Friday, October 11, 2019

When a Jew comes to Trumptown

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I happened to be in a store with FOX on, and who appeared by Mayor Jacob Frey of Minneapolis Minnesota, and glancing at him, I said to TL, "That's a Jew", and TL looking up said, "Yes".

Frey grew up in Oakton, Virginia, a Washington, D.C., suburb, and received a track scholarship to attend the College of William & Mary, from which he graduated in 2004. His family is of Russian Jewish descent

For those who are unfamiliar with Jakob Frey, he is the politician who has been making incendiary statements against Donald Trump and his supporters. Frey makes good fundraising and emotional manipulation of Trump sphere, like Adam Schiff, another very talented Jew, but Schiff is much higher up on the food chain.

In reviewing the Major's profile, some interesting motus aparandi appear from Obamanation.  The Viking who resides in the metro cities, mentioned recently that the government over there, was implementing a program of building poor folks housing in his mother's condominium neighborhood.

This was troubling to the nice people of Minnesota nice, as they have neighborhoods with nice people in them, nice Americans, of successful working character. Notice I did not provide racial profiles, as this is not a Caucasian issue, even if not everyone in Minnesota is not multi million dollar celebrity profile ethnic.

FOX also made a statement that Elizabeth Warren, the Nixon Republican, is far more radical than Bernie Sanders, than Obama, in she really wants to change the identity of America.
Study the following quote, in Jakob Frey, is initiating the building of four plexes to undo the zoning of Minnesota from single family housing.

Four plexes have to be built by someone. Four plexes are an investment, and a control, and promote non property ownership. Four plexes move in groups of people, who are foreigners, gain employment or funding through regime allegiance as political extensions of the state.
Four plexes house groups of people as those in East Germany in the Cold War, who observe their neighbors, and report on those neighbors when questioned by the authorities, and in that, are protected as extensions of the police state.

As mayor, Frey is pushing for a plan that would allow the building of four-plexes in every part of the city. Two-thirds of Minneapolis is zoned exclusively for single-family homes

For those who consider this a bit out there in a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, study the quote below in Frey, moved to Minnesota, divorced his first wife, for another attorney who is a lobbyist, for government things, which means money and power for control, and this wedded bliss met through Obama community organizing.

Frey met his second wife, Sarah Clarke, through community organizing in Minneapolis. The couple married in July 2016. Clarke is a lobbyist for Hylden Advocacy & Law, where she represents several business, non-profit, and community organizations at the Minnesota legislature and executive branch agencies

So in Donald Trump, as leader of National Socialism, his campaign deliberately chooses literally Sovietsota, which is a State of 9 11 Muslim terrorists and a rather dubious Negroid female who married her own Muslim brother who serves in Congress.
Governor Mark Dayton who caused the slaughter of Dallas law enforcement, ordered White Minnesotans to leave that State as it was importing foreigners who were not White. The entire Lutheran Social Services blueprint for overthrowing America through foreigners was laid down in that state by Governor Arne Carlson, all Obama advocates.
Minnesota in Hubert Humphrey's era was Outstate, Metro and Iron Range.  Minnesota is currently Outstate and Metro, with the imported foreigners community organized stealing elections for Jewish Al Franken from Jewish Norm Coleman, who would not bow to George W. Bush who likes cuddling with community organizer Michelle Obama.

Minnesota in Trump microcosm is the United States in the ethnic minorities concentrated like rats in a four plex,  ruled by Jewish finance and exploited by the comrade Whiteskin, as except for Obama stealing elections, only Jewish Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Poco Sanders or an assortment of Bungholers, Betoholers or slightly Negroid shades like Kamala and Corey are allowed in as tokens.

The Webster Griffin Tarpley predicted division of America in democratic nazi and democratic communist is the fruition of this revelation. Those controllers who promoted the current president are aware of this divide, and they are the ones who have written the Trump re election campaign, in order to highlight this divide and make it the issue of 2020, in order to cement the political mutation of leftist vs leftist as the only eventual choice of all Americans.

This is not Minnesota alone. This is moving all through the United States, a metro hinterland conflict, a native American conflict with the foreigner. What has been revealed in Minnesota in Jakob Frey is the taking of public taxes, to be paid to construction for kickbacks, who employ foreign slave labor, for the enrichment of the few, in the control over the many, by placing the Muslim Jesuit group of 3rd world Visa Vermin, into aging Christian neighborhoods, in order to be a framework to intimidate and overtake these metropolitan concentration power centers, from the city state to the county seat. This is how charity NGO's are bringing in foreigners, to overthrow the United States in every county, using American funding, enriching the few, built in slave labor, and all of this will vote for the communists and nazis, to the point that there will by 2050 an overt voting and control of America, meaning the Congress will pass laws to criminalize Protestants, to deport and imprison, on the exact model of Africa, where White ethnics were removed by force from Rhodesia, Kenya and created White enclaves in South Africa.

Four plexes is how this is being accomplished. It is rudimentary and brilliant.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said.
