Monday, November 18, 2019


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have never been any good at video games. I hated foosball, as much as that pacman. I simply had no skills for this kind of rudimentary motor function, so confined myself to chess and checkers.

Odd thing is my brother is a whiz at stuff like this, and that is why I was puzzled when he had trouble with DX Ball and I took to that like I was skilled like at ping pong or volley ball.

So my games are not what this computer has, save for Billionaire or spades. I do have Jewel with the crack, but that is somewhere on a file and is of zero interest in how busy I am.
Oh yes, there was Microsoft Monster Truck.......I was good at that, but not so good at something I think was Viper, in a flying game on alien planets.
I mostly play to not pay attention to the world and where I am.

There was a game though from the early days, that I picked up as freeware in Escape from Wolfenstein. It is still my favorite game, but I have no time to play as it has been five years.

I like Wolfenstein though, as there are cheats or directions in how to play the game online which helps a great deal. I remember when I first played it, that I was on some level and the secret doors locked me in. I learned at that point to always save my games  at each level so I did not have to go through it all again.

The first level fiend is Hans Gröss. He has dual chain guns or we would call them gattling guns and I actually did look him up to test him out again, but he is not as intimidating as I remember. There are worse fiends to deal with, as Hans you just knock on his door, back away, and shoot your machine guns.
If you do it right he follows and you finish him off before he kills you.

No worry as there is a spare machine gun, first aide packages and ammo, but as I stated I save the game, so if things go wrong I just fix it with a DOA Hans.

I really do not like the modern games as there is too much going on and they are asstard. I like the basics of sneak attack, shooting and move on. I used to play a great deal of this before I met TL right before bed, in I would do one level to unwind and then go to sleep. So many people say games are bad, but as long as you are not letting deranged children zombie out on them for days on end, and just limit it for teenagers and adults, it is a good way to unwind the stress from the world.

It is a pretty easy game to figure out and for those who wonder what I have done or what I do as everyone likes being like me, Wolfenstein is  one of the free games I had played for stress and one I still have.
The most stressful game if have is the old Wintrek. That fricking game I win at being an Admiral, but that is one 7 dimensional chess game, as you have to navigate in for kill shots on Borg....what the hell the Borg are doing on original Star Trek I do not know, but when you fly into an area and come out of warp and 5 ships are waiting for you, it is tense, as you move to kill, and then fly out, before you lose the Enterprise.

That is what Wintrek is good at though, as it makes you motor function think in typing in commands, moving your ship, setting deflectors, setting energy for the attack and then firing on a clock, before your enemy hits you. You just do not sit there and pull a trigger, as you have to navigate to other systems to destroy the enemy ships, find Star Base for resupply or repair, and do it all in saving fuel and time, as that is what Admirals do to win in Wintrek. It sounds a bit complicated and it is. It is a game of tactics and strategy.

Unlike Wolfenstein which only has a strategy to expect a Nazi to sneak up on you and kill you. There are four levels in this game, and I always play the Mommy version as I am unwinding and not in it to get the shit shot out of me and wonder how I will survive.

I never did get why the SS is in blue, and these odd white coat Nazi appear in this game. I would have liked the traditional in they could have used Wehrmacht which are there, German military intelligence in grey and SS in black. Would have been more fun, along with a grenade launcher too for special things.

Anyway that is Escape from Wolfenstein, still one of the good games which is timeless.

Nuff Said
