusations.As the number of people who learned about the sensitive allegations swelled — the Times report mentions eight people, including Elwood — the CIA officer became worried the agency wasn’t taking the matter seriously. On Aug. 12, about two weeks after he anonymously alerted Elwood, the officer filed a formal whistleblower complaint to the intelligence community inspector general, a process that provided him with special legal protections.
In the backdrop of the Ukraine phone call, there was in play a McCain special ambassador working as an envoy for President Donald Trump in Ukraine. His name is Kurt Volker.
Kurt Volker - John McCain
Ukraine envoy Kurt Volker resigns amid Trump controversyFormer U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Kurt Volker will be deposed by multiple House committees next week. Sept. 27 (UPI) -- …
What Rudy Giuliani is stating for the record, and he has the emails and records to back up what he is stating, is that before Donald Trump spoke to the Ukrainian President, and the Ukrainian President brought up Rudy Giuliani's name in the conversation first praising him, is that Giuliani had been asked by the State Department to make contact and glean information concerning the Hillary Clinton - Crowdstrike framing of Russia as hackers when it was Seth Rich of the DNC who copied the files for Wikileaks, and Joe Biden threatening Ukraine by blackmailing Ukraine to fire their Prosecutor who was investigating Crowdstrike and Joe Biden's boy for crimes.
Birther Hussein Obama signed off on Biden's blackmail and was colluding with Hillary Clinton in Crowdstrike to blame Russia and frame Donald Trump.
It was John McCain's representative, Kurt Volker who was running this outreach to Ukraine. This all hearkens back to John Solomon reporting at the Hill, and making this known to Sean Hannity, who was engaged in bringing this to Donald Trump's attention that Ukraine was desperately trying to bring evidence to the United States on the Obama Biden Clinton crimes involving Ukraine.
Rudy Giuliani is on the record stating that Director Christopher Wray of the FBI refused to investigate, receive the Ukrainian information and thereby was covering up what had taken place under Director James Comey's nose and Loretta Lynch's Department of Justice, all resonating from John Brennan's CIA.

Directors Mueller, Comey and Christopher Wray
This always comes back to John Ashcroft's boys and every action they have been involved in, all of it resonates to the Carolina Mafia and their protecting the Missing Link in Russiagate.
Rudy Giuliani's involvement came directly from former CIA Director's and now Sec. of State Mike Pompeo's CIA, as it appears John McCain's Kurt Volker was the source of this intelligence operation outreach.
Volker has now resigned, whether fact or not, Mike Pompeo has given himself cover in stating that he is furious with Volker.
With each day, contrary to Mark Levin's bitching in no one is investigating this story, there are vital pieces of information which are more importantly proving the Lame Cherry was ahead of everyone again on this story in being right.

Rudy Giuliani
Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani lashed out at the State Department, demanding its representative for Ukraine negotiations “step forward” and admit he was working for the department.
Pointing to text messages he purportedly shared with U.S. special representative for Ukraine negotiations Kurt Volker, Giuliani insisted that the messages prove that his Aug. 2 Madrid meeting with President Volodymyr Zelensky’s adviser Andriy Yermak wasn’t a “direct follow-up” to Trump’s call but instead set up by State.
“Are you concerned that you are unnecessarily dragging his name into this?” Fox host Laura Ingraham asked.
“He should step forward and explain what he did,” Giuliani responded. “The whistleblower falsely alleges that I was operating on my own. Well, I wasn’t operating on my own!”
Giuliani went on to claim that he spoke to Volker eight times and that the State Department “basically knew everything I was doing,” further stating that he was sent one message where the department gave him a “big thank-you.”
It was this same FBI stonewalling and cover up in Russiagate as in Impeachmentgate. This blog has told you that from the start of this, this was an intelligence operation and a much bigger intelligence operation, which had John Brennan and James Comey chasing their tails, as Peter Strzok was more than an FBI counter intelligence officer, Strzok was working for some ultra secretive Internal Affairs group. They have told you time and again what they were looking for, and that is who was running the operation which involved leftists Edward Snowden, Chuck Manning and Julian Assange in the Deny Hillary the Presidency.
I have told you time and again, Robert Mueller was protecting the Missing Link who was control on this operation, and once it was discerned the ML was safe, Mueller shut down the investigation. I will remind everyone when I started posting on this Mueller operation, he quit. When Jerome Corsi's suit and defense were going to discover the ML, it was what shut down Mueller's witch hunt as protector of America.
This has been so big of an operation in embarrassment, that the FBI and DOJ have done everything they could to cover up what had taken place in this mole running this operation within the deep state against the deep state.
I have not written of this in detail in who ran this operational structure, but the answer to this is in Volker's bio and his associate, Gordon Sondland and their other associate from Germany progressing sodomite protections globally.
Kurt Volker and wife, Ia Meurmishvili
Volker began his career in foreign affairs as an analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency in 1986.
Volker was special assistant to the United States special envoy for Bosnia negotiations, Richard Holbrooke.
He then became executive director of Arizona State University's McCain Institute for International Leadership]when it was launched in 2012.
In addition, Volker is a member of the Atlantic Partnership with such luminaries as Senator Sam Nunn, Dr Henry Kissinger, former Secretary of Defense William Cohen, and Lord Powell of Bayswater among others.

Gordon Sondland
Sen. Wyden suggested that Sondland’s "family history is both fascinating and instructive as to why he has the experience and understanding to serve as the U.S. Ambassador to the E.U.," noting how his Jewish parents fled Nazi Germany before coming to the United States.

Richard Grenell
Together with U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, Sondland has spoken out against the Nordstream 2 pipeline project,
The undercurrents of this have the same whiffs of all of this intrigue. There are numbers of people looking for something in Trump Inc and numbers of people inside the DOJ, CIA and FBI who are hiding that something.
“There’s a reason I’m in the middle of this and it emerges from the corruption of how they tried to hide this for years, including trying to cover up Biden for years,” Giuliani, who won’t say if he has a security clearance, declared. “I got this because the FBI wouldn’t take it.”
After claiming that he now gets a “visceral reaction” to Biden and doing a weird impersonation of Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), Giuliani was once again asked why he was working with State rather than the FBI or the Department of Justice.
“For a year and a half, [Ukrainians] were trying to get these—this information to the FBI but they weren’t interested,” the former New York City mayor alleged. “They even hired a lawyer in America. They even gave it to several U.S. attorneys.”
Giuliani, at the same time, repeatedly insisted that he “didn’t reach out to the State Department,” prompting Ingraham to ask if Giuliani was acting as Trump’s “personal representative interfacing with State” or as a “kind of a pseudo-government emissary working to ferret out corruption in the Ukraine.”
“They asked me if I would take a call from Yermak and if I would meet with him, and I did and I reported it back to them, and the conversation was completely normal,
And as you ponder the facts, observe this fact, that by "accident" someone mailed the talking points about Biden to the democrats. Joe Biden keeps telling everyone that this has nothing to do with him and is only about Donald Trump, and yet at every turn, someone inside Trump Trans they are leaking fake information to a CIA leftist and just as Uncle Joe feigns innocence, here comes a mysterious memo to democrats, featuring Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.
Just think this all began when Joe Biden went homophobic in covering up Barack Obama being a bisexual in his liaison with Lawrence Sinclair, in Biden engineered framing Mr. Sinclair to silence this innocent man, and for that rewarded the Vice Presidency in his co conspirator Barry Soetoro.
Such a tangled web woven.
Pelosi knows that this is a political disaster and her party would shut her down, but she is outflanking democrats on this Webster Griffin Tarpley predicted splitting of the DNC into a Trump Socialist and Obama Marxist party, by forging ahead this impeachment trap.
Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. Others suck you in with the partisan diversions, but this poor orphan girl is providing the real information of what is taking place.
Time Magazine
Nuff Said