Sunday, October 27, 2019

Glory Dayz

Did I mention how wonderful I am....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is something which I should have spotted, but did not in my personal sphere, as it was much too close and in it was a reality it was so abhorrent that I would never be that way, so it never occured to me even as the mother of the science of Forensic Psychology.

It involves a prick which I have mentioned here previously, in a preacher's son who bullied me when I was 12 and I was told to never get into a fight by the mother, so the kid kept his teeth much to my regret to this day. This though is the Superintendent of schools who I believe flipped me the bird in being the little fag he still is as I was ranting about what a worthless piece of earth he was on two legs.

To background this, he was a Methodist preachers son. Grew up to be a worthless coach. Moved on to con a small town into paying for his doctorate, where he dumped them, and moved onto a larger community.
In essence, the Holy Ghost told me this bully has been hiding like a coward as a preacher's kid or a super all his life, because that is where he had cover in people not beating his ass.

Into this, he set his sights early on a Catholic girl, who he corrupted by getting her top off and other things in parking. Yes the preacher's kid. The girl was a local beauty queen, and he married her, family blah blah blah, as he dragged her around in his quest of conning communities.
In this, she settled into teaching at her parochial school she was raised in. She could have went for more money, but she stayed there apparently doing good in that environment.

That went on, with real estate develoments which went flat and other misadventures for this con man, and then he decided his life was not good enough at 6 figures, the place he raised his kids, would retire to, and he up and moves this past summer to another school district.

That is where this story picks up, as the other night I witnessed him on television. He was featured in a story. For those who do not know television, those stories are either from newspapers or from people calling up and stating there should be a story on this subject. So no shit Charlie Chan Man, the prick literally called up the television station and convinced a frumpy skirt to do a feature on his new school district.
Needless to say, was a boring piece. When I heard the town, I said that is the prick and I bet he will appear, and sure as hell, he made sure he got onto camera twice. Needless to say he is not made for TV, and looked like what he was, the little 5 year old boy, showing the wet spot in his diaper to impress everyone.

Now comes the part I did not comprehend, because it was heinous. This prick never loved the beauty queen. She was window dressing for his validation. His entire existence from the first and last time he tried to bully me, he has been trying to be someone and he knows he is not.
He has dragged this woman around to his con jobs, and literally he shattered their lives, in moving her away from her teaching job to what he deems is his validation. We are not talking New York, Chicago, Kansas City, Dallas, Denver, San Diego mind you in school districts in pecking order. Seriously high paying districts like Minneapolis or Dallas would say, "What the hell district are you in?", as this is a nowhere school in brier patch land, which is not even one of our worthless big cities.

This though is what this prick deems validation, and he had to put himself onto television, so that people would know about it, as no one cared a thing about this person.
I was telling TL in examining this, 90% of the people he graduated with would never have even seen this story as they left the state. Of the 10%, probably 8% did not see it, and of the 2% which would be 2 people, they probably said, "That's that f*cking a**hole I went to school with".

That is the point in this, as other school districts would look at this BS and either be envious in hating this guy or looking at him and wondering why he was grinning over his pile of shit.

It is not in my psyche to be a person who is not validated by God. God is my Center. I would never put TL or children behind a job, but for the decades of this prick's existence, he has always been the little 5 year old twerp looking to be something.....and now he thinks he is something.
Compare this to me in being an international celebrity, quoted in the media, stuff plagiarized all the time, the President has been influenced and counselled by this blog a have other important people, and I would walk away from all of this in an instant, and close down my Homeland drones and Homeland file with pleasure. I'm a mountain compared to this ant hill prick and no one here knows shit about me, because I choose to be anonymous as I do not need the validation.

It just stuns me all of this as I never really examined this prick as he was too close to the source. I could not believe he never loved his wife and would shatter lives to get to a place which everyone reading this would define this position as nothing.

Yet there he was, literally little pink cheeks glowing, the blush of that 5 year old beaming in his having spelled a word right and making sure the world knew it, when the world did not care at all.

In forensic psychology, I already project this out, as this will not fulfill him. He will pretend for a time that others are impressed, but no one will give a damn. This will fade as there is only so much delusion 10 year olds can stomach before they start calling him a prick, like everyone else in the city will. That big empty will whisper to him. He will sit in his office chair leaning back, telling the lies of how accomplished he is, but that whisper will always be there, that he is still that empty little boy who could not measure up to God.
This will eat his ass and by then it will be too late to do anything about it, as he like most prick teachers, who will retire to a pension, and go around bothering polite people, and think all the young women are hot for them and of course everyone thinks their jokes are funny.

The thing is, this is the person people are spending six figure salaries for and entrusting their children to, and at base, he is a 5 year old fuse persona, who cares nothing about his wife, will step on communities to get what he wants, and is a little fag who flips girls the bird for laughing at him.

That is the face of most of the "educational masters" in the United States. Who wants to hang around kids, but those who either want to molest them or are so small themselves that they need to boss kids around to feel superior to.

I'm just stunned by all of this yet, as I knew all the psychosis of trophy wives and the men who torment them, but it never occured to them that this marriage was the case, in a Catholic girl yielding to her husband in good teaching, was enabling the very devil himself.

Mind you I am pleased he is out of the area. The odds are he will implode and then the most interesting situation will appear, in the trophy wife now old and fat assed, will want to return to the peaceful nest she puts on her facebook account, but will that kind of retirement really hold anything in the middle of nowhere.

How does one small fish try and validate themselves in a small bowl which no one cares they are in the water.

Personally after praying as God teaches for this person to repent, I hope that the Great Tribulation and Jesus returns first, as he is not worth watching the meltdown for.

Nuff Said
