As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Maybe some of you have heard and seen of the mysterious lights off of North Carolina which were all over the fringe net. The photo grab is below.

Here is another photo of the lights and they seem to be saying Hi.
All that is necessary in this is to use Paint Shop Pro, use the color clone, and with a round brush, dab on the same color spheres.
My spheres do not have the refraction of the original lights, but there is the problem in that, as the original lights are either glistening like the sun through the clouds or are between the clouds and the photographer.
Here are the alien lights telling the rich people to DONATE to this poor orphan girl or they will wipe them out to the last portfolio.
This was accomplished by cut and paste, using the circular selection of the original lights. I noted in spoofing this that the light color was yellowish, not pure white light. The same color that the sun would be in the sky.
What this looks like to me, without any of the Star Trek OS girls in short skirts which we all adored or Jim Kirk endlessly being shirtless in taking physicals or having his clothes ripped off by savage lizard women succumbing their 1000 year mating rituals, is a simple bit of computer special effects, like making Michelle Obama's ass not two zip code state sized, while she is moving.
It appears some wisenheimer grabbed some footage of the sun and transposed it, to create this attention seeking digital.
I am more like Scotty though being caught looking at the girls tits as action was being barked out, as it seems more interesting than .......no I take that back, in I really like aliens that are threatening rich people to donate to the Lame Cherry as how are the feds going to arrest them and it isn't my fault the that aliens like reading this blog, after traveling millions of light years, as they probably have a real turd load on and need something to read while sitting on the toilet.

Scotty can you see the lights from there?
Nuff Said