Sunday, September 22, 2019
You can own a just can't have a gun....
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was reading the comments of outdoors people concerning gun confiscation, and they of course were still stuck in the dinosaur age of though in thinking they could outwit the regime when AR 15's come into focus by saying they lost the weapons in the lake.
Others claimed the government would go door to door and there would be blood baths. Still others would rally in the streets or internet, but how convenient for felons to log their ISP's or gather in mobs of thousands so the BATFE could just put up barricades and order people to surrender for detention and processing.
The government will not need to go door to door. The majority of AR's are registered. A buy back will begin the process. What will follow is the felony phase. The felony phase would employ notices to your employers, your Social Security benefits, along with your bank and credit cards being frozen.
At that phase, you will be required to produce the firearm or a foreclosure procedure to recoup those losses, along with holding you responsible for that "lost" weapon financially if it appears in harming someone.
There are radars which can penetrate underground storage areas in barrels or vaults which will discover your lost weapons, and then as a felon, you will be guilty of lying to the government.
The above though is the diversion, as the real target will be making it legal to hold sellers and buyers financially responsible for any harm that firearm produces, or the costs of authorities trying to track down your stolen firearm.
A 20,000 dollar police bill for investigating a stolen firearms is a sticker shock people will realize.
But none of this is to worry, as the President is building new nut houses to house all of you, after Homeland gets greenlighted to open your medical files, and doctors and EVERYONE are legally bound to report anyone who is distressed, disturbed or depressed, prescribed brain pharms and a nice rubber room is awaiting you.
Those are just some thoughts, along with how many of you have ex somethings, or liberal relatives or people who do not like you, who likes Jews with orange marmalade would turn each other in for some jelly. A thousand dollar reward for turning in a gun felon is the right kind of incentive and all of these gun boobs have been buying magazines, leaving trails online and there is not any getting away from the national gun registry.
So just so you know, the regime is not going to come door to door. They will send written summons to your money sources and you will not be able to buy, sell or trade as a felon.
Finally, how about this one in a Well Regulated Militia, in we're not saying you can't own a gun, but that you just can't keep a gun in your home, as they all must be placed in armories in your town, locked safely away for a time of national emergency.
You have not seen the beginning of this yet.
Nuff Said