Monday, November 18, 2019

Mop Head on Deafening Ring Tone

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Sometimes in life you walk into the middle of a bad comedy skit.........

So TL and I are in the book section of the thrift store and this old gal is moving around me, and I move out of the way, and says she is ok and grabs me. She is a nice gal and is with one of those mop head women whose hair looks like a mop head.

So Suzi is in there today and I went to school with her. She is a blast in one tough cute little 5 foot nothing package.

So we move away to another section and the phone starts ringing. Not our phone, but the mop head's phone. I tune out phones as phones are annoying. I hate people with cute little ring tones, symphony orchestras or werid sounds, because they are always going off next to me and the only good sound then would be a howitzer nuking the person.

So this phone is ringing, ringing, ringing and I am just shutting it out, but I look up and in swoops Suzi who says to the Mop Head, "IS THAT YOUR PHONE", with the meaning, "YOU ARE ANNOYING THE HELL OUF OF ME, EVERYONE, THE WORLD AND GOD!!!!!!!!!!"

The phone stops ringing and the Mop reaches down to her pocket and says, 'Oh shoot, that was Jodi calling'.

The old gal says, "Well just tell her you are in town and you can not be doing things for her now".

I mean this was a deafening ring tone. It went on and on and this woman had no idea it was her own phone, as she chose the ring tone, had seismic vibrations from the speaker on her phone, probably cracking old bones or bruising tissues, but she looks down and is surprised it was her phone, when NO ONE ELSE WAS NEAR HER for 30 feet.

I burst out laughing as it reminded me of some bad horror movie where a ghoul bites off a limb, and the person looks down in surprise as blood is spurting and says, "Oh that was me?"

I know there should have been more, but I was laughing at someone so vacuous she was the one being called by someone even worse for help.

Nuff Said
