Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Fiona Throat

When deep throat is not enough, go Fiona Throat!!!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The problem with the third coup attempt against Donald Trump is that it has descended into bad porn. It is by design, in order to induce the emotions of unfairness on the right and desperation on the left, to usher in Webster Griffin Tarpley's revelation of a split democratic party of Nazis and Communists would rule the United States, as the White Race if vanquished by the legalized foreign hordes.

It was the latest installment though starring British asset, Fiona Hill, of the leftist Brookings Institute as featured by left wing CIA propaganda pub, Politico, which just left a bad born taste in one's mouth.

Politico has become to e media, what Shep Smith's fag anus was at FOX, a great deal of drama, a great deal of wetting oneself over nothing, and a great deal of finding ways to impeach Donald Trump for breathing.

If you remember, the disaster in Europe, which humiliated Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, and set off the Kurz Trump feud, it was Fiona Hill, with slave importer John Kelly, presidential plotter Mike Pompeo, and the new star of Fiona Hill pillow talk in John Bolton, were the group who moved the Trump Putin summit to Helsinki and away from Vienna, where Kurz would have negotiated a peaceful accord between Moscow and DC.

Fi Fi, show shyster what those lips are for...

Hill currently serves as the senior director for Russian and European Affairs on the National Security Council. She was part of the U.S. delegation at the table on Monday along with White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, National Security Adviser John Bolton, and interpreter Marina Gross, CNN reports.
The British-born Russia expert left the Brookings Institution, a D.C. think tank, to join the Trump administration last year.
As Politico created National Enquirer drama over White Whores Staff testifying before democrats in Congress, in featuring this fabricated headline:

Trump’s impeachment barricade crumbles

Key witnesses are ignoring Trump and delivering bombshell testimony in Democrats’ Ukraine investigation.

There is not an impeachment wall barricade as  Donald Trump wanted Fiona Hill to testify. When the Lame Cherry informed you months ago that Donald Trump was going to run against Congress and the Fed, Donald Trump wanted impeachment.
As Ken Starr has explained, there is nothing in the Trump script which would lead to impeachment. This blog informed all of you that more was coming, and more will come in this Fiona Hill deep throat deluded jabberings, which will culminate in a December vote as impeachment by a 1000 innuendos will be voted on.

Poltico after making the charge that Trump did not want her to testify, then said they had no idea if the White House ever engaged in any gagging of anyone.

It was unclear if the White House sought to block Hill from testifying, as it has for other former officials who have been summoned before the House this year. But Hill’s lawyer, Lee Wolosky, said she was served with a subpoena — a possible indication that she, like other congressional witnesses, sought a subpoena to testify over potential concerns from the White House.

So what did Fiona Hill of England testify? She drew John Bolton out in a rather crass and non diplomatic exchange, which in turn exposes John Bolton to scorn on the right, and makes Bolton appear hair brained.
Fiona Hill has ended John Bolton as a political and intelligence force in the United States.

You ever had an opium grenade up your anus Fiona?

Hill also told House impeachment investigators that Bolton told her, “I am not part of whatever drug deal Rudy and Mulvaney are cooking up,” referring to the acting White House chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, whom Hill believed was involved in the discussions about Ukraine. Hill also said Bolton described Giuliani, Trump’s personal attorney, as “a hand grenade who’s going to blow everybody up.”

What Fiona Hill renders down to, is the same Russiaphobia of these Trump coup plots in framing Donald Trump. She had her panties wadded up in Gordian knots trying to menstruate, but not able to, as he was terrified the Russians were meddling in American elections.

First, Russians always meddle in American elections.

Second, not one American was influenced by their drivel. In fact, the data shows that Russia actually did their ad buys AFTER Trump was elected. They targeted blacks, which would help democrats, not Donald John Trump.

Third, the only people who are focused on Russian election meddling ARE THE #NeverTrumpers WHO LOST THE ELECTION in the Obama, Clinton and Bush trolls.

The person, who was not authorized to speak publicly about Hill’s testimony, said Hill became passionate more than once about Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. She expressed concern that the United States was not doing enough to combat Russia’s aggression, and that it was opening the door for other countries to do the same, the person said.

So Fiona Hill in her role as deep throat while an Alexander Butterfield awaits to suck on Adam Schiff's mic, is just bad porn. The White House transcript reveals nothing, as the President of Ukraine brought up Rudy Giuliani first and Ukraine was already investigating Hunter Biden and Joe Biden's threats to Ukraine.

What is appearing again are the same swamp rats as in the Bill Kristol deny Trump the nomination, and the Robert Mueller witch hunt of characters who blather a great deal about explosive allegations, but none of it holds up in court.

Nancy Pelosi is holding back in this for her December Impeachment Organism. ALL OF THIS TESTIMONY has already been scripted, and there will be a 'smoking gun' which is already known, to give cover to democrats and a few Rhino to vote to impeach Trump.
As stated, that is what Donald Trump wants as that is his election strategy as it will stir up his base who did  not like being betrayed by him and will expose the left as kooks again, in trying to lynch people without any evidence.

Mike Pence has been shuttled out to Kansas to shore up the conservatives who do not like Trump betrayals and Pence is now in Turkey to broker a cease fire in Syria, which is what Donald Trump wanted Syria about in cutting the Iranian link to Lebanon by Turkey, blaming Turkey and the looking strong in a Turkish cease fire......after the Kurds let loose their ISIS oil truck drivers.

All of this boils down to the political prostitute status of Fiona Hill. She is not an attractive Evelyn Farkas and the reality is Donald Trump thought she was a secretary in handing papers to her, and Hill was dumbfounded at what to do with a transcript.......which in turn brought Herb McMaster out of his bunker to castigate Hill for acting like she was too gifted to do a job.

I'm sad because they got an ugly woman to play me.
