Wednesday, October 16, 2019


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Most of you children and brats are poor when it comes to education, but fortunately you are made richer than your portfolios when it comes to me, the poor orphan girl in what really matters in honest intelligence of great American politicians. At the moment my favorite politician of all time is Representative Thadeus Stevens.

I realize you poor ignorants of knowledge have no idea who Thadeus Stevens is, so here is his photo.

Is not this the most honest face you have ever beheld? Of course it is and you know if he told you something, he would mean it.

For those of you intimidated by this face and steely eyes, be not alarmed as he was a Republican, and for you democrats who think you should be alarmed, be not afraid, for Thadeus Stevens simply loved Niggers with a capital N.

Yes Thadeus was someone who loved Niggers and hated Abraham Lincoln as a soft Ngger lover. Nothing in this world was worse than being a soft Nigger lover and there was nothing soft about Thadeus Stevens.

This though is not why I love Thadeus. The Lame Cherry loves Thadeus Stevens, because he had grande ideas of things on how to handle the Confederates. He hated them worse than Hitler hated Jews. Thadus was a real White Nationalist in he loved Niggers to the extreme, but there is no extreme in Nigger love. See Thadeus wanted to depeople the entire South. Yes exterminate those White secessionist vermin. They had no rights, their States had no rigths, and the only thing left to do wias to re colonize them with a proper race of Northern peoples who would love Niggers and the Niggers would get all those Plantations to divide up among themselves. Of course the Nigger love had to do with neutralizing democrats for a super Republican majority, but when it is Nigger love the ends justifies the means.

For those who think that the Lame Cherry hates the South or Southeners, think nothing of the sort. I hate everyone, but would appreciate after my experiences with most Southerners to have them cropped to the bone. I am not scorched earth like Thadeus, and it has nothing to do with Niggers or Crackers. I just want people who should be polite and that Southern Sweet is just rancid, and I see no point in coddling rude misbehavior. This though is not about what I politically agree with in Nigger love, as this is about the lament that the United States no longer has any wonderful Nigger lovers like Thadeus Stevens. I could back Donald Trump if he had anything in him but Twitter rages.
The problem is Donald Trump is jsut soft.

Perhaps it would be better if Donald Trump had a club foot like Thadeus, and was accused of being the incarnate evil from the gates of hell. I don't know, but if Donald Trump was like Thadeus Stevens he would not be nuking hurricanes. No mam, Donald Trump would have nuked Mexico, Venezuela, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, North Korea, China and I don't konw who all, but America would have had peace now if Donald Trump had not been so soft.

Yes even in sex Thadeus was a real man. He took the wife of another man. She was a quadroon, and as some of her children were fair skinned, it was probably Thadeus Stevens who did th fathering. There was no denial and he lived with this woman as his housekeeper in Washington DC for all his life. Some politicians just pay lip serviced to loving Niggers, but when you got a Thomas Jefferson owning them and Thadeus Stevens boning them, you know you got real political love there as you simply can not wash that off in the morning.

So now you know why I love the Abolitionist Thadeus Stevens, as he didn't just want to free Blacks, he wanted to extermiante Whites in the South. He had a quadroon that he kept and she never ran away. She  got them Nigger's Constitutional rights and he never backed down. He died in 1868 before he could exterminate all Southerners, which is why he never had the opportunity to get his face on Mt. Rushmore.

If only Donald Trump was not so soft and was more like Thadeus Stevens in loving Niggers and keeping one around for sex as he went scorched earth on some people he just did not like. It is such a shame that we no politicians in either the communist or nazi parties in America which dominate the political arena, who can match Thadeus Stevens.

I think Donald Trump needs to take a Negress lover. Someone like Kim Kardashian who is not black, but she has had almost as many black male lovers as Barack Obama. In this, Kayne West could then take some Kim time off, and put his blackloverness to Taylor Swift as she is off the rails looking foolish in sex perversion and now being hounded by animal rights nuts. Taylor needs Kayne, and Trump needs Kim, so this would be the first step in Donald Trump becoming a political force like Thadeus Stevens.

I Thadeus.


Le Sigh........

Nuff Said
