Thursday, October 17, 2019

Why was Obama spying on his Russian Ambassador?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter ant matter.

In the intrigue of the Adam Schiff, intelligence community, third attempt to frame Donald Trump, for impeachment, something has surfaced which no one is paying attention to for it's real legitimacy, and that is the American Ukrainian Ambassador, Marie Yovanovitch, a Serbian Russian, was spying on the American Russian Ambassador in Michael McFaul.

This is most interesting as McFaul's name is in a list of Conservatives, and most of them have been involved in exposing the Russian coup via the intelligence community. Yet McFaul, now a member of Stanford and Hoover, deemed, righ centrist, was included on this list, as he was leading back channel to Russia.
The context of this is simple. Obama's people thought Michael McFaul was involved in the Russian meddling of United States elections.

I will be blunt and short in this, that the entire Russiagate theater, was about two things. The first was Robert Mueller protecting the identity of the Missing Link. The second was there was a hunt for a Russian mole or mole group operating inside the United States, and that is what the witch hunt against Trump was about, in trying to find these traitors, embedded in the deep state.

Adam Schiff in his typical broad brush, has brought into Congress a group framing Donald Trump, but their actions indicate they were intelligence agents, who were hunting a group of moles, who were thought to be working with Moscow.
This all began manifesting under Obama, when leftists started leaking intelligence information via Wikileaks, Edward Snowden and Chuck Manning, all to keep Hillary Clinton out of the Oval Office.

The conservative figures allegedly unlawfully monitored by the State Department in Ukraine at the request of Yovanovitch include:

Jack Posobiec
Donald Trump Jr.
Laura Ingraham
Sean Hannity
Michael McFaul (Obama’s ambassador to Russia)
Dan Bongino
Ryan Saavedra
Rudy Giuliani
Sebastian Gorka
John Solomon
Lou Dobbs
Pamella Geller
Sara Carter

Ambassador McFaul who guided George W. Bush to a disaster in relationships with Vladimir Putin, as American policy was George Soros generated to take Georgia and Ukraine resources. This brought about the Obama Reset, which McFaul authored after guiding Bush43.


Michael Anthony McFaul 

In the Obama reset, the Russians mass murdered the Polish government and Obama covered it up, by not sending in the FBI as would be normal. Russia was promised Ukraine and then took Crimea.

Obama tried to oust Putin, but failed as Putin drove out American and British instigators. Sochi was another attempted humiliation.

It would come down to Obama promising after election in 2012 AD in the year of our Lord, to be more flexible or giving Moscow all they wanted. This changed though on June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, when Obama left the building and a stand in took his place.

What remained though was the network of Obama Marxist operatives and they were unleashed in 2016 and after against Donald Trump, as the fixation was on the Russian moles operating inside the United States who could not be flushed out.

U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch

In May 2019, the Trump administration recalled Yovanovitch as ambassador to Ukraine. Although Yovanovitch was respected within the national security community for her efforts to encourage Ukraine to tackle corruption, she had been accused, without firm evidence, by some conservative media outlets and by President Trump's personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, as well as Ukraine’s then-top prosecutor, Yuri Lutsenko, of being part of a conspiracy involving anti-corruption probes in Ukraine and efforts by the Trump administration to investigate ties between Ukrainian officials and the Hillary Clinton campaign. However, the U.S. State Department declared some of the allegations by Yuriy Lutsenko to be "an outright fabrication."
Relying upon unnamed sources, the Wall Street Journal reported that Yovanovitch was recalled for undermining and obstructing Trump's efforts to persuade Ukraine to investigate former vice president and 2020 U.S. presidential election candidate Joe Biden.
On October 11, 2019, Yovanovitch gave a closed-door testimony before the House Committees on Oversight and Reform, Foreign Affairs and Intelligence. She released a ten-page opening statement in which she wrote:

Understanding Ukraine’s recent history, including the significant tension between those who seek to transform the country and those who wish to continue profiting from the old ways, is of critical importance to understanding the events you asked me here today to describe. Many of those events—and the false narratives that emerged from them—resulted from an unfortunate alliance between Ukrainians who continue to operate within a corrupt system, and Americans who either did not understand that corrupt system, or who may have chosen, for their own purposes, to ignore it.

Obama's Ambassador to Ukraine, who Donald Trump fired for collusion, has gone on record that they were hunting moles in the US government and outside who were working with Russia.

resulted from an unfortunate alliance between Ukrainians who continue to operate within a corrupt system, and Americans who either did not understand that corrupt system, or who may have chosen, for their own purposes, to ignore it.

This is the story of the Trump Impeachment which has inadvertantly leaked out.

One again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
