As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There is a reality which has been hidden in the illegal war of the 1860's which Abraham Lincoln waged on Southern Christians for New York and European banking and it all is entwined in the Wade Davis Bill which Lincoln ended in the Pocket Veto of July 4th, 1864 AD in the year of our Lord.
As Lincoln sat in his Senate office chamber signing last minute bills into law, he refused to sign Wade Davis. The bill was a fight over Constitutional control of whether Congress or the President held the power of States in order reconstruct the Union which the Confederates had ended.
It is mute point if States have the right to succeed, because those with cannons obliterated that Right of Divorce, but what is damning and telling, with full consequences for Donald Trump in presidential elections in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, is the legal precedent which President Abraham Lincoln established, not in the Supreme Court of Dread Scott, but in the Executive and Legislative authority in the United States which supersedes the Courts.
Wade-Davis Bill - Wikipedia
The Wade-Davis Bill of 1864 was a bill proposed for the Reconstruction of the South written by two Radical Republicans, Senator Benjamin Wade of Ohio and Representative Henry Winter Davis of Maryland. In opposition to President Abraham Lincoln's more lenient ten percent plan, the bill made re-admittance to the Union for former Confederate states contingent on a majority in each ex-Confederate state to take the Ironclad Oath to the effect they had never in the past supported the Confederacy ...
Wade Davis was a fight between radicals in the United States. Make no mistake, Abraham Lincoln wa a radical, and so were all the abolitionists and unionists. They had shattered the Constitution north of the Mason Dixon as the South had torn it into two south of that line. It was the Philadelphia fight over Slavery in the Constitutional Convention of the 1780's in what was Government, what was checks and balances, and what was majority rule with minority rights. Slavery was that issue which was set aside and would be settled not by debate, not by paper and pen, but by blood, and by cannon and rifle.
It would be Zachary Chandler, a radical from Michigan who would approach the radical from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on the central issue, that if Lincoln did not sign Wade Davis, the Republicans would the entire western States. In his statement which opened this public discussion, Chandler ended it with this manifest that Wade Davis prohibited slavery in the States which would be defeated in war and reconstructed, as in the Union Federal could dictate and write what was in State Constitutions.
The important point is that one prohibiting slavery in the reconstructed states.

Zachariah Chandler - Wikipedia
Zachariah T. Chandler
(December 10, 1813 - November 1, 1879) was an American businessman,
politician, one of the founders of the Republican Party, whose radical
wing he dominated as a lifelong abolitionist.
It was then that the radical of Abraham Lincoln stuck like lightning and thunder, stating Constitutional Law. The essence was that Congress had no legal authority to end slavery by passing nay law. A Right retained by the States and People, could not be taken away by an act of Congress as the Constiturion protected those unspoken rights.
Think of the consequences of the Lincoln statement.
I do not see how any of us now can deny and contradict all we have always said, that Congress has no constitutional power over slavery in the States.
For as long as the United States existed as a Nation, Congress had been attempting to regulate slavery, which it has authority to undertake. This is an important point in the Lincoln Paradigm in Congress can decorate the Statue of Stone of the Constitution up to a point, but Congress can not mould the Statue as the Constitution is set in stone.
The Compromises worked out, had not worked, because the issue was not owning people by one group of people. The real battle in this was the Southern aristocracy which was educated, skilled at politics, had the population representation and the controlling power over the New England money interests. This is what this battle was about, was political control, and it would move west as American reached Manifest Destiny, with each side vying for allies in the western in the States created.
This would become Bloody Kansas in the prelude to the Civil War as two interests battled for political control in a Republic of States.
It was the illegal war against the Confederates who divorced themselves from the Union, when their rights were obliterated by the election of Abraham Lincoln, which moved Lincoln to shatter the Constitution in making war on American People, denying them their Rights and overthrowing States for Federal occupation.
The fight among the radicals was pitched in the last years of the war, in if Congress which desired in part to genocide the South and replace it with a Colonial Northern People to be controlled by New England or Abraham Lincoln's final solution of shattering the Southern Aristocracy in destroying it in land ownership, finance and commerce, to end their political domination of the North.
To the opposing radicals, Abraham Lincoln was not scorched earth enough, and was too kind in only burning Atlanta and the South to the ground.
Lincoln was already moving at the end of 1863 with his plan of reconstructing the South in his image. Congress was furious over the Executive overreach of Lincoln, and while Lincoln's plan was first well received in Congress, soon the money interest rallied the radicals and in that the Wade David Bill in absolute Congressional control of dictatorship over the South emerged.
Congress led by Ben Wade and Henry Winter Davis were agreeable to Abraham Lincoln killing the South, but they intended to divide the spoils which would emerge after Lincoln's death in the Jewish carpetbaggers appeared buying up the South, where General William Tecumseh Sherman outlawed Jewish commerce in the South and threw them out, protecting the undefended Southern remnant.
Benjamin Wade - Wikipedia
Wade was born in Feeding Hills, Massachusetts, on October 27, 1800 to Mary and James Wade. Benjamin Wade's first job was as a laborer on the Erie Canal. He also taught school before studying law in Ohio with Elisha Whittlesey. After being admitted to the bar in 1828, he began practicing law in Jefferson, Ohio.

Henry Winter Davis - Wikipedia
Henry Winter Davis (August 16, 1817 - December 30, 1865) was a United States Representative from the 4th and 3rd congressional districts of Maryland, well known as one of the Radical Republicans during the Civil War
Abraham Lincoln was intent on protecting his authority as President as he overreached that authority, as he did numerous times in his war against the South, which he waged against Congress and the Courts. In this though, Lincoln set into Constitutional definitions outside of the Courts.
Focus on that point, in the Executive was defining the Law, as determined by the Courts and the Congress.
In Wade Davis, Congress legalized the Right of States to succeed, by denying them their Rights as States to be readmitted. It was the Catch 22 paradigm in this. Deny the States their rights, as Lincoln explained, meant that the States were not in the Union, and therefore had the Right to leave the Union.
Wade Davis, which Lincoln did not mention, would declare his war a criminal act, against a foreign nation of the Confederacy, and is why Lincoln always defined the war as a police action of insurrectionists INSIDE the United States.
It was this point which the Europeans who instigated this war for economic control of America by debt enslavement, would not recognize the South as a nation, because the Europeans understood their empires would crumble as the diverse peoples they ruled without rights, were actually nation States too, no matter which flag was planted on them.
This bill and this position of these gentlemen seems to me to make the fatal admission [in asserting that the insurrectory States are no longer in the Union] that States whenever they please may of their own motion dissolve their connection with the Union. Now we cannot survive that admission, I am convinced.Abraham Lincoln declared in his Senate office that when People's have the right to leave a nation, the war against them was illegal in coercing them to stay. Lincoln's own regime could not survive that reality as Lincoln would be crushed by the Constitution.
For a President to shatter the marriage contract of a nation as Lincoln did often, it is the strangest of loyalties Lincoln had for the Constitution protecting him against his illegal war against Americans. The central point Lincoln stood on would stand. The Constitution was till death do us part. There was no a divorce of States, and in order to preserve the Union or marriage in forced reconciliation, Lincoln knew that the Constitution would have to be amended to outlaw Slavery, in order for Congress to wield the authority of the Presidential police state to keep the errant Southern wife at home.
This is why Lincoln never was active in passing laws against slavery. His Emancipation Proclamation was under the guise of an Act of War, to both terrorize and subject the South into submission. Lincoln though did not emancipate all slaves or end all slavery, as General John Charles Fremont engaged in, in Missouri, for which Lincoln removed him, as it would have shattered support in the North for his war effort.
Lincoln's entire premise was to make slavery unConstitutional, and thereby subject the South in that way politically. Lincoln stated that if States could overpower the Federal, then he had no authority or Congress.
Lincoln could not exist without the States, but the States proved they could exist without Lincoln. It was that reality that the United States is not a nation without united States, is the entire construct of the Lincoln Paradigm.
If that be true, I am not President, these gentlemen are not Congress. I have laboriously endeavored to avoid that question ever since it first began to be mooted and thus to avoid confusion and disturbance in our own counsels. I was to obviate this question which I earnestly favored the movement for an amendment to the Constitution abolishing slavery, which passed the Senate but failed in the House. I thought it much better, if it were possible, to restore the Union without the necessity of violent quarrel among it's friends, as to whether certain States have been in or out of the Union during the war: merely metaphysical question and one unnecessary to be forced into discussion.
It is the Lincoln Paradigm of illegal federal usurpation which speaks to the 20th and 21st century. Beginning with the Income Tax which was not ratified by the States, to the bastardization of the Constitution begun under socialists Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt to usurp the power of the many to he few, has been an entire unbalance of the checks and balances.
Aborticide is not Constitutional Law, because the Supreme Court can not make law. Congress has that power.
The 1968 Gun Control Act is not Constitutional Law, nor are any of the Supreme Court rulings of that unConstitutional legality by the Congress and Executive, for it infringes on the Second Amendment. Congress can regulate, but it can not infringe.
The Obamacare mandate was not Constitutional in it forces Americans to buy something. Equally treacherous was Chief Justice John Roberts writing law from the Court stating this was a tax when it was not. None of these upheavals of the American System were Constitutional, infringed upon the States and the People, and can only be legal by a Constitutional Amendment, which is the entire point of Abraham Lincoln's statement that no one can outlaw slavery, except the People themselves granting that Authority to the Constitution.
What Lincoln stated in defending his illegal war, can not be dismissed. It touches on the illegalities of what Americans have had denied them in their Rights in the modern mandates and overreaches by all three bodies of government. All of these illegal acts are illegal and will not be legal until the Constitution is amended by a majority of American Citizens.
It is the reason these festering sores plague the American left and right, because in every case it is the minority dictating to the majority in denying them their rights.
Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said