Monday, October 28, 2019

Grow a Foreskin

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

A poll was released stating that Jews fear Americans more than Islamic terrorists, which simply is a forensic psychological psychosis exposed in how guilt ridden Jews are, and constantly like a 5 year old who is not potty trained, needs to be praised for making a poo poo in a Pampers.

The problem with the Jew is Jewry, and the reality that they have never been manly about taking things like Muhammed was. A Jew always skulks around in using bank loans, poison pen or the stage to brutalize people. Gary Cohn, Matt Drudge, Meathead Reiner are what ails Jewry, in they never mix it up in public, but instead employ subterfuge to get what they lust for.

It all produces this unhealthy need for the rabbi to lie to them in telling them they are the apples of God's eye and the Talmud calling the Virgin Marry a whore and Jesus a bastard, while the Jew glad hands Protestants for huge sums of money propping up their enterprises.

The Jew should celebrate what a successful race of predators they are. Old gal Rothschild bragged on her boys in a war never started where the Jew never was making a fortune off of both Caucasian sides murdering each other. Old mum Rothschild had it right, but the modern Jew who controls even the courts is still phobic about image, in that Yaweh might figure out what a scourge these Ashkenaz really are to Jewry.

Seriously, the Jew has atomic bombs, on top of all the other power they have. They have absolute power, but still can not deal with people on the right stating plainly the facts of what Jews are in being a cult to themselves and making themselves above the law.

Almost 90 percent of Jews who responded said that the extreme political right presents an anti-Semitic threat. Less, though, said the same about “extremism in the name of Islam” — only 85 percent said it represents an anti-Semitic threat in the United States.
When asked the same about the extreme political left, 64 percent said it presents an anti-Semitic threat.
Jews need to grow a foreskin as they certainly can not grow a pair of balls to pump some testosterone to be bold sinners. They have lots of bold sinners, but like Mosaad they do it behind closed doors and only brag about it in orgies with little army girls as Victor Ostrovsky wrote in his book about Mosaad.
