As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I rarely have the opportunity to do things I would like to, and less it is a melancholy day of too much new dead things around here, and it is raining, that I never sit down and just look at things which speak to me.
I like looking at old hunting photographs in the Americans who are long gone, and their dress, firearms, and their affinity with their dogs. There is nothing more wonderful than a good dog with a hunter.
This one I like as the guy from the 1950's apparently is hunting pheasants with a big English Setter and a very small 410 shotgun pump. As he has pheasants, he is a very good shot.

Then there are these East Texas squirrel hunters bringing home a feed.

This kid from the American heartland has what looks like a mule deer, but the antlers are whitetail and this is an incredible spread. He is justifiably proud.

This is a bear hunter from Minnesota in 1910 AD in the year of our Lord. He has a pump rifle it appears. Think it might be a Savage in 35 Remington.

Then we got the cat hunters from the West. Those dogs probably came out of the pound and are collies. But they survived and became cat hounds.

This guy actually has a hound. Looks like a Black and Tan, and bagged four coons with a shotgun with the nose of his most attentive companion.

A real bonafied turkey hunter with what appears to be a pot gun, a rifle of 25 or 32 caliber.

And of course, the hunter with his dog, some kind of hound mix breed who can't swim to fetch the duck so the hunter has to wade out and save the dog in fetching everything in.

As you can see, pipes were big in the turn of the century in people posing for photos on a coon hunt. These boys look like they invested some brotherly cash as one has a Black and Tan, but the other has Treeing Walkers. Fine dogs and they did some good open skinning on the coons from that 1930's era.

This duo did ok. a mule deer, and what looks to be a semi auto, probably and early Winchester.

Old white beard did a little big better with a good whitetail and his double barrel shotgun, loaded up with slugs I will assume and not buckshot.

Even have some goose hunters who are quite proud of their Canadians.

And the duck hunter. This could be anywhere, but looks in the American Southwest.

I would relish enjoying every one of these days with these people and their dogs. At this moment, I would just enjoy the pleasure of touching their guns which were extensions of their person of more value than cell phones, because they were living life and not typing about it.
