As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I think I found a movie, that even the greatest actor of all time in Joaquin Phoenix would need a twin to make better, as from time to time I find old movies which no one wants or more to the point, throw away, and it was this Chuck Connors movie of The Proud and the Damned.
The Proud and Damned (1972) - IMDb
The Proud and the Damned is an historical-fiction western starring Chuck Conners and a relatively unknown, but not bad, cast. The film appears to have been filmed in the Chihuahuan Desert, though the setting is inexplicably identified as South America early-on.
The essence of this movie is like John Wayne, the greatest television actor ever in Jan Michael Vincent, and Rock Hudson, being southerners and heading to Mexico after the Civil War. In Chuck Connor's case, it was like 5 Georgians, in a sort of wild bunch, as that is how the movie sort of ends on a very low budget gun out. No there are not any Sam Pekinpah machine guns, just guns.

Chuck Connors | ... | Will Hansen | |
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Aron Kincaid | ... | Ike |
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Cesar Romero | ... | San Carlos' Mayor |
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José Greco | ... | Ramon (as Jose Greco) |
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Henry Capps | ... | Hank |
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Smokey Roberds | ... | Jeb |
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Peter Ford | ... | Billy |
Smokey Roberds played a chimp in Planet of the Apes and Henry Capps played Policeman #1 in Death Wish II. Aron Kincaid played "Uncredited Beekeeper in Wasp Woman which was a 63 minute movie about Wasp Queen Jelly in cosmetics, which apparently turned Susan Cabot into a wasp. You know a movie is bad when you have to talk about other bad movies and actresses no one has heard of.

CIA lined up actress for date with Jordan's King Hussein ...
dailymail.co.ukOf course when the CIA is trying to get an Arab into your nethers in real life that is kind of interesting. Joaquin Phoenix should star in that one too.
Apparently Queen Wasp jelly has some powers after all.
I don't want to make it sound like the cast was bad, because the Georgians, who I have no idea are, are better than Kirk Douglas' group in Posse and I think equal to William Holden in the Wild Bunch, it is just that none of them seemed to break through ever again.
The one guy was Glenn Ford's son, and he does a good job, but he went into real estate later.

The show has really weak Mexicans and Caesar Romero for men. The women are not so much in they are pretty.

There is lots of talk of having sex with Mexican women. It was all the profanity though that alerted me that this was not a made for TV western.
Chuck puts the wood to a Gypsy girl in a rather interesting porno of running water, hats whipped off, and butts behind trees. I never knew the Rifleman had it in him.
Other than that, Connors deserves the Joaquin Phoenix award for best dying by hanging. He does a wonderful macabre job, but that is now why I go to movies to watch all the White guys die. The movie just never seems to find a storyline, even with a storyline.
The Gypsy girl after Connors puts the wood to her a few times, goes home and her hombre relative puts the knife to her, and cuts off her ears. She is a faithful woman, and is there when Connors hits the end of his rope, after Connors kills her Gypsy master.
There simply is nothing in this move that reaches out and has affinity with the audience, and leaving the https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=4640049632600837002#editor/target=post;postID=2160148696820351137Mexicans alive in the end, jsut is not a happy ending.
So I doubt I will watch P and D again, which is why the DVD was looking like it was only used once. I suppose Chuck Connors wanted to work like the Joker or Riddler, can never remember who Romero was in Batman, and this is what they came up with, a sort of curse word and sex western.
I do think though if Joaquin Phoenix had starred in this, and like he had impregnated all the Mexican hoochies and then cut out the hearts of the mean Gypsy men and roasted it for the Mexican dogs, as he and the Georgians had a fight to the death, where it came down to Mexican Machete against Georgia Hog Stickers with Joaquin of course prevailing that this would be a wonderful movie.
Because when you go to a movie and all you have is an earless Gypsy and a dead Chuck Connors, there really is not much interest in a living Cesar Romero without Batman and Robin.
Nuff Said