As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
So like I am digging through the Thrift Store racks and I come across the mother of all hoodies. I have no idea what this thing is, but I have had heavier flack jackets on than this thing, as it is like body armor
I knew I had to have it, but at 7 dollars that is not 25 cents, so I contemplated it until TL arrived and we discussed it as I said, "Here hold this", and TL looked like we went to Jupiter gravity.
I got to looking at it and it was a Lineman's hoodie. Those are the people who get called out in 60 mile an hour winds and 40 below blizzards to put the electric cables back up that have snapped from ice.
A little research showed that Tyndale USA , union worker made, still offers this model of flame retardant apparel. . I swear this thing weighs 10 pounds and is like putting on an old diving suit. It seems to have wind sheer built in as after all this is extreme survival gear for the Arctic and I was pleased to get it. It would be perfect if it was canvas duck on the shell, but probably would weigh 20 pounds if it had that which I am contemplating as an addition.
It is sort of morbid to think linemen have this thing so high voltage does not catch them on fire when they are electrocuted in 40 below weather, but that is probably why I am not a lineman as I do enough of that chit in the cold without being paid overtime for it.
The nearest I could find was the mid weight hoodie on Amazon,as I was not logging into Tyndale and that was 111 dollars. So if I was going heavy I would think I got a 150 dollar hoodie for 7 bucks and in that, this is the mother of all hoodies as it feels like it would stop bullets.
I still would have liked to have gotten it for a dollar, but I think this might do well in calling wolves in the cold weather, as who does not have a fantasy of being charged by ravenous wolves thinking you are a meal and having to do the lead cure on them before you get ate.
So anyway, while I regret the price not being a quarter, it is a point that sometimes I have to not freeze to death as I get too close to that too often around here in things hurting and wanting to puke from the pain of the cold.
It is nice to know though that if a nuke goes off around here, that TL and I will not be caught on fire as we have flame retardant material to hide under.
With that, now I have to go get Grampa's secret lard cookies out of the oven, sans the hoodie, as I do not think I am in danger of catching of fire from that.
Nuff Said