David Plouffe: Hillary Clinton Still Has 100% Chance Of A Win ...
President Obama's former advisor and campaign manager David Plouffe joins Morning Joe to discuss Monday's debate, why the poll numbers are as tight as they are and what Hillary Clinton can do to ...
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Hillary Clinton is become a characture, like the skits comedian, Carol Burnett used to do, about washed up actresses from a hundred years ago, still looking for her close up.
Hamrod's latest foray into coming down from the mount, was tagging up with that fag David Plouffe, for the Fagcast which no one watches, as Hamrod has become a clarvoyant in predicting the Republicans are going to run an unnamed woman in the democratic party to help get Donald Trump elected in 2020. Apparently the crystal ball of Anthony Scaramucci is different from Hamrods as he has Trump out in March of 2020, while Hamrod has the Donald going the distance.
The unnamed democrat is Tulsi Gabbard, that swammy nig out of Hawaii, whose policies are as fucked up as John and Bobby Kennedy, after they both made deposits into Marilyn Monroe. The Swammy nig at times sounds normal, but other times she is off holding hands with Bernie Sanders, the guy who wrote stories about how much women like to be raped.
The point in all of this is, Tulsi with her black hole, in running as a 3rd party candidate, would not help Donald Trump, but hurt him, as the few Kennedycrats who still exist, would vote for Trump, over those Obama communists led by Joe Biden, Elizabeth GOP Warren and Bernie.
That makes me figure that Hamrod is the one election meddling, in she is the one sending in backing to get the Swammy nig to run, to help out Hamrod, because Hamrod is going to run, as her people have submarined Joe Biden, Bernie had a heart attack on command, and Elizabeth GOP Warren, is only the choice of the demofags with money. She is a lightweight, and comes off as Gramma with a vibrator in her twat going off after she ate the kids marajuana spiked brownies.
Hamrod had even more interesting theories she was spouting at Gaynet, in Jill Stein of the Green Party is also a Russian agent. As I said, Hillary Clinton is vintage Carol Burnett for the dingy characters she used to portray. She is a delusional paranoid from a forensic psychological diagnosis. As old, sick and drunk as she is, it is intelligent to not get into this race until the campaign begins voting, to save in wear and tear on her geezer body, but all the same, Hamrod was having all kinds of medical problems, before the campaign was finished. She can not sit out like Bobby Kennedy until the end, when Lyndon Johnson got out of the race, because if she passes Iowa and New Hampshire, there is the reality of the two block packs on Super Tuesday and the Indiana grouping, which will so wipe out the party, and empower those who are #NeverHamrod, that Hillary will be forced even with New York, California and Texas to broker a convention, where she is going to be stuck with a mismatch.
Hamrod can not have goofy old Joe, as he had the job, and two people 500 years old with brain problems should not play with nukes.
Bernie is DOA. She can not have two women on the ticket who are whiteskins in Elizabeth Warren.
The also runs of Mayor Feces Penis has zero experience and brings no votes with him and the Afroids of Corey and Kamala, are idiots who bring nothing to the ticket that Hamrod is not already going to get in Black votes. Hamrod needs some Hispanic half wit she can pack off into a taco and will not be a witness to her crimes.
Hillary can not have a brokered convention dictating to her. She has to get in this by New Hampshire, and her intrigue probably will be to have some kind of write in plea in Iowans she bribed, which she will then answer with, "No one wants these idiots who will lose to Trump in a divided party, so I am goign to save the DNC and America by entering the race in New Hampshire, where she has already fixed the vote to give her a win, and she will then have knocked everyone out in the next go round.
That is where Tulsi Gabbard comes in, to soften up Donald Trump. The only state Gabbard will pull votes is Hawaii. It is why Donald Trump was with the Curry nig in Texas to lock up that vote. Gabbard only helps Hamrod and only hurts Trump in a Balkanized race. For that reality, just as in 2016 when Hamrod was coordinated with Ted Cruz, and that smarmy Bill Kristol, she had run the tallies and believed she was going to beat Trump early on the east coast, announce at 9 o'clock, and when that did not happen, she got really drunk and passed out, as those will remember that John Podesta was doing the mime act for her in front of the mic.
The facts must be faced in this. Tulsi Gabbard has too many miles on her. She could be in the race for nether appeal, but she is not aging attractive. Hamrod and the #NeverTrumpers want to taint her to keep democrats from voting for her, and to draw in Republican's who masturbate to vote for Swammy nig. That does not win votes for you any more than it did for Jim Webb who recreated knocking niggers around.
Is it intelligent tactics for Hillary Clinton to strike out at a democratic woman who has zero chance of winning anything? Yes it is, as it allows Hamrod to get into the race without getting into the race. Hamrod in this gambit, gets her name out there, bitch slaps a Curry Nigger, and in knocking down Gabbard, gives notice that 2020 is her nomination and she will fillet off the frontrunners, after they are diluted in Iowa.
'I Am Tulsi' Trends as Tulsi Gabbard vs. Hillary Clinton Feud GrowsOn Saturday, October 19, "I Am Tulsi" briefly hit the number one spot nationally for Twitter trends, as everyone c…Heavy.com
The Obama communists though are watching this, and Van Jones who is deep state as they come is sounding the warning in this, that Hamrod is playing a dangerous political game in her duel with this Asian.
The danger is not to Van Jones that Hamrod is linking Gabbard to being a Russian spy or a stooge of the GOP, but the danger is that the image of Obama which has been in necrophile politics trying to
pick the democrat to run in 2020 for the Obama legacy, is being outmaneuvered by the Clinton strategy. If Clinton is successful, then it is Hillary Clinton in control over the Obama legacy, which in all it's failures, will be written down as Birther Hussein's and the few successes will be recorded as Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.
Hamrod is Birther Hussein's worst nightmare in she will replace Obamacare, will reorganize the Obama agency money laundering from Obama people to Clintons and the Clintons will do everything they can to wipe BHO from the history books.
Believe me when you read this, in, if Hillary Clinton could get away with it, she will revisit Obama being a Birther, and record that Bill was the first black president, and Obama will be expunged from the books.
Van Jones: Hillary Clinton Is Playing A 'Dangerous Game' With Tulsi Gabbard RemarksCNN host Van Jones criticized Hillary Clinton for her recent remarks suggesting Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) wa…The Huffington
And do not think that Chelsea Clinton is out of this, just because she said no to a House run.
Chelsea Clinton says she won't run for Rep. Nita Lowey's ...
Oct 16, 2019 · Chelsea Clinton on Wednesday ended speculation about her potential run for Congress - at least for now. "I'm not considering running for Congresswoman [Nita] Lowey's seat," the former first ...
If CC announced she was running, it would deflate Hamrod's steam in she would gain attention, and being younger the question would be, "Why not Chelsea?"
What Hamrod has plotted is, Hamrod enters the race first and then has her daughter reach out and seize the seat later next year in order to help her mother.
This is your female ticket for 2020. The song to swoon over, in Hamrod getting up one last time and her faithful daughter from Webb Hubble, joining the quest to win one for mom.
I mean geez louise, the story emerges and Chelsea flees to Whoopie on the View to knock down the rumor. That is far too much protest from a horse toothed woman who has been telling us YES forever.
She said she was unsure if she’d run for office one day — but “right now, the answer’s no.”
Last year, Clinton told reporters that a future in politics would be a “definite maybe.”
Hillary Clinton has kicked off her presidential run in 2020, outside the race. She can't be rejected or challenged if she is not in the race.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said