Thursday, October 17, 2019

Nancy Pelosi and her Prelude to Armageddon

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi is leading the democratic party to ruin and the United States to the abyss of epic jeopardy, as she plays political theater. I know that sentence is lost on everyone in this era of Molotov Media, always over exaggerating situations, but the staged media event which the Speaker engaged in today was irresponsible.

On Wednesday, October 16, there was supposed to be a bi party meeting at the White House with President Trump. Mr. Trump focused on Turkey and the letter he wrote to the leader there.

In response, this is what Nancy Pelosi had planned in she rose to her feet, started pointing at the President and lecturing at him, to which the President defended himself. This is the photo in which Nancy Pelosi walked out of the security meeting and then in propaganda said the President was shaken and unhinged.

The White House responded with the facts that Nancy Pelosi had not any intentions of engaging in a meeting for national security.

White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham disputed Democrats' characterization of events, saying that Trump "was measured, factual and decisive, while Speaker Pelosi's decision to walk out was baffling, but not surprising" and that Pelosi "had no intention of listening or contributing to an important meeting on national security issues."

 As proof that Pelosi staged this, the Speaker made this photo of her pointing at the President as her Twitter banner.

The United States is in jeopardy. The economy is in the Obama Super Depression. The nation is bankrupt. Forces inside the United States allied with foreign regimes in London, Rome and Tel Aviv, to frame Donald Trump. Those same forces have Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi engaged in another coup to impeach Donald Trump. America is a powder keg or lunacy, and Nancy Pelosi threw a flame thrower into this by lying about the President to the public in stating the President was unhinged, in order to turn the country against him, and force democrats who are not willing to vote for impeachment, but what Nancy Pelosi did, was designed to taint the Congressional pool, by smearing the President.

This is not a Republic. This is not a democratic government. This is theater assassins who are engaged in overthrowing elections in the United States, which has set in motion a catalyst where the conflicts of the world will move from Cold and Trade War, to real wars, which will produce results where hundreds of thousands to millions of people will die.

There can not be any excuse for what Nancy Pelosi premeditated. She staged this finger wagging, and she had an accomplice who provided her the photograph of her acting drama immediately for her Twitter banner.

Turkey has nuclear weapons. Iran has nuclear weapons. Saudi Arabia has nuclear weapons. The Israeli state has nuclear weapons.  Nancy Pelosi, along with the Pentagon funded Congress from military industrialists are playing profit games and power games for control of America, with this nuclear trip wire. That is what is without excuse in this, in Nancy Pelosi planned this finger pointing, to add another prod to democrats to vote for impeachment, without considering or caring that what she has made her stage is a prelude to Armageddon.

When the fruits of Nancy Pelosi's theater bear, it will be all the metropolitan areas where the John Cusacks, Alyssa Milanos, Meathead Reiners, Rosie O'Donnells live in their mansions, and none of them are raising the concerns to what the Speaker endangered them with, as they are so fixated at getting the President by any means.

This is unAmerican what Nancy Pelosi engaged in. It is reprehensible that Chuck Schumer agreed to this.

America can not be a People or a Country with this taking place. That means there is not a Constitution and that is why Nancy Pelosi is not following the constitutional guidelines for impeachment, as America has been overthrown.
This is exceedingly dangerous and must be denounced and rejected.

It will not be, and it will continue.

There is a final check and balance to the US Constitution. It is not Thomas Jefferson's arming the mob and it rising up in a little revolution spilling blood. It is the reality that this intrigue will be stopped in the future, by foreigners. Russia and China will move against a divided United States, and the internal disloyalty of foreign slave labor will complete the check.
America will be defeated in the next war by design and the root of this is the continuous Obama, Bush, Clinton political structure of the elite, which emboldened Nancy Pelosi to think there would not be consequences for her stunt.
The Speaker will not face consequences, but America will when the war comes from the American turmoil within.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said.
