Wednesday, October 16, 2019

I have a Lust

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It all started on a hot summer day doing a good deed. We were in the garden of mosquito and disappointment when we had to partake of ending the night's fast and that conclusion was breakfast in a muffin egg thing and what would become my lust, Vanilla Iced Coffee.

See I was not in for hot coffee on a hot day. I was not thinking Dr. Pepper would go well for breakfast. Tea I had tried and that gave me the idea that Dr. Pepper would betray me the same way.
So it was Vanilla Iced Coffee, with all of it's elixir of mocha dark syrup, thick cream sweetness and vanilla delights, and my stomach said, "You did not try and poison me again".

I later discovered on another good deed sojourn where being 10 minutes late for breakfast, Serena, would only serve us a cheeseburger and soda, which still makes me cringe in rock in the gut OUCH.

Anyway, I really like VIC. I look forward to it, as I look forward to little now in poverty. It is my bridge to nowhere. A harmless narcotic to reality that drugs me to believing that rich people will donate one day here.

This though is not about my lust, but about my most appealing trait, that I think Stephanie appreciates. That trait is my being tighter than a Scottish fiddle string.

See you don't get refills in VIC, only coffee, tea, soda or water. That really bites, so being a clever little girl, the remedy today was I go get some French Vanilla Cream in little whatevers they come in, and before I finish my last sediment of coffee syrup, I race off to the water thing, top it off with cold water in my ice, and add the FVC and end up with a kind of facsimile of my lust, which is better than an empty cup.

So anyway that is the kind of thing I am forced to do in being clever for a girl.

It is what my heart lusteth after.

Nuff Said
