As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As someone who enjoys history, when I saw the following article linked on Bad Blue, I was most interested in it, until I read it, and discovered what a giant leap into nothingness the writer had plunged.
Basically pissing on the Wailing Wall and shitting in Peking does not promoted US diplomacy in Asia.
How Ulysses S. Grant Helped Solidify the American Position in East Asia
Robert Farley
Grant’s efforts may have changed the course of America’s engagement with Asia.
Hiram Grant has always been a favorite character of mine, as his regime was the original deep state rapine of the United States. Grant was as close to a functioning sociopath who ever occupied the White House. That is not an insult as Birther Hussein Obama was simply a delusional manic with genocide of Americans on the psychosis as he swung from faggotry to pedophilia. There were far worse that US Grant.
Grant's regime was corrupt by the Indian Ring, the modern deep state is it's functioning body. This corrupt group of financiers linked to the Rothschilds, made war profits, seized the American economy, got rid of Black slaves for White poor European slaves to settle America, and then used Indian terrorists to make profits. Grant occupied the Southern States with federal troops, oversaw in debt repurchase an economic crash and oversaw one of the biggest mass murders in America in the Little Big Horn, because democrat George Custer exposed the crimes of the Indian Agents, for which his command was set up, murdered, and the stupid Indians took the credit.
That is why an article about Grant after leaving office, taking a world tour, is not exactly establishing American foreign policy. America had been trading in the region since after the War of 1812, establishing huge naval fortunes, and opening up Japan to trade.
Grant's high morality castigating Europeans for colonialism, overlooked his occupation of the South and an Indian policy which got Americans murdered by Indian terrorists for decades for profits of the few.
None of that is to cast a shadow on US Grant, as I have always been fascinated by him, and admired his providing for his family when dying of cancer in writing a book about his career.
Grant was a dichotomy. He had the gentlest of souls. Horses loved him and he loved horses. He was quiet. His center was so easily hurt that he drank, and did not handle liquor well, as he became drunk easily.
He was not a great military genius. He simply did not make mistakes, relentlessly attacked Robert E. Lee, and used up his Union Army, but his Army was resupplied with forced Lincoln enslavement of poor whites in conscription, while Robert E. Lee's Army was being killed and deserted from. That is the great secret of US Grant. He was a butcher, but handled his attacks well, and understood a way to kill the Confederate Army was to bludgeon it to death.
None of that though is great military genius, nor great domestic policy, nor great foreign policy.
Grant inherited peace, as stabilized by President Andrew Johnson. The Indian terror wars were in full profit and America was on the leash of the Europeans, by not smashing the French from Mexico and the English from Canada, which should have been the proper use of the Union Army after the Civil War, to create the Manifest Destiny of a United States from Baja to the Yukon, a Continental United States. It would have been better for all peoples, save the despots in Europe who wanted to keep the foothold in Mexico, Canada and the new found one in American Finance in New York from the war.
It would not be until Theodore Roosevelt appeared, who created the international America, in his Federal Reserve, allowing foreign finance of America, sending the US Navy around the world, and promoting healthy competition of capitalism to drive nations, instead of driven to wars as Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt answered to the deep state money interests to slaughter Americans and the world for, for the banking houses of Rothschild again.
To champion deep state or Indian Ring US Grant is a fascinating fiction. When mankind settles planets beyond the solar system, it would be like saying John Kennedy while banging Marilyn Monroe was the reason mankind went to space, because he wanted to go to the moon. Grant was of no consequence as was Kennedy in those future endeavors.
For that reality, US Grant urinating and defalcating in Eurasia is a nothingness. That era was filled with Americans abroad, studying combat and holding court. Grant was just another fascination as a representative of a most primitive people, who through industry had become a financial success.
Grant was but an image of numbers of warriors who gained the throne and did not comprehend what to do with the cloth of the land as his fanciers were whoring the people.
Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. The reason no one bothers with US Grant is there was nothing there, save the mass murder of the 7th Cavalry to cover up the American traitors in bed with the treacherous Rothschilds.
Nuff Said