Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sexy Hash Browns

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Today cheflings, the Lame Cherry is going to teach you how to create hash browns, which will look better than these from an online photo.

The problem with cooking potatoes is the water. In the above pan you will see the answer to all in the non stick pan. That is not an answer as potatoes in non stick pans still generate water, and then get mushy, will stick and worse yet will burn, or caramelize and taste like a bonefire.

Bone fire, from the English who burned bones for fuel.

OK so pay attention for when I show up at your mansion for a meal, and plead for me not to rain down fire and brimstone on your sorry ass, that you know how to create hash browns.

What you need for hash browns are par made pototoes or partial cook potatoes. First you grate them, then you put them into the microwave for about 10 minutes, which steams off the water, makes the potatoes hot, and when you put them into your skillet, with lard or oil, you have a product which will not stick or get mushy.

Do you think you can handle that or are you going to be off texting everyone, as I sit there, in bragging about you have the lovely La'me Cherry sipping on a ...........I think it is a red beer with large olives, as I prepare for a grilled steak, fired on apple wood, and by God you had better not serve me anything with a damned bone in it!!!!!!!

Alright, do you got that, in par cook spuds, apple wood smoked and grilled 1.75 inches of top sirloin, but I will agree to a 2 inch thick fillet, but by God do not feed me any of that goddamn ANGUS!!!!!
That is not beef. That is tasteless protein. Most worthless beef to come onto the planet, the black things from Aberdeen Scotland.
Do not feed me Angus beef PERIOD.

I also prefer blue potatoes, so get your ass gardening and grow some as you got fair warning when I show up, a celebrity of celebrities, and you better have decent potatoes. I will let you off with German Butterball or Yukon Gold. Don't you dare though try and slip me some Kennebec or Idaho baking potatoes, as I know my potatoes.

Vegetables I am easy to please, in no canned things EVER. I would prefer roasted beets, but I doubt you have the skill to place beets into the oven and bake them. Nor to come up with some desert which features a heavy cream., not hidden by some horrid bread product.

I prefer for an entree a Grasshopper, produced with heavy cream and homemade ice cream, followed by a syrupy brandy, and then for you to just leave as I stroll with TL through some garden setting, where you have some kind of wildlife like fish or wild geese. Do not make the mistake though of thinking fish are those coy carp things. Fish are not fat things that look like porcine politicians. Fish dart while geese swim. I will allow swans or ducks on the pond, but do not think you will get away with passing off some domestic fowl as ducks. I will allow though the banty class of chicken and jungle fowl, turkeys even domestic, although not broad breasted as that is torture, and I do like guinea and peacock.
No primate though. No inviting over the Duckess of Sussex as zoos are stinky things and quadroon are exhibits I have no endeavor to have intrude on my sphere of enjoyment.

If you knew how to make proper potato salad, I would allow that, as my hash browns are covered with sour cream, and salt and pepper, but I doubt you know how to make proper potato salad, and I am not talking a bout that sour vinegar German stuff that is like eating hot vomit, from a cow with a bad case of bloat from eating legume

You now though owe me again, in having been taught how to prepare delicious hash browns.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Oh and beer is beer, none of that ale stuff or has molasses in the process.

I must jet now, as I am in the process of devastating Microsoft Titan chess at the god level.

Nuf Said
