Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Weapon of Prayer

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

EM Bounds:

Edward McKendree Bounds (August 15, 1835 – August 24, 1913) prominently known as E.M. Bounds, was an American author, attorney, and member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South clergy. He is known for writing 11 books, nine of which focused on the subject of prayer

A synopsis EM Bounds book, The Weapon of Prayer, is an instruction on effective prayer, even though God mandates that we pray about all things, pray without ceasing, but just as you pray for things in your interest, you have to remember that God has interest in this too, and when things are not in God's interest, God is not going to answer prayers the way you think.

Prayer is a specific divine appointment, an ordinance of heaven, whereby God purposes to carry out His gracious designs on earth and to execute and make efficient the plan of salvation.

Now whatever you need for My cause, ask Me and I will do it.

It is My work which you are doing. It concerns My cause. Be prompt and fall in praying. Do not abate your asking, and I will not wince nor abate in My giving.”

 Prayer is a high privilege, a royal prerogative and manifold and eternal are the losses by failure to exercise it. Prayer is the great, universal force to advance God’s cause; the reverence which hallows God’s name; the ability to do God’s will, and the establishment of God’s kingdom in the hearts of the children of men. These, and their coincidents and agencies, are created and affected by prayer.

And then all the results and power He holds in His hands will be bestowed in lavish and unmeasured munificence to carry out prayers and to make prayer the mightiest energy in the world.

In the fish’s belly he cries out to the God against whom he had sinned, and God intervenes and causes the fish to vomit Jonah out on dry land. Even the fishes of the great deep are subject to the law of prayer.

In praying, ask yourself before you pray, what will God get out of this? Do not think that God only does things which are choirs singing in Church. God is a loving God and desires to give you all good things, but think of the good for you.
It is like my just thinking of things, like wanting a little covered aluminum baking pan. That means nothing to you, and it is not going to save ten thousand souls, but that giving from God pleases Him, as it delights me. That pan though is not made any more, and it may take someone dying, so it shows up in a used goods store, after the children dispose of the estate.
Prayer from your heart which is intense, takes minutes, but events take time. Jesus by praying the Father raised Lazarus from the grave  to Glorify the Father through His work. It was immediate.  So do not doubt in praying, but be aware in expecting God to complete the actions of the words in Faith.

Ask yourself though, even in money, what would be the reason God would move money to your possession out of the world, that would be for His cause. Each of us already has the reason we are asking God for things, but we must expand our understanding, and first contemplate how this will assist God in the reason He is doing this.

God's cause is the priority of saving you and saving others.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

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