As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I am beginning this in stating I am related to some loathsome creatures and I post this for the reality of my Uncle's elder son is a tight lipped son of a bitch, a great deal like me, in he says nothing drunk or sober. His two main features which irritate me is he lies a great deal, likes to think he knows alot, shirks things on others and he drinks.
The beginning of this story is 1997 when my beloved Uncle was dying. Years before I had ask the beloved Uncle as I have written previously about my Grampa's rifle. He said he had been thinking about it, in going to the elder son or to me. I prayed on it, and it came to me by God's Grace.
So that was it for several years, and he came over to look at it once, probably in regret, but it is here.
So the beloved Uncle was dying, and his prick little brother, my godfather was on a rampage looking for that gun, as he had not told him about it, because it would have been a rampage. He did inform the Uncle though, who stood up for me and I got to keep the gun, after the prick brother lied and said my beloved Uncle had no right to give that to me, leaving the impression it as stealing. I learned all this on the day we buried him.
That devastated me all of that and in the back drop of this, the prick with his fat ass wife were on a the warpath that the older sister was not coming for the funeral. She had cancer and was dying, so that was a pretty good excuse.
This duo got me out of the way to sit with the beloved Uncle on the day he was dying in hospice and looted his house. He was a real gem in trying on clothes and sorting through things he wanted.
I learned from Uncle about my Grampa's pick up, that the prick pocketed 200 bucks he paid for that too in cheating the estate.
While I am going on the prick, there are things that just have me shaking my head. Like he shot all my Uncle's guineas and ate them, he cleaned out the freezers in a huge pile of meat......and then I saw these sandwiches at the reunion and was informed by his daughter how good they were. They should have been as they were expensive homemade deer sausage. Yes as it was "free" that stupid bastards used it, not realizing it was like 30 dollars a stick, and he would then eat cheap shit out of the grocery store.
Like I said I have some real asstard loathesome relatives.

So in the back drop of this was the oldest sister, that they were pissed at, and her husband had given my Grampa a Japanese war relic rifle, one of the Arisaka 99 rifles in 7.7 mm or 30 caliber. I knew my brother and the elder son had seen it in a closet, but it disappeared after the blow up of my gun.
It got so interesting that the stage 4 cancer Aunt in California called me up and I told her where it was, and to call up the elder son as he might know where it was. I later heard he told her he knew nothing about it.
The Sherlock Holmes in me figured that the prick, still in his fury, decided to punish his cancer dying oldest sister, steal her gun, and give it to the elder son, as his son is supposed to be named after the prick. I neglected to tell you what a manipulative prick this guy is.
So nothing more was said. Anytime I brought up anything to the prick and the fat ass, they looked at me like I was asking about there sex life. It is hard when you steal shit from the dying to keep straight what you all have stolen, so I never get a straight answer out of them.
As I am no longer a child, I drink and when the elder's siblings came to the Uncles this year, TL and I were over. The booze was flowing freely and I am tight lipped, and for some reason a closet door was open, and I asked about the guns in there as they looked like they had suppressors on them. The younger son who I really like, told me, 'No that was Grampa's gun, a Japanese thing, but they made lots of them".
I never batted an eye on my poker face, but I finally had my proof of the theft. see elder son left allot of things at Grampas. I don't know if he didn't have room or his ball buster wife would harp on things. Odd as he took Uncle's big lawnmower back, which is probably why he brought a trailer as he is always scheming.
So he left things Uncle left him, and now I know the scenario that the prick stole that gun, lied about it, and handed it over to the elder son. That kid apparently did not want it or was squeamish about stealing things from the dying, so he left it with the Uncle, and the younger son rummaging through things later, was told the basic truth that it was Grampa's gun and was of no value.......hence it was ok to steal it.
See if you keep your mouth shut when others are stoned or drunk, you learn things, as there are always people who will let something slip that they have absolutely no idea is a family secret, unless some little orphan girl is sitting there with a data mine of information.
Someday I might put this information out to the fat ass in passing, act stupid, and ask how that rifle ended up in the closet, as stage 4 was looking for it. As I type it, if stage 4 stays alive, I might just drop that bit of information on her and watch the interactions later for fun.
I would tell my horrid sister who is crawled up stage 4's womb, but she is not talking to me anymore as word got out what assholes they are, and I wonder what God blessed those conversations to spread that reality around.
I find these stories amusing in the Truth coming out, as people are dead and in hell, and still the Truth comes out, and the most opportune times, for a kill shot from me in just mentioning things. I have no idea what God will move me to dispense with this information and when, but it came to me, and I am enjoying the confirmation of the mystery which I knew, but had no proof.
Life is a place where liars and drunks, always when sober end up telling half truths to people who do not know the entire story, and if you wait around long enough, by God the Truth will come out.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said