Thursday, October 3, 2019

Mossad Recruitment Chart

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I once knew a pissy little Jewess from Texas who was typical of the Jewican, that race which the Tel Aviv race has nothing but growing contempt for, and is why they are telling the American Jew that their money is required, but they have zero say in the state of Israel.

I can understand the Tel Aviv Ashkenaz having a contempt for Jewicans, because Jewicans talk the talk, but never walk the walk. They are all "state of Israel" but when Menachim Begin begged for Jewish settlers to go to the West Bank and take it by boots and babies, the Rob Reiner Jewry of America were the cowards  in choosing the Shylock 30 pieces of silver for the real blood and guts of serving in the Israeli Defense Forces.

When the elders created the  fiction of the Jew, they wanted everyone to be brainwashed, starting with Jews, in they were all the same. They are not, because American Jewry is not the slum lord Kushers nor those Yiddish entertainers who speak like they got a mouth of food ready to spit out at you. There are Jackie Masons in Jewry,  but for the most part, there are the Mark Levin's making excuses for Jew finance, or the worst of the Jewican lot who say things like "the only good Christian is a dead Christian" as they benefit from the United States in their Christian morals and work ethics.

Conversations with Victor Ostrovsky: The Man Who Blew the Whistle on Mossad

The Jewican is as nasty as that little zealot I  had contact with which with her sleeper family used to laugh at Texas Methodists welcoming them into the neighborhood with a fruit basket. They are the frauds that the Tel Aviv uses for operations, but considers them expendable.
If you look at the statements of Benny Gantz the coming Prime Minister of Judea, he tells the Jewican to shut up, but when the Jews migrate to Judea, he will have kept it safe for them.

You probably missed that from the  IDFMinister of Defense, in he just told Jews there is an engineered time when Jewicans will leave the United States for a reason to serve in that military. As that progresses out, it means that all those Muslims being dumped into the United States by Jewish and Jesuit charities, are here for at least one purpose in forcing Jews out of America and into Judea. As that would be crowded it probably factors out that either Gaza will be leveled, and more to the point, a conflict is coming which is designed to weed out the right wing in Judah.
You have been told the facts in history that the elders sold the ghetto Jew to Nazi forced labor camps, to create the fiction of the holocaust, and that big ghetto of Tel Aviv appears to be constructed in weeding out classes of Jews, and in Muslim shock attacks in America, force the leftist Jewicans under the rule of Tel Aviv there.

Still the Jewican, like those in Europe, just is enamored in their scared little paradoxes in wanting to be a Mossad katsa, sayum or even a whore, as the little Jewish girl soldiers are in use at the Mossad headquarters, according to Victor Ostrovsky in this By Way of Deception, for all the spymasters of Tel Aviv to trade and fuck, as women have one purpose. Goy are whores to fuck Muslims and the Jewess is there to fuck by the spy masters.

That Texas Jewican worshiped Mossad in her fantasies, but the fact is she would never be chosen as Mossad traditionally does not want women in the organization, as Muslims will not take orders from a Jewess.

In order to arrive at Mossad's Academy, you must be contacted by the Tsomet or the Meluckha, the kingdom as it is translated. The only Hebrew word  in the diagram is LISHKA, a feminine form of cell or socket. As Ostrovsky does not mention it again as to what the recruitment of Jews does in this dead end office which answers only to the Director of the Kingdom, it would only be speculation or taking this too far than would be allowed.

The basis though of Mossad's foreign spying is three desks, or more to the point in the United States in AL or American Liaison is so huge and secretive in preying on the United States, that it is instead linked to the combatants and assassins of Mossad.
The desks are Israel, Central Europe and Western Europe. That though was the late 1980's in almost 40 years ago when the Soviet Union was still flying a flag and the Jewish state was still selling arms to nations to buy their pound of diplomatic flesh, and Mossad gained all the information they required on Russia from the Danes and Jewish diaspora. Logic would conclude as Jewish financial problems have ended, that Mossad is now tapping stock markets electronically, so the computer division most likely has two desks now in stealing money and meddling in American elections, using Facebook and Twitter using Mossad extensions.
As stated, all little Jews want to grow up and have their genitals molested by a real spy cock.

I really do not see the allure of Mossad, as their training 3 years of brainwashing or more to the point, 3 years of corrupting Jews in teaching them how to lead others who are looking for a way to be corrupt for self indulgence. That is the Mossad and their employees and assets. All treacherous and in their host states, all traitors.
It is a legalized criminal syndicate literally.

The Mossad engages chiefly in enforcing the Rabbi Syndrome, inflicted upon Jews by the religious leaders chosen by Tel Aviv. The gist of it is that the goy hate Jews and Jews are all in their desperate little state of helplessness, so they need a police state and to break laws to survive, while controlling the majority of the world's quadrillion dollar finance. It is mindwarping and when the Mossad appears in shock conditioning, which is just physical torture on recruits, namely the head of Tsomet tells the Jewish Shaback or Police one of their katsas in the making is on the street, the Shaback or Police take it as a challenge, and send over a group of thugs to beat the bajesus or bejew out of the recruit for hours to try and break them.
Ostrovsky had several torture sessions like this. Mossad in fact had him in a shitter at the Academy torturing him one night, just to fuse the "helpless Jew" inside Ostrovsky into the "Jew who will do anything to anyone without questions as they are a higher order of survival".
What is interesting about Mr. Ostrovsky is that in being exposed to attempted sodomite rape, Mossad dope shipments to America and all of the Mossad dirty old men, fucking the nubile 18 to 20 year old sexretaries of the Mossad in pool parties literally, he remained true to his Canadian ideals, and instead of succumbing, blew the whistle on what Mossad was and still is.

So if you are a full blood Jew.....I suppose Ivanka's kids are full blood as she converted, but you have to be a full blood to be a katsa or sayum, or else you will have dual loyalties when you are asked to betray other humans, because there is only Jew and goy, as the Jew katsa and saym have no friends of any other race outside the Mossad, you too can after being brainwashed, beat up, corrupted and perhaps chosen to be a sex link to the faggot cell in Mossad, you will be a katsa and rise to the gutter of what Mossad is without any poltical oversight, as nothing has changed in the state of Israel, as Benjamin Netanyahu's problems are all Mossad originated in they do not like him.

Perhaps you can be  Jumper, a katsa in the armpit of the Israeli desk, where you are sent into Muslim friendly nations to run operations, and if you have morals, you can be given the opportunity to be knocked off by a terrorist as Mr. Ostrovsky was.

Nicotine, chocolate and caffeine were the staples of the entire Mossad. A hyper state allows for reaction and response to orders, instead of deliberative thought. Do not think though that if Mossad chooses you, that you are the best. Victor Ostrovsky schools all that the Mossad does not choose the best. The Mossad chooses those who are most pliable to turn into their Jewopaths, intelligence community sociopaths who do everything they are ordered, as they have those gold stars blinding their eyes from  the holocaust and that star of David covers them with a carte blanche to believe they are the apples of God's eye as the Torah is not for the Mossad, it is for the Jew to have license to exploit all others.

Victor Ostrovksy in 1990 believed that he was a Moses, in leading and that others would follow. It never happened and never will in Tel Aviv Syndrome, because Mossad in under 1200 employees, including janitors is proof how it requires only one jew in power to herd 500,000 of the willing. They like the myth of being the master race and the majority cover themselves with it in their self imposed concentration camp of Jewry.

Such a happy end product.

Nuff Said
