Friday, October 25, 2019

Losting Thangs

Great college idea to put the bar on upside down to show what your degree is in.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am noted for putting things in places so I do not lose them, and then I can not find them.

- Lame Cherry

I frequently in having so much on my mind, misplace things daily. I have reading glasses in writing the blog, but get up to do laundry or something with Poot and from time to time they disappear. I try to make it a point to lay them on the laptop, but sometimes I am in the next room and they end up on the table, the back of my chair or wherever. 99% of the time they end up found immediately, only once this summer were they gone for a day and then reappeared in a new time line.

I don't know if I told you this, but I am amused about it yet.

When the Uncle's children were here they rented things to do things on our place and I got stuck taking the things back. There was a she beast there who busted my balls on things like covers for things which did not exist. That was really upsetting and I figured they would fold as you can not treat people like that and make a go of it.

So 3 weeks later, we are driving home and here is this gas can sitting there on the road, so I pick it up in finders keepers losers weepers. I get home and the thing has enough dirt on it to grow a garden. I wash it off after I spill gas on me, and then I see this writing on it, and it is the she beasts.
If she had been decent I would have returned it, but as it was, the soap washed the writing off and it became mine, and is not looking like a 1954 Chevy engine with caked on crud all over it.

As I had gotten the ball busting, I knew that the she beast was berating the renters for losing that gas can, and was going to charge them, as she threatened me big time for that offense, and then moved onto late charges which we did not owe, but she was not going to not be a she beast.

So in the end, she busted another person who is pissed at the mistreatment. They will tell others, never rent again, and more business will be lost because of the she beast. That is the way God worked it out in people screw with me, they end up having satan taking everything from them.

If you rich people would donate, I would actually open up a rental place here and run those people's asses out of business. I might even hire the kid who was getting his balls busted too.
I think the guy who used to work there and was nice, just died this past week. He got booted though when the new owners took over.
I know their equipment sucked in being worn out, so I was never going back to that vista again.

As the Uncle's children should have known, they should have purchased a chain saw as rental is not feasible in chainsaws are affordable to people with money.

Too much slap in the chain if you get jammed into a tree while cutting.

Lord God the one I have, the mother purchased, is a Poulan 2000. Talk about a problem child, but I do get it running....should though do the 25 dollar gasket and diaphragm, carb spray and see ho that goes, as it does cut nice and works good, but the gas system on that model just has people having problems with it far too often.

Anyway, I don't know if this is jack or shit for good, but I hate mixing up 2 cycle fuel for chainsaws. I have a half gallon of the stuff sitting there which I will have to mix in with some new fuel to get it used up.....but what inventive me has done is, I just put gas in the chainsaw tank, and then measure out a cap full of 2 cycle oil and dump it in. I think it is close as the saw is working, is not smoking oil, and it goes so much easier doing it this way.
Yes if I had time I could work out the ratio, but in my scientific method, I get a bit too much in, then thin it out with topping off a tank. Sort of fly by my ass, but I don't have time being a poor orphan girl in I can not waste a gallon of gas to leave it sit.

Someday I want to get a big ass chain saw, as this one is a 14. Thing is the 14 is a good size for most things, but my Beloved Uncle had a 12 inch Stihl, that cut the hell out of everything. What I liked about that saw is that it was small and light and you could carry it up ladders of get stuck in a loader bucket and not feel off balance. The 14 has that problem and those big tree cutting saws are no good for that kind of work.
So when the donations come in, I am going to get a 12 and then some big bruiser to get 12 inch plus logs to manageable size.
I also think the new Stihl saws with those brakes and kickback shit are too busy for the lumberjanes own good. Too much stuff in the way.

I just know that I have had that Poulon's fuel system a part enough and dumped enough gas directly into the carb priming it for the fuel line that I am an expert in fixing that part. Not much for the spark in just getting at the coil and replacing that. That is all there is to a chainsaw, spark and fuel really. Keep the oiler full, the chain with enough slack in it and they basically run forever, unless you are cheap like me and use small dairy plastic line for the gas feed, which is 16 cents a foot, instead of 9 dollars.

We got a filter for 50 cents as the guy likes us, instead of 3 bucks too.

....and no I do not lose any parts as they go on the picnic table and I am careful to put things back.

More million dollar information you never thought of, as you always are measuring things like you are flying to the moon and only have enough O2 to get halfway there.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
