Tuesday, October 15, 2019

In Trump they Trust and Disgust

Kayne do you have a quadroon problem too?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading a commentary in Commentary magazine online, but what looks like a quadroon, named Noah Rothman.
When I read such disjointed and lacking analysis, I always conclude the CIA sure is not getting it's Mockingbird investment money in employing this troll.

One always makes excuses for ethnics like Dinesh D'Souza as Swammie grants buy a whole lot of curry intellect as Alexandria Ocasio Cortez proved until she had to fire her curry nig. But even looking like an ethnic in Noah Rothman appears a debilitating brain disease, as he swings around with what sounds like an intoxicated keyboard landing punches on Donald Trump due to Nationalist Foreign Policies.

The Weakness of a Nationalist President

Confusion masquerading as prudence.

Noah Rothman is the Associate Editor of Commentary and the author of Unjust: Social Justice and the Unmaking of America.

Apparently image of quadroon, was not paying attention to articles which stated, that the majority of Donald Trump's foreign policy intelligence was from Obama holdovers, protected by Herbert McMaster. They were not providing intelligence to the President, and recently at least 2 of them have become involved in whistleblowing, in another coup against Donald Trump, to keep whatever policies that this President is engaged in, from succeeding.

As for the image of quadroon, his damning evidence is focused on North Korea, Syria and Afghanistan......maybe Iran, as I sped read his drunken keyboard rhetoric, as it was so feckless.

As readers here are aware, this blog was the first and continues to be the only site which intelligently lambasts the failings of Donald Trump and Trump Trans. I have explained here exclusively that Syria is about having nuclear Turkey at odds with nuclear Iran ,in Turkey cutting off the Iranian arms flow into Lebanon, as the Saudis and Jews sit on their nuclear arses watching the conflict.

As for Afghanistan, Mike Pompeo is the failure in this, as much as Iran, with Steve Mnuchin. After failing, they returned to John Bolton neocon policies.
As for North Korea, North Korea is never going to give up the bomb, as it would be suicide having Russia, Japan, the United States and China wanting her raw material wealth. Kim Jong Un is not starting a war, is not distributing his nuclear arsenal to terrorists, and nothing has changed in Trump gave Kim the stage, but not what Kim wanted in a peace treaty.

None of this is Nationalist policies of the United States. It is for the most part corporate policies and natural human aggression is thwarting the status quo of Pentagon contracts in stupid American money wasting policies and producing a policy in the Mideast, which was begun under George W. Bush in getting the United States the hell out of the future nuclear holocaust awaiting there after Obama blew the place up.

As for Trump nationalism, his challenging Russia militarily is Cold War doctrine. As for China, being engaged in a trade war, has produced a check on Chicom expansionism.

South America is stagnant and that is not nationalist policy. Trump is behind in Europe as Sebastian Kurz who is a Nationalist invested a year in signing treaties for European trade, and making Africa a 2 billion Negroid consumer market for Asia.

For Americans, the Nazi conglomerate policy to make the American Race a race genocided, in Trump legalizing the invasion in Visa Vermin, is not Nationalist policy, but International Socialist policy. This blog warned everyone of the Socio Conglomerates changing the world. It is a reality which Trump signed onto as this is who put Trump into power, to make his National Socialist rhetoric covered up by Trumps original Populism.
The same scam was played on democrats who believed Obama's propaganda, but all Obama did was in Marxism begin the process of the extermination of the American Race, and being a Shia Sunni nuclear holocaust.

In examining Donald Trump's foreign policy, which has been sabotaged by Obama holdovers, the coup to put a leash on his Populism and the reality that Trump has a Conglomeratist politick, he has done quite well. He has begun no wars. He killed the Kurds called ISIS and stole Syrian oil for Jewish pipelines and European depots.
He attempted to Balkanize all of Europe and it has worked in the short term, but Kurz will return and thwart that policy.
Russia does not want a war with America. China does not yet want a war with America.

For the disaster that Donald Trump inherited in Obama chaos, he has progressed on a number of areas where he could not succeed, as no President is a real leader, and in the end, Donald Trump has not caused a major war, nor has he positioned the United States to be drawn into a major conflict. This is about the best that could be hoped for.
Bush I and II started wars. Clinton started wars. Obama started wars. Trump has not started wars. He has not started any war, and the United States is not in any less secure or worse position in the world.

What Donald Trump is, is the chef who got 30 years of rancid ingredients in a dirty pot, and his seasoning is going to take time to have this offal, bubble to the phase which only time will drag other parties to an American position which is what this is all about.

The Lame Cherry is not a defender of this President as he is not a Nationalist or Populist or a Republican. The Lame Cherry is interested in the Truth though and an uninformed bit of propaganda by a quadroon image, taking the festering pustules Trump received from Obama, Clinton and Bush, and damning Nationalism as the problem, when these are not nationalist policies is just bad propaganda the CIA is not getting it's money's worth out of.

Trump is a great success in slave labor importation. Trump had early success in diving Europe. Trump pulled a few claws out of the Chicom dragon. Trump has Vladimir Putin extending into areas Russia is exposed in, and Trump has contained the Obama festering dramas of Venezuela, Yemen, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria and North Korea.

The United States is bankrupt. It can not intervene in more wars or expanded wars. It can not conscript it's worthless population of fat, snowflake ethnics, who can not speak English to fight those wars. In understanding that, Donald Trump is moving to the future wars, that he, Mike Pence or Ivanka will have to fight with less expensive WMD's in dial a nukes and kinetic weaponry.  The books will probably balance on that other side of this, and perhaps enough White enclaves in America will survive to rebuild this slave nation.

To call this Nationalist policy though is uninformed.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This cannot be dismissed as the result of a quirky neophyte occupying the presidency. This is what a nationalist president’s foreign policy looks like. The absence of cheering throngs in the streets celebrating the president’s actions is evidence that Americans do not, in fact, want to surrender national ambition and the global order to revisionist powers, tinpot dictators, and petty warlords. It is telling that Americans who hunger for a humbler foreign policy are struggling to defend Trump’s effort to realize their goals. After all, the nation has been thoroughly humbled.

PS I offer the CIA the same multi million dollar deal for them to purchase the blog, I will inform the readers I have sold out, provide some Inspiration so they do not go Qanon goofy, and I will then go fishing as I just heard the fishing was good here again.

Nuff Said
