As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry is in a series of posts, unveil to you the Truths which you have been hidden from, in America does not suffer from Racism, but instead America is a psychosis of Racial Fetishism or manic sexual attraction based on the color of skin.
Racial fetishism - Wikipedia
Reducing racial fetishism to the phallic drama runs the risk of flattening out the hierarchies of social difference, thereby relegating race and class to secondary status along a primarily sexual signifying chain". Fetishism can take multiple forms and has branched off to incorporate different races.
When you witness the evidence of this, you are going to realize that one of the grandest perpetrators was in front of you, and suffers from cocaine and alcohol addictions too. He is married, has twin daughters, and it is quite hurtful what he has put his wife through.
Yet for years, he has not been able to keep his hands off of Black women.
The Lame Cherry introduces to you, the sexual deviant from the normal, the Racial Fetishist, Negrophilia, George W. Bush.

George W. with another Negro woman in Barack Obama.

And of course the original coming out of the closet with Michelle.

Even with ebola, George can't keep his hands off.

Bush loves disasters as it was his cover for Negrophilia obsession.

Tears tears and more tears and you never find George W. hugging any other race like this.

Any situation where he is in control, he swoops right in.

George likes em big.

And none is bigger than Oprah.

Yes the Bush love.
The household of George HW and Barbara Bush was dysfunctional. HW was never home. Barbara eventually had a child die on her, and the boys were abandoned to Mexican housekeepers.
From that you can see that George W. went black, probably weaned on Esther Rolle and Isabel Sanford.
Jeb went for the real breast milk in marrying a dwarf Mexican. Neil had fidelity and divorce problems, and Marvin perhaps was when his mother stabilized as he has been married since 1981 to a Caucasian.
As stated, Laura the Librarian has endured a great deal of humiliation and no one knows what goes on behind closed doors, and from her public reaction, she really could care less as the bond has been shattered between this couple, like the Clinton's in name only.
The legacy of George W. Bush is Racial Fetishism, once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said.