I will protect Donald Trump, but it is the ovens
for the Silicon Jew down to their silicon tits.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter
When this blog alerted the world to the real agenda of Senator PocoNAZI Warren, as a former Republican Ford Girl, hiding nativism, as she displayed Niggerware in her kitchen, as her credentials that she is one of the AltRighters, a true glorious White Supremacist GOP sleeper in the democratic party, to supplant Bernie Sanders, few paid attention, but they should have as PocoNAZI Warren has been on the campaign trail showering her love for Donald Trump.
Elizabeth PocoNAZI Warren coming for the Silicon Jews first
The facts in this are, Elizabeth Warren is going after the Silicon Jew and she proudly put on display racist Niggerware as she guzzled beer in a drunken stupor, as a wink to her real supporters that she is one of them.
Yes PROOF that Elizabeth Warren was defending Donald Trump in his Twitter Rages, his reported racisim, bigoty and extremism, in laughing at the Trump posts and desiring the President to continue.
Yes a real Trump Girl is in command of the Democratic Party. Democrats are about to elect Donald Trump in granny panties.
WATCH: Elizabeth Warren Laughs When Asked if Trump Should Be Banned From Twitter: ‘No!’
Warren has been very clever in all of this in attacking Donald Trump as a White Supremacist, but then who really is PocoNAZI Warren?
Elizabeth Warren: Trump is a white supremacist - CNNPolitics
Aug 08, 2019 · Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Wednesday that President Donald Trump is a white supremacist, making her rebuke of the President one of the strongest from the crowded field of Democratic presidential ...
Yes from Niggerware on the cupboards to going after the Silicon Jew first. Elizabeth Warren has been unmasked as the CIA's sleeper in 2020 to assist Donald Trump in leading the Socialist wing of the Democratic party.
The Negro has lips designed for watermelon
which comes from Africa and I have lips designed for beer bottles.
Yes Elizabeth Warren voted for Republican Gerald Ford for President, after Ford pardoned Nixon for Watergate. Few people know that Richard Nixon enjoyed like Justin Trudeau in posing in black face for a national franchise of MacWatermelon, which appeared in ghettos across America and Africa, with their favored food group.
Yes Republicans have always given the minority what they wanted. Lincoln emancipated them. Bush41 had Jeb sucking their boobs, Richard Nixon sold them watermelon, and Elizabeth Warren with her Niggerware. A Republican White Supremacist is not like a democrat.
Americas deserves to know their President
is not a watermelon eating crook!!!
The affection Donald Trump and Elizabeth Warren have for each other in electing him in 2020 is far reaching. Trump fans chased PocoNAZI through the Reno airport as a show of their adoration and support.
Elizabeth Warren pursued through Reno airport by pro-Trump activists
Alongside was a message that said: 'Nevadans greeted Elizabeth Warren in Reno and let them know exactly how they …Daily Mail
When it comes down to it, the impeachment of Donald Trump will come down to not the #NeverTrumper Rhino's led by Mitt Romney, but by the Republicans who have infiltrated the democatic party.
Mike Murphy, a Republican election consultant, recently remarked that “one Republican senator told me if it was a secret vote, 30 Republican senators would vote to impeach Trump.” Everyone understands that Mr. Trump is wildly popular with conservative voters, and that Senate Republicans would rather not invite primary challengers by alienating them.
Yes Republicans in the Senate will betray Donald Trump, but it will come down to the real Trump supporters who will save Donald Trump from the Obama / Nancy Pelosi deep state coup.
Mr. President, I will always have your back!
Do not even consider Elizabeth Warren baking Jews as a put off for the Jewish vote. Reports have been published after Warren went after Mark Zuckerberg, the Jews of LA just gushed over her. Elizabeth Warren has proven that throwing Jews into the oven, is the way to gain their vote. They have this Krauticide they all yearn for. It is why they can not stop talking about Hitler.
Donald Trump tried the soft sell in the Golan and having Bibi Netanyahu sleep in Jared's bed. It is PocoNAZI though who will defend Donald Trump and bring home the Jewish vote.
Why is it the smell of Zyklon B arouses me in the morning....
Los Angeles Dai