Monday, October 28, 2019

Not far from the Tree

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When we started taking care of Uncle for the summer, I prayed that I would be the child he never had, meaning a good kid. Little did I know how easy that would be.

Today when we checked on him, he asked me what I was up to, and with that we are taking his pick up to get an oil change, the brakes fixed, gas for it and some water.

As he stated, "Those kids were here and drove that pick up every day for two weeks and when they left, the tank was empty".

That is the thing I noticed about these adult children in they like spending the old man's money, do not give a damn about what they break and their fixing things needs me fixing them so they stay fixed.

It is no wonder he is so ornery most of the time, and it must mean I am in ok with him, because he sure was rightfully unloading on them.

The thing is when the daughter left she was telling me all I had to do, and then telling me that I had to make him say please when he was short with me. That is not going to ever happen as I only have the summer with him, and sure as hell with kids like that he needs to piss and moan about it, as I was pissing and moaning about it for him.

See I was watching them delinquents and thought they sure were running the wheels off his pick up and taking advantage of him, but didn't say anything. In that we are both ornery sons of bitches, notice every detail and sure as hell got our asses chewed as kids so we didn't act that way.
TL is the same way in TL got chewed out all the time without cause, but TL is on the stick and gets things right the first time too. I always  thought God should give me a quiet soul, but God knew I needed one as stubborn as me, and that is a compliment. TL is also more intelligent.

So that is the adventure we are off today in investing in good works, because the children are really selfish pricks. He knows and there is no need to rat on them, but I have to keep my shit together by God's Grace as this is the sorting out period and I better get it right the first time, as he will remember.

Anyway, if you are a child, be someone that God expects, and not some greedy prick looking to get something  because you got  an ass hurt from the  parent being a shit. The mother was nothing but shit, but thank God I was Christian through all of it, but Lord did I turn up the volume to try and get through most days to make a point.

That is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

