The Nixon and Goldwater Republicans in the 2020 Race
Three Eyewitnesses Allege Hillary Called Aide A 'F**king Jew ...
Given the media feeding frenzy over the allegedly Jew-baiting tweet by Donald Trump's campaign last weekend, maybe reporters should examine well-sourced allegations that Hillary Clinton once angrily uttered an anti-Semitic slur. What is good for the kosher goose is good for the gander.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Unfortunately rich Jews did not heed the warning of the Lame Cherry in Elizabeth Warren being a clost agent of the GOP, from a family of racists who hated Indians and Ms. Warren was a card carrying member of the Save the Richard Nixon Society
SHOCK: Elizabeth Warren A Republican Longer Than Donald Trump!!!
Elizabeth you are kind of an extreme bitch...
A Jew though with his finger on the pulse of the internet gulag was well aware though of the dangers of Elizabeth Warren, in PocoNAZI, as like the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto, Mark Zuckerberg has been sounding the cry that Elizabeth Warren is bringing the Final Solution.
Zuckerberg in the Obama Black and Zuckerberg Jew intelligence alliance, swindled billions from the world treasury, but Elizabeth Warren has targeted Zuckerberg and Net Jewry with regulations, controls and proper confinement to protect the world population from what Adolf Hitler would term the International Jew.

I thought having a pet Negro would save me.....
PocoNAZI Warren though was not about to be intimidated by the Jew, Zuckerberg, protected by Black Obama Radicals in Black Power, as she fired back with a damning statement, not since heard, since the glory days of the Thousand Year Reich.
Warren was savage to Zuckerberg, in one could hear the leather booted hobnail stomp upon the pavement closing in on the leader of the Facebook Ghetto.
Elizabeth Warren Tears Into Facebook Over Leaked Mark Zuckerberg Audio
The Facebook CEO railed against the presidential candidate's plan to break up big tech companies. Sen. Elizabeth Warren …The Daily Beast
“What would really ‘suck’ is if we don’t fix a corrupt system that lets giant companies like Facebook engage in illegal anticompetitive practices, stomp on consumer privacy rights, and repeatedly fumble their responsibility to protect our democracy.”Elizabeth PocoNAZI Warren
Yes with Elizabeth Warren it is not the 2020 Presidential Race, but the 2020 Presidential Racism, now progressed to 2020 Presidential Anti Semitism, as she is going after Jews fatted cows.
This is not the first time that Elizabeth PocoNAZI Warren's anti semitism has goosestepped to the front of the political jackboot. Warren hires anti semites, tweets anti semitism and she fund raises for those who seek the final holocaust for Jews.
Unearthed tweet deemed 'anti-Semitic' from Elizabeth Warren ...
Anti-Semitism appears to be spreading through the Democrat Party faster than the Ebola virus. ... Unearthed tweet deemed 'anti-Semitic' from Elizabeth Warren staffer raises serious questions ...Elizabeth Warren Fundraises for Anti-Semite - Republican ...
Anti-Semite running in Virginia's Fifth District recruits Massachusetts Senator to help fundraise. Richmond, VA - Senator Elizabeth Warren, well-known for cultural appropriation, sent a fundraising email on behalf of Leslie Cockburn late yesterday afternoon.
First I'm coming for the Silicon Jew, then the Jew in the street,
the Jew in the yard, the International Jew........
Think of the world of this closet Republican, out Trumping the National Socialist Donald Trump. Putting the PocoNAZI Iron Fist to the Jew. It can be certain that no Jewish Prime Minister ever slept in Elizabeth Warren's bed as Benjamin Netanyahu laid in Jared Kushner's bed.
Don't think you're safe Bernie, when I get rid of the Kushners you're next!!!
If only Mark Zuckerberg had paid proper homage to the PocoNAZI, as he has billions that Obama created for him to spy on Americans and the world, but this tight fisted Shylock would not pay the 20 shekels to Elizabeth Warren, they way the Jewish elders paid off Adolf Hitler's SS to save themselves.
Now the world of the 2020 presidential election is upon the cusp of another Poco Race sorting of the human souls in who is acceptable and who is fit for the ovens.
I have judged the Jew and give my verdict!!!
This incident was not the first time that Elizabeth Warren placed on display her racism, bigotry, anti semitism and race hatred. She proudly placed her White Nationalism on her Twitter account in guzzling beer in drunkenness as she featured a Nigger Eating Watermelon, to send a message to her White Supremacists that she was one of them.
I got a Hymie bank for coins on my table like Obama eating watermelon.
There are signs though in everything that Elizabeth PocoNAZI Warren focuses on in what really lays behind the Granny Panty Exterior.
Elizabeth Warren on the Genetics of the Master Race.
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Elizabeth Warren
19h |
.@RepPressley, @RepAOC, & @RepBarbaraLee
are right: everyone is entitled to high quality reproductive health
care, & making that a reality starts with repealing the Hyde
Amendment. #BeBoldEndHyde…
Elizabeth Warren on promoting forced labor in the United States.
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Elizabeth Warren
24h |
We can admit more refugees while keeping our country secure. I joined @SenJeffMerkley & @SenMarkey
to demand the Trump admin not slam the door on refugees. America should
remain a beacon of hope to vulnerable families around the world.…
Elizabeth Warren interested in Germ Warfare
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Elizabeth Warren
Sep 26 |
11 people have contracted #EEE in MA & 4 have died. @SenMarkey & I have asked @NIAIDNews
for an update on federal research into this rare mosquito-borne virus
with no specific treatment, & everyone in high-risk areas should
take care to protect themselves & their loved ones.…
The question for 2020 is, "Is Elizabeth Warren the Manchurian Candidate so no matter who wins in Donald Trump or her, that National Socialism will prevail?" or "Is Elizabeth Warren the stalking candidate of Webster Griffin Tarpley's revelation that the cartel was to split the democratic party into two factions, a Nazi and a Marxist, and Elizabeth Warren is the Republican mole sent in to wrest the party from Bernie Sanders communism for GOP control?"
The facts in this are, Elizabeth Warren is going after the Silicon Jew and she proudly put on display racist Niggerware as she guzzled beer in a drunken stupor, as a wink to her real supporters that she is one of them.
Just who is Elizabeth Warren, and just what does she have in store for people not like her?
I've got the final solution for the rich Jew....