Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Law is not Dunn

We only want her to bleed a little bit.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Cutting people slack just because they are crippled or their kid is dead, does not serve society and never serves the law, and when the parents who named Harry Dunn, this stupid name, condemning him to some Darwin end of natural selection, when an American diplomat's wife in Anne Scoolas, accidentally killed this motorcycle driver in England, it has set off not a search for Justice, but the Law According To Dunn.

There is a point in this that Anne Scoolas for some reason was on the American side of the road, but there is a point in how unintelligent does someone have to be on a motorcycle and not have the intelligent to get out of the way of a car.

All of this has culminated in the Dunn's flying to America to stalk not only Anne Scoolas, but also President Donald Trump. This came down to Prime Minister Boris Johnson now getting involved and asking the President to meet with the Dunn's. In this Donald Trump, the most powerful man in the world, took time, when he is facing impeachment, when he has economic and foreign policy problems WHICH CAN ALL BE TRACED TO BRITISH MEDDLING IN US ELECTIONS, agreed to meet with the Dunn's, after the pop threatened the President in wanting to meet man to man.

Yes Donald Trump met with grieving parents, and then Donald Trump tried to settle this, as the Dunn's were given a meeting with the President, and had been fixated on the innocent Anne Scoolas, so the President invited Mrs. Scoolas there as she had already apologized, and then asked the Dunn's if they wanted to meet her.

The Dunn's response with attorney's in tow was to nothing but BITCH that they had been set up.

No good Trump Deed goes unpunished.

Donald Trump has a responsibility to American Citizens first. In seeing how the British tortured and held captive Julian Assange and are now ending his life in Tower of London scene, Anne Scoolas must be protected from the British.
Furthermore,what of Michael Savage, the recipient of British racism and anti semitism?

Anne Scoolas did not mean to engage in a car motorcycle ACCIDENT. She was right to return to the United States for her safety sake, and in this she graciously not only apologized, which she should not have done legally, but she took the time to travel to the White House in having  to deal with this impossible situation. To that the British could do nothing  but BITCH!!!

What comes out of the Dunn's dictatorship reads like something from Edward III. In no place in British Law or American Law exists the kind of psychosis which the Dunn's are demanding.

First the Dunn's demand that meeting Mrs. Scoolas in the White House was not good enough. No the Dunn's demand to psychologically strip and make Ann Scoolas naked before them, as she is helpless in the British police state in demanding to meet her only on British soil.

Oh but it expands beyond the Dunn psychological rape of Anne Scoolas in making her helpless, as the Dunn's also demand that in this torture chamber, Anne Scoolas must be outnumbered at least 5 to 1 with Dunn's multiple lawyers, Dunn's mediators, Dunn's counselors and in Dunn Law, I would not be surprised if the dead motorcyclist would be dug up and placed on his scooter for psychological effect.

There is not a court in England or America which would put an accused or a criminal into this type of toxic situation,  before any ruling or conviction by a court, because it is CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT which the United States Constitution protects Anne Scoolas from.

They had envisioned meeting her one day, but as Seiger told The Daily Beast, “only on British soil” and “only with mediators, counselors, and their legal team in tow.”

It degrades even more as apparently after the Dunn's psychological strip, torture and rape Anne Scoolas, and have her "confess" or not confess, the Dunn's have declared in Dunn Law that the British Kangaroo Courts have already convicted and sentenced this American Woman, as the Dunn's then being LORD GOD of this woman's life, will then request a suspended sentence.

The Dunn's have more lawyers than Jack the Ripper, so they know damned certain that no British court is going to pay attention to what the Dunn's deem as mercy, and the Courts of England will throw this innocent American behind bars for 20 years to be abused in the British Muslim rape prisons.

Yes after the entire destruction of Anne Scoolas' rights, the Dunn's will after all their pounds of flesh, state they will agree to meet with Anne Scoolas.

These draconian British by what they consider law would probably put Anne Scoolas head on a pike and hang her corpse from London Bridge, as they are not interested in justice, the law or a closure for the death of their son. The Dunn's are enaged in terrorism, torture and have engaged in the most psychological and sadistic mental rape they could manifest.

The Dunns have said they would ask a court for a suspended sentence for Sacoolas if she is convicted of their son’s wrongful death. But only under the condition that she return to the U.K. to engage in the investigation and stand trial, if one is ordered. If she agrees to that, they say they will agree to meeting her in person and accepting what they assume would be her apology.

Honestly, under the Patriot Act, President Donald Trump and Homeland Security should take the Dunn's and their legal torturers into perpetual custody as a message to these British that the United States has been abused enough in 1776, 1812, two world wars, and the latest British manifestation of trying to start a nuclear war between Moscow and DC in 2016 MI6 election meddling.

The Dunn's are not grieving parents. They are heinous psychopaths who just admitted they are going to torture, psychologically rape, humiliate, belittle and unleash cruel and unusual punishments on an innocent American Woman.

The Dunn's are a threat to every person who is free or in the gulag, as their kind of law puts everyone into the dungeon, where like Saddam Hussein, they can light up a cigar, and lament as the tortured are screaming, "Why have you made us do this to you?"

Seize the Dunn's passports and their entourage, reject their visas and throw them the hell out of the United States back to England, as their kind of abuse of humanity belongs in a place of Edward Longshanks.

Boris Johnson owes Donald Trump and apology and the United States is owed conspirator Prime Minister Theresa May in chains for her meddling in the 2016 AD in the year of our Lord elections.

I will remind everyone again, that my sister was killed by a drunk driver. It devastated my parents, but I will never forget how they reacted. My parents met with the boy who did this. They accepted him. They treated him with sorrow for what he was going through. They welcomed him to the funeral. They stood up for him so he was not charged with manslaughter.
My parents were some of the worst people I knew in how they treated me, but their example is what even horrible people do in bad situations.

The Dunn's must be thrown out of America, so the blood of Anne Scoolas is not on their heads, because if they keep torturing this innocent woman, she may take her life, and if that happens, this blog will demand murder one charges on the Dunn's and the full penalty for their heinous misbehavior.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
