Lovin' the sweet Mounds Bar
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In Ronald Kessler's book on the Secret Service, his main theme is imploring someone to fix the Secret Service as they are not protecting people well enough. There is much in the written between the lines, but there is an element of the Pet Negro as this was written during Obama's tenure, but something else is taking place which is beyond the Secret Service inner sanctum.
For background on this, after 9 11, Gary Hart had already composed the Patriot Act. It was in that era that the deep state coined the phrase as Homeland, which is a Nazi term. A new department appeared defined as the Department of Homeland Security, but if you look at Homeland it is an empty nest of a bureaucracy.
It was into this that Secret Service was removed from the Treasury Department, SS has always been odd too in protecting the President, but dealing in counterfeiting. It is akin to the BATFE, which is Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. It was a tax department as was the SS in it's beginning, looking for taxes and currency.
The Secret Service is the orphan child of Homeland. It's inner sanctum was mismanaged when Kessler wrote the expose. It's people are top notch, much like the Homeland Agents who interviewed me were skilled at their work, as much as the US Marshalls are. This the framework to understand the oddities which Ronald Kessler mentions, but does not provide any sound reasoning behind, as the Secret Service was deliberately endangering candidates.
This begins with Barack Hussein Obama, who Mr. Kessler notes was the earliest protected candidate ever. Obama's protection began on May 3rd, 2007 AD in the year of our Lord. Other candidates did not receive protection as in 2004 until the year of the election.
Obama was 18 months out, not yet a candidate, and yet he was being protected as Michelle was being protected on February 2, 2008 AD in the year of our Lord.
Mr. Kessler notes that only two people can authorize protection for a political candidate, and that is the President and the Director of Homeland Security. In 2007, that means it was either George W. Bush or Director Michael Chertoff who authorized the Secret Service.
Mr. Kessler makes a great deal of noise about threats against Obama, but the fact is there never was one credible threat against Barack Hussein Obama. There were people mouthing off about what they would do, but there was never a case of any racist based violent attacks against Birther Hussein, as was the case with the real attacks which John Kennedy, Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan faced.
Michael Chertoff (born 1953) | February 15, 2005 | January 21, 2009 | 3 years, 341 days | Republican | New Jersey | George W. Bush (Rep) |
Yet in this, something does not fit, as Ronald Kessler goes on to mention that Birther Hussein and Joe Biden were both exposed needlessly to danger. These were stand down orders by supervisors at events such as Dallas. The proof is no one ever went active against Obama, but the same holes appeared when leftists produced knives against Donald Trump.
What is the thread through this is, it appears as when George W. Bush had a grenade thrown at him, that the Secret Service from inside was told to stand down, meaning the screening ended.
This never happened with the Clintons, so the question is why were these holes opened and why was it that either George Bush who Obama stated he hated, or Michael Chertoff were initiating resources to protect Obama whose only threats were ramped up frauds, who would never carry them out.
Remember in this that President George W. Bush, allowed Al Franken to steal the election in Minnesota to give Obama a bullet proof majority for Obamacare dictatorship. Again, after the dust settled Al Franken was exposed and removed for being a sex bully, and someone is still trying to resurrect this old deviant.
In criminal investigation the interactions are what produce the associates, and the fact is George W. Bush helped for the deep state to implement the seizure of the US economy in Obamacare by not stopping the election theft by Al Franken, who later rose as Hillary Clinton's attack dog against Donald Trump.
Yet at the same reality of the coup to remove Vice President Dick Cheney so leftist Colin Powell would be Bush's Vice President, there are the Ronald Kessler facts that someone like in Dallas 1963, was ordering John Kennedy to be exposed.
David John Oats in Reverse Speech and Jim Marrs on the Rense program laid out evidence that this assassination was Mosaad related, and that Dwight Eisenhower, Prescott Bush, Lyndon Johnson and J Edgar Hoover all signed off on the cover up. In short, while the European cartel were punishing the Clintons for cheating them out of uranium deals by installing Birther Hussein to steal the election from John McCain, there were forces involved who appear to have been targeting Joe Biden and Barack Hussein Obama for removal.
In projecting this out, if Obama was removed, then the VP spot opens up. If Biden was removed, then the VP spot opens up too. Like with Colin Powell in the Patrick Fitzgerald deep state coup against Dick Cheney, there was a group who wanted someone to be put into that Vice President slot.
In either situation, who would Barack Obama or Joe Biden pick, but the obvious successor who had Bernie Sanders throwing the race for her, and that is Hillary Clinton. After the coup against Richard Nixon, it was Nelson Rockefeller who was the Vice President under Gerald Ford. It was from the VP position that Bush41 worked Iran Contra for Ronald Reagan's impeachment, and the bizarre assassination scenario of Ronald Reagan, by Bush family friend, John Hinkley, who was linked to the MI6 Iranian communists and had been stalking both Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan.
It appears as there were liberal forces opposing Hillary Clinton in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord to stop her stealing the White House, there have been forces who attempted to frame Donald Trump to turn him into Barack Obama nazism. In the prelude to all of this though is Ronald Kessler's observations why the Secret Service was leaving gaps as with Ronald Reagan on the day he was shot and a shot rang out from behind him in the hotel, as someone wanted that VP slot opened up for their unelected candidate.
It is evident that Bush and Chertoff were protecting Obama for their faction. Obama's original role was to supplant Jesse Jackson to steer the plantation votes for Hamrod, but the cartel had other scenarios as Obama was their looter they were going to put into the White House.
As Ronald Kessler notes, others were attempting to put Hillary Clinton into the White House or John McCain.
It is of interest in this intrigue that McCain did not protection but was forced into it. He knew no one was going to harm him and in that no one was going to harm Obama, yet holes appeared in his protection, so someone who was not Bush family protecting Obama, was hoping a nut would be the final solution. John McCain had to have SS protection as a cover, or in the investigation the question would arise why McCain never felt threatened, and in racially stoked nation that was not a spark the deep state cared to have ignited.
I will not provide the answers in this, as I do not intend to have an accident as my drone circles overhead recording it all for the elite to masturbate to. The answers though are in the above in the known associates in what was being carried out. There apparently is an open season rule in the deep state cartel, that every candidate is a target if they can get lucky by going through an open hole. They can not send in a hitter, but they can manufacture a Manchurian and if they succeed then it is an acceptable outcome.
When one has this kind of money and intelligence connections, those in absolute power expect their chosen leaders in power and will accept nothing else.
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Once again this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said