Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Blind Putin Bluff

Ya ne vizhu ni cherta

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not have much support for most of the con game which President Donald Trump runs out of the White House, but there is a reality in the Trump position in withdrawing the United States from a Dwight Eisenhower idea of Open Sky Spying which was implemented by George HW Bush with Russia and other nations, which those who are attacking Donald Trump are too flat brain to comprehend.

Bolton Is Gone, But His Garbage Ideas Aren’t

By Daniel Larison

The Open Skies Treaty is one of the least controversial treaties that the U.S. is a party to, but for someone like Bolton any multilateral treaty that requires anything of the U.S. is anathema. The treaty is a useful mechanism for stabilizing relations between the U.S., Russia, and our European allies. There is absolutely no good reason for the U.S. to abandon this treaty, and the U.S. stands to lose if Trump follows through on his willingness to withdraw from it

The Lame Cherry begins this with the era that President Eisenhower conceived of this Cold War tension reducing overture to the Soviet Union, and that was the reality that  spy satellites were not part of surveillance as they did not exist. In the HW Bush era, when the treaty was created, the Cold War had ended and the United States and Russia had stopped pointing nuclear missiles at each other, under President Boris Yeltsin.

The Trump era is different, due to the problems created by HW Bush's allies, Bill Clinton not able to reign in the nation rapists aimed at Russia, Bush43 creating absolute distrust of America and Obama reinforcing the belief that America could not be trusted.

The treaty is an idea from an era of 70 years ago and implemented when Russia and America were working together. The treaty is ridiculous in one nation must give another nation 3 days notice, before they fly over another nation.
24 hours before a flight begins, an actual flight plan is submitted.

The reality is that Russia or America could hide anything the other was looking for in 72 hours.

A country that has signed onto the treaty must give another treaty-bound nation at least 72-hours notice that it plans to conduct an overflight, and each country must accept a certain quota of overflights based on how geographically big it is.
So, if the Russian Air Force wanted to fly above the most sensitive US military installations, it would give its American counterparts that advance notice. Then, 24 hours before the overflights are to begin, Russia would have to give the US its flight plan so the plane can be tracked accordingly.

It is as Senator Tom Cotton states, the United States could spend the millions of dollars directed toward Open Skies to surveillance which would discover things Russia does not want America to see.

First, as Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) articulated on Tuesday, the US could spend its money elsewhere. After all, the US has many spy satellites in space so the utility of spending money to fly creaking planes for days over Russian and other territory doesn’t make much sense, the treaty’s critics say. The fiscal year 2019 defense appropriations had $146 million earmarked to begin buying new equipment for the program.

Russia cheats on this treaty which is their right and they should. The biggest problem in this though is those who like General James Mattis complain about the need for over flights, are the same Pentagon advocates who claim doom and gloom in Syria in Trump withdrawal. See, there are Generals who get to run these programs who in rewarding the military industrialist, get to retire to huge salaries after the military.
There is always a dire need with billions of dollars in taxpayer money at stake for military programs which have absolutely not any value in protecting the United States.

Second, many say Russia is cheating as a treaty member. For example, Russia restricted US overflights of Kaliningrad — the Russian exclave in Europe’s northeast — to 310 miles in the territory and within a six-mile corridor of its border with Georgian conflict zones Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Meanwhile, the US rarely if ever impedes Russia from at least attempting to see what it wants.
That wasn’t much of a concern for former Secretary of Defense James Mattis, though. He told Sen. Deb Fischer (R-NE) in a May 2018 letter that “it is in our Nation’s best interest to remain a party to the Open Skies Treaty” after she complained about Russia’s cheating.
Many experts side with Mattis. “These issues do not rise to the level of a material breach, nor do they justify withdrawal,” Kingston Reif, an expert at the Arms Control Association, told me.

Third, some experts claim the deal helps Russia much more than it helps America. “I’m supportive of leaving” the treaty, Rebeccah Heinrichs, a nuclear expert at the Hudson Institute, told me. “It’s critical to Russia’s intelligence operation which it exploits to our disadvantage. They need it more than we do.”
“Between the technology they use, what they’re looking at, and how they have denied certain overflights over parts of their territory, it does force us to consider that maybe we’re enabling them even as they seek to undermine us,”

It is a different era than President Jimmy Carter relying on electronic intelligence for US surveillance and reducing wetware operatives. The United States in satellite, communication and wetware surveillance in the Trump era is superior to the Carter era failures. Although the Obamaniacs sabotaging Donald Trump are a far greater threat to America than Russians, flying over Russia is a waste of resources, as a satellite is superior with advanced sensors.

Blaming John Bolton for this is a non starter. The reason President Trump is withdrawing America from treaties is the treaties are obsolete, and the United States needs to update it's weapon's systems again, due to stolen technology from the United States by Clinton, Bush and Obama fellow travelers.
The reason President Trump is engaged in these actions are Reaganesque in placing pressure on Russia as Russia can not win a conventional war against the United States, but Russia has created a triad of first strike weapons which include hypersonic nuclear cruise missiles and Cobalt bomb torpedoes.
The United States is evolving it's own hypersonic cruise missiles, and moving to kinetic energy weapons, and dial a nukes for first strikes on Russia, and to neutralize Russia and Chinese hordes in military formations.

Those are answers to Moscow and Peking advancements, but taking away the security of Russia and China in overflights, makes them blind, and pressures them at this juncture to rethink their strategies, to bring them back to arms reduction.

Gulf War I & II, literally changed Russian and Chinese thinking. Both nations had massive formations to deal with, but once America proved in Iraq the power of focused, and quick strikes, both nations reduced their military power to smaller groups. That benefits the United States, and in this sphere of tactical nuclear weapons, the United States is evolving the edge again. By proving to Russia there are penalties to their actions, Russia must realign their actions or face the next generation of combat of robotics which fight 24 7 and kinetic weapons which obliterate like nuclear weapons.

 The removal of Open Skies is a sound negotiating point for the United States. John Bolton was correct and for once Donald Trump is not being led by the Pentagon or the Obama holdovers in his Obama White House. For once, this is a coherent American policy if it is adhered to and progressed.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
