As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I doubt to be ever involved in politics again, as I refuse to put a servant of God's Name upon backing the genocide of America, as the WWE of Donald Trump is any different than the neurosis of Nancy Pelosi.
When Ronald Reagan could with Bill Casey give more than crumbs from the rich man's table, then this President could have demanded some scraps as the Jew Two of Gary Cohn and Steve Mnuchkin looted the entire Obama vault.
In this diversion, liberals have been busy laying propaganda that Donald Trump could not save Kentucky by putting his Trump Brand on it.
Trump Told Kentucky’s Voters to Make the Election About Him. They Did, and He’s Fucked.
proved this week that big rallies, big talk, and bad campaigns are a
recipe for electoral disaster, and alienated suburban voters are a
dagger in the heart of the GOP.

Rick Wilson
For obvious reasons, it always makes me want to vomit when geezertards use the word FUCK like they are emo and the Barbie Dolls they are masturbating up their asses are new and not from sins of Christmas past.In this, trying to sound communicative to the young, when you look like a creeper, is just creepy and non connective.
In this, instead of being a paid CIA Mockingbirdster to chirp fake news for the Trump Divide, I actually examine the data, as the data tells the story of how Donald Trump lost Kentucky.
As you can see Kentucky is a Reagan Blue State. The pinko enclaves of the metro rats rallied for the democrat, while Trump's GOP Governor in Matt Bevin, alienated voters. The Mockingbird press is attempting to spin this as teachers, IR, the Teachers Union is what won this for the democrats and defeated Donald Trump. You will learn the real reason below on the data.

County results
Beshear: 40–50% 50–60% 60–70%
Bevin: 40–50% 50–60% 60–70% 70–80%
![]() |
Matt Bevin (R) |
704,388 | |
![]() |
Andy Beshear (D) |
709,577 | |
![]() |
John Hicks (L) |
28,425 |
As you can see in the above, the libertarians gleaned over 28,000 votes. Bevin lost by 5000 votes. The liberals want to make this about powerful teacher's unions, but the fact is as reasonable that Bevin as a Republican was not libertarian enough. Bevin did not reach out to Reagan Republicans enough.
Bevin played the Trump card, which is the McCain, Graham, McConnell, Thune card in the Mexican vote. We are told that this vote is what matters, yet Governor Bevin when the election started, through off the ticket the Black Repubican in Jenean Hampton, and put on the ticket a Beaner named Ralph Alvarado.
5000 votes Bevin lost the race by. What do you think it did to the Black vote in Kentucky for Republicans running for Governor, in there are more Coons than Beaners.
Bevin announced on January 25, 2019, that he would run for a second term, choosing State Senator Ralph Alvarado as his running mate over incumbent Lieutenant Governor Jenean Hampton.
Add to the alienating of Blacks in Kentucky before the election, comes the immense one, of Coal Country Kentuckians who voted Republican previously, voted for the democrat this time around.
You do remember Donald Trump promised COAL FIRST, and Donald Trump instead sold the coal to China, coal stocks never recovered from Obama crashing, and what was the outcome? People Donald Trump screwed over, voted for a democrat.
Beshear won thanks to overwhelming support in Louisville and Lexington, Kentucky's two main population hubs, and their suburbs, as well as major swings in votes in the Cincinnati suburbs and lackluster performance by Bevin in Republican strongholds, particularly the coal country of Eastern Kentucky, where Beshear won multiple counties that overwhelmingly voted Republican in 2016. Voter turnout was high across the state compared to past Kentucky elections, with a statewide turnout of about 42%, up 12% from the 2015 gubernatorial election, significantly helping Beshear. Fayette County (Lexington) saw a 20% increase in voter turnout, and Beshear attained over twice as many votes in the county than the Democratic nominee for Governor in 2015, Jack Conway.
The mix of Kentucky though is more complicated than Coal Kaintucks. In a cursory inspection a woman defeated a Latin Republican for the Lt. Governorship. The margin was less than for the Governor. In these races, the component was not about race or vaginas. It was not about Teachers Unions either, as the Lame Cherry proves in the next series of data.
![]() |
Jacqueline Coleman (D) |
711,955 | |
![]() |
Ralph Alvarado (R) |
707,297 | |
Ann Cormican (L) |
28,475 |
Republicans swept all of the under races in Kentucky by huge margins. As proof, Daniel Cameron, the Republican was Black, in being elected Attorney General.
Secretary of State Michael Adams defeated a woman.
Ryan Quarles in the rural areas, as much as the city, smashed the democrat by landslide margins.
Allison Ball a Republican for Treasurer, was elected by an even greater landslide.
What the following data proves is Kentucky does not vote for testicles, race, vaginas or status position by the Republican majority. They vote issues.
Attorney General
✔ | ![]() |
Daniel Cameron (R) |
822,932 |
![]() |
Gregory Stumbo (D) |
602,004 |
Secretary of State
✔ | ![]() |
Michael Adams (R) |
746,275 |
![]() |
Heather French Henry (D) |
681,763 |
Agricultural Commissioner
✔ | ![]() |
Ryan Quarles (R) |
820,971 |
![]() |
Robert Haley Conway (D) |
544,872 | |
Joshua Gilpin (L) |
44,584 |
✔ | ![]() |
Allison Ball (R) |
855,720 |
Michael Bowman (D) |
555,013 |
So what was the reason Donald Trump lost Kentucky? Donald Trump's Republicans won Kentucky by a landslide. It was Governor Bevin who did something and it was not about the Teachers Union that the liberals want this to be made out to be.
The answer is hidden in the following quote.
For months, Bevin, who was elected in 2015, has been one of the most unpopular governors in the country, according to polling by Morning Consult. His disapproval rating increased sharply to 57% in early 2018, when the teacher walkouts took place in Kentucky. In the latest survey—conducted from July 1 through Sept. 30—53% of respondents disapproved of Bevin, and just 34% approved.
Here the Lame Cherry Truth, all teachers in Kentucky are Kentuckians, but not all Kentuckians are teachers.
What is the Lame Cherry meaning? What do Teacher do, besides have sex with children? They walk out from work, are shitty managers of the money taxpayers pay them in taxpayers do not have money handed to them and besides most have a psychosis of being driven to control children in their pathetic lives, this is not about Teachers, this is about what the Teachers did in walking out.
Where did those little humans go when the Teachers were sleeping in and masturbating to photos of Michelle Obama? Oh, the little humans STAYED HOME. Parents who have been forced in this Super Depression economy are forced to work, many three part time jobs, and those little humans are home raising hell, making problems, disrupting people's lives from Grandparents pissed off at being stuck watching them, to parents screaming at each other whose job is more important, and therefore a pecking order, and swearing they will never have sex again, as children are a nightmare.
What was Governor Bevin's response to having pissed off about 2/3rds of the population of Kentucky? Governor Bevin attacked the teachers as deadbeats, which accomplished nothing as those deadbeats will never vote Republican ever. This is where Bevin lost the race, as unlike Ronald Reagan who fired the air traffic controllers, pissed flyers off for a few weeks in delays, Reagan replaced his deadbeats and sent flyers flying, and deregulated the airlines so people smiled at lower ticket prices.
Governor Bevin should have had empathy with his voters, who had all those horrid children driving them nuts.
How would you like to be betrayed by Donald Trump MAGA Coal and be stuck with screaming kids at home and no Jim Beam because the goddamn distillery burned down and flooded the river with that shit whiskey?
You wouldn't be voting GOP Governor, but voting GOP in the other races, all of the other races.
Matt Bevin, married a woman with a kid, he adopted, who was an abusive man. They had five more children, and then adopted at total for 10. Bevin homeschools. This is the voter disconnect in he has enough money to educate his children at home.
Kentuckians felt this as elitism and not sharing their pain. That is where Bevin lost the race, as he lost Kentucky voters as they had no connection with him on an issue which as a bug up their butts.
All Bevin had to do was not be an asstard like Trump and be a Republican like Ronald Reagan. The teachers wanted a 5000 dollar raise, so Bevin should have handed the parents that 5000 dollars, coordinated with the Churches to pay them to watch and educate their screaming little humans, and voila the Union is broken, the parents and grandparents are pleased, and Donald Trump could have been cocking off at his rallies, in having did a Health Education and Welfare money dump into Kentucky funding this breaking of a union, in a Bevin landslide.
In review, from an operational reality.
Donald Trump had Kentucky lost for him, because he handed everything over to that half wit Jared Kushner, those deep state money launderers in Katie Walsh and Mike Shields, and trust that e buffoon Brad Parscale. YOU WIN FUCKING ELECTIONS BY BRIBING THE VOTERS TO FIX THEIR LIVES YOU JUST FUCKED UP BY PRETENDING YOU ARE A REPUBLICAN.
I will bet you this blog, that President Donald Trump did not receive the following factual review of the Kentucky Governor's Race. The reason Mr. Trump does not receive the political game review of what makes politics work as Abraham Lincoln did in 1864's Presidential Race, is he has not one political operator, only an assembly of kucksuckers using the GOP to enrich themselves and control the GOP to turn it into a Nazi National Socialist Party as Webster Griffin Tarpley said.
I make the offer to this President to fix things for the people who voted for him and his positions have betrayed, so he will not have to trust in a fixed e vote election, for those in the cartel who own his soul.
So rich people, are you going to donate, or wait for the money launderers to confiscate all you have, as this post proves again, the Lame Cherry is the last outpost.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said
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Dec 16, 2009"Don't talk of love, Well i've herad the word before. It's sleeping in my mermory; And I won't disturb the slumber Of feelings that I've died. if i never loved, I never would ahve cried. I am a ...