As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The personal life of Abraham Lincoln was one which was an endless litany of stories he told in order to communicate to his captive audience his thoughts on a subject. If one peruses the Abraham Lincoln of 1864 AD in the year of our Lord, a name would keep popping up, and that name was Petroleum V. Nasby.
For all the liberal ranting now against pen names, pen names have always played a role in political writing and Nasby was a pen name, in the real author was David Ross Locke of Ohio.
In the photo below, you may know the more infamous American writer who actually was entertaining in Mark Twain, named after a riverboat sounding in Samuel Clemens.

Nasby though was a constant companion of Lincoln, who had stopped reading newspapers for information, but always had a Nasby clipping which he kept in his pocket to read to his Cabinet or captives.
On the night of the 1864 Presidential elections, Lincoln was at the telegraph office in the War Department where he was most evenings, and having taken over Sec. or War Stanton's office, reading the cyphers, he pulled out Nasby from his pocket and began regaling one of his bodyguards who used to break iron fire pokers over his arm with something the President found amusing.

Modern progressives, have spoken of Stephen Colbert of John Stewart's Daily Show and now CBS as the modern Petroleum Nasby. As Nasby was a Republican and backed Abraham Lincoln, attempting to define Colbert in this likeness is rather ridiculous.
After what you read below in the actual writings of Nasby from the distance of time, you would conclude it would be an insult to a Protestant, but perhaps in line if Stephen Colbert was likened to the progressive version of Petroleum Nasby.
What I desire you to note in the following is first this is not humor. Lincoln simply glomed onto it though. What Nasby's writings are, are racist against Southern Caucasians, anti Christian as anything Hollywood produced in Last Temptations of Christ, and the ultimate slur and smear of rural Americans, as it defines all Southern Americans or Americans in the North against a genocide of the Southern people, as ignorant, uneducated dolts who were being done a favor in being slaughtered by Lincoln's armies.
We hed a blessid and improvin time yisterday. My little flock staggered in at the usual hour in the mornin, every man in a heaven- ly frame uv mind, hevin bin ingaged all nite in a work uv mercy, to- wit: 2 mob bin uv 2 enrollin officers. One uv em resisted and they smote him hip and thigh, even ez Bohash smote Jaheel. (Skriptoo- ral, wich is nessarv, bein in the ministry.) He wuz left fer dead. We opened servis by singin a hym, wich I writ, commencin es fol- lows : " Shel niggers black, this land possess, And mix with us up here ? Oh no, my trends, we rayther guess, We'll never stand that 'ere. I then held forth from this text: — " Whar hev ye laid him?" I statid that the person I referred to wuz the marterd Vallandygum, and I, in behaff uv a outraged Dimocrisy, demanded uv the tyrant Linkin, "Whar hev yoo laid him?" A unconvertid individooal sed, " He's laid him out !" wich remark cost him a broken head I went on to show why our saint hed bin martered. It wuz becoz he wuz a Dimocrat — becoz he dared to exercise the rites garanteed to every American, exceptin Ablishnists and niggers, aboosin the Guverment. Fer this and nuthin else wuz he eggsiled. " My frends," sez I, drawin myself up to my full hite, and lookin ez much like Fernandy Wood ez possible, " I am willin to be marterd. I denounce this war as unholy, unconstooshnel, unrighteous and unmittygated. It is nuthin less than a invashen uv Dimocratik states, fer the sole purpus uv freein niggers, Linkin is a tyrant, Burnside a tool, order 38 a relik uv barberism, and I will resist the enrollment, the conskripshen and the tax. Hooray fer Jeff Davis.
What Lincoln was obsessed with reading was hatred of Americans, and the excuse for Lincoln's shredding the Constitution, as he obliterated State's Rights, individual property rights, Habeas Corpus and making millions of once classified livestock into voting Americans, without any safeguards that the Negro was not a threat to American Citizens.
Secretary of War Stanton on observing Lincoln on election night was beside himself. He often called Lincoln a damned fool, but he simply could not understand how with the nation in the balance in who won the election, that Lincoln could be reading this rubbish.
Petroleum Nasby engaged in character assassination, of devolving free Caucasians to the level of ignorant slaves who were not American. The conditioning that Nasby was engaged in as an abolitionist was, "If the stupid Southerner has rights, then the ignorant Nigger should have the same wasted rights".
The true reflection of Abraham Lincoln is the racist, hateful satire he joined himself too. Lincoln was not escaping the horror of war in comedy, but Lincoln was instead enabling his genocide against Caucasian Protestants of the South in bigoted satire. Southerners were all this white trash, so Lincoln was doing them a favor in obliterating them.
That was a salve Abraham Lincoln administered to himself, as he joined himself to radicals who advocated the genocide of the South and replacing them with northern colonists for a proper breed, as Rep. Thadeus Stevens advocated often. That salve had to do with the fact that this blog has sermonized truthfully on in the Civil War was all about northern money interests, fed up with being outmaneuvered by the Southern political aristocracy to govern America. Slavery as the weapon to destroy the South as an excuse to invade.
Abraham Lincoln's solace was in the creation of Petroleum Nasby's White Niggers as the reason and excuse to engage in the most unChristian and unAmerican of murderous policies equal to William the Conqueror on the English and Edward Longshanks on the Scots.
Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. Read all of Abraham Lincoln's humor in Petroleum V. Nasby. You will find it repulsive, racist, bigoted and hate filled. Yes it is all leftist humor of Stephen Colbert today, but Republicans are not laughing at the Colbert filth, the way Lincoln was amused by Nasby's.
Nuff Said