Friday, October 11, 2019

Shep Smith Out On His Bunghole

Mmmm ball whisker burns hurt so good......

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

An anus is an idea which the mind possesses.  It is a fruition of thought in what it could be and what it is. An anus is a terrible thing to waste.

Robert Foxton Bolton

There is a most interesting drama playing out at FOX News in the homosexual propaganda minister of Shep Smith, an intelligence asset, who once was Red White and Blue Reagan, until Obama appeared and then Shep Smith came out of the closet and has hated Americans ever since.

“Recently I asked the company to allow me to leave Fox News and begin a new chapter. After requesting that I stay, they graciously obliged,” Smith said in a statement.

The interesting part is Shep Smith told the world that this was his decision. Then entered Attorney General William Barr meeting with Rupert Murdoch, owner of FOX, who has a history of spying on people in England, for a faction of MI6 and when caught, he soon enough became an Obama cheerleader.
You do recall the Lame Cherry exclusive, in Sarah Palin was being spied on by Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ahles, and FOX in the secret surveillance of employees.

The question in this is, Bill Barr is hunting the investigators of Donald Trump and foreign intel. The meeting with Murdoch points to that surveillance system which MI6 and most certainly Mosaad had access to.
To the point, the AG knew to talk to Murdoch, because someone told him FOX had recordings of something in a green room.

We know that Smith lied in this, and we know that he was involved, as he is the one who has been taken off the air, and not just the way Smith gallantly propagandized this, but there was a forceful removal of Shep Smith from FOX.

Shep Smith was escorted out of Fox News by security: report

While it was announced that Shep Smith was resigning, effective immediately, the resignation looked a lot more hostile, according to some sources. According to NBC News correspondent Jo Ling Kent ..

In connecting the dots, those FOX recordings point to one absolute, and that was Shep Smith was the one feeding information from inside FOX, to those involved in the coup against Donald Trump.  Smith was a willing fellow traveler as his on air attacks against Trump reveal. There was nothing illegal involved in what Smith engaged in or he would have been arrested, but there is indication in this that Smith was an active feed to those being investigated.

That is what the chain of events points to in Shep Smith out on his bunghole.

Queen of Bungholio and the Court Jester

