Monday, November 25, 2019

A 25 cent Dream

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Thrift store, even though I live there, rarely has the things I desire. It should have traps and gun things in it, but it never does. The best I get are old shitty knives that used to butcher hogs to whet my adventurous spirit.

Today though TL said to me if I was going to pick up a bag of ammo for 25 cents. I could not resist that, as I had no idea what it was, but ammo is always a lustful thing, so I picked up the Norma ammo.

Norma is from Sweden, and I had to mow lawn today, so I did not get to play with it until late in the day, and that is when I discovered it was 130 grain ammunition, which is not made any more. But it is the prettiest loading in the category of the 250 Savage. It just looks like it is built for Euclidean eye appeal.

Most loadings for the 7.7 Japanese in their World War II Arisaka rifles, based on the Mauser, but akin to the British 303, are for 150 to 180 grains. That is like the 308 Winchester which always looks like a linebacker in football, but the 7.7 in 130 looks just like a strong safety.

I have read the Germans love the 30 30 Winchester in bolt actions for stag hunting in Europe. This 7.7 looks like the 30 30 in being diminutive and that is what makes it so attractive. See everything in 30 caliber in America looks heavy from the 30 06 to the mags. If you put little 130 grain bullets in, the look boxy. The 270 looks pretty in the 130 grain loading, but it is such a long cartridge. The only thing akin to the 7.7 now is the 7mm 08, which the cartridge is every close to.

I would love to build a sweet rifle for this 7.7 as I think it would be a fantastic antelope to mountain sheep cartridge. It would be a delight on deer, as this 130 is just so sweet in looks.

That is all different from the Japanese of 1938 though as the Japanese built this 30 caliber to be heavy loaded with lead in the end, in light metal jackets. This caused the bullet to tumble and ripped hellacious wounds in Chinamen, Brits, Aussies and Americans who were on the wrong end. The Russians tried this with the AK 47 in their 30 caliber to get bullets to tumble to kill Americans in a coming world war, but never pulled it off in the 1970's. The Japs though did and were quite lethal.

With all that behind, I would love to have some kind of BLR in this 7.7 and just enjoy myself shooting a pretty Euclidean loading. Odd how the Japs had the 308 before the 303 and Savage had the 308 in the 300 Savage before NATO did, and now both are hard to come by and superior to what is on the market now when it comes to pretty.

25 cents was a good deal for a box of cartridges and a dream.

Nuff Said

