As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In a reprehensible and revulsion display, one term democratic President, Jimmy Carter, took to become a Baptist preacher in a sermon from Mount Jimmy, where coming down to the ignorant folk, he laid out a blasphemy against Jesus the Christ, and equally as reprehensible and revulsion filled, moved against Democrat Thomas Jefferson in the religion of Secular Constitutional Law, by subverting that document too.
Yes Jimmy Carter, feigning death again, and now wanting to die during a church service, where St. Jimmy apparently is going to preside, moved harder than the Pater Pope of Rome against Jesus and the United States in a rambling unChristian and unConsitutional diatribe and screed.
Carter began with stating his only concern about dying was missing people he loved. Other Christians Biblical concerns are that we are saved in Jesus the Christ, as He is thee only Way, Truth and Life to the Father.
St. Jimmy though apparently has this all down with the log timbered forest in his eyes, in his psychosis of being rejected by Americans in voting for Ronald Reagan, he has been the perpetual pharisee, meddling in every Presidency from Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump, offending all, illegally creating foreign policy which has blown up from the Mideast to Korea, but Jimmy Carter sees he has no sin.
Jimmy Carter is responsible for modern Islamic terrorism as he created it with Zbigniew Brzezinski in using weaponized Muslims against the Soviet Union and Russia. LITERALLY everything from Rome bombings, Mideast wars, 9 11, Benghazi has the blood of innocents on Jimmy Carter's hands. Not once has this delusional self righteous faux Bible thumper, asked Americans for forgiveness nor has he ever apologized to the Reagan's, Bush's. Clinton's, Obama's or Trump's for casting the first stone against them.
Jimmy Carter is the fake Bible thumper who says he has no sin, because Jesus died for him.The problem is the record of Jimmy Carter in the abominations of aborticide, sodomy and murder which he is guilty of as an unrepentant sinner, which reveals the real fruit of the harvest who Jimmy Carter is.
During Sunday’s service he said his only concern about dying was missing his family and loved ones but said that he realized, as a Christian, he would see them again.He said that when he was younger, he struggled with believing in life after death because as a scientist, he couldn't prove it. Now he feels at peace with his life.
If Jimmy Carter is at peace with his life, then how is he still causing turmoil in the United States government in calling the current President illegitimate and playing politics like the prince of this world in satan? Jimmy Carter has one god, and that is self righteousness, and his doctrine is what he hides behind as he deems God owes Jimmy for Jimmy being such a great guy.
Jimmy's main thesis is that others are not doing enough again as he judges them. Others have to reach out to someone who needs it. This is the solution for America to become a better nation and reaching out would make you a better Christian.
The Bible teaches something a bit different and perhaps Jimmy will forgive God too for God not being Jimmy. While caring about others is a mark of a Christian, it does not make you a better person. All this does is provide proof to God that you are disciplining yourself to hearing God and obeying His Commands, like not being in a political party that promotes abominations like aborticide and sodomy.
That of course is lost on Jimmy Carter, as "he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved", is all Jimmy needs with judgmental unrepentant sinners.
The only reaching out that America has ever witnessed was Carter in building houses like a pharisee for the poor.........to rehabilitate his failed legacy in blaming America for his failures and that wonderful Carter monument to himself of the Carter Center, funded with millions of dollars in Jesus hating Muslim terror money, as Jimmy spent 40 years trying to genocide Jews in finishing off what Hitler started.
He made the congregation a promise to reach out to help someone who needs it. He said doing so would make America a better country and told church members it would make "you a better Christian."
But St. Jimmy was not finished as he had to bring the Roman orgy into the Sermon from the Carter, and decide that the Constitution was not what America should be guided by as St. Jimmy, has new dictatorial ideas for the American dictatorship according to Jimmy Carter.
Wishing like a warlock casing a spell, St. Jimmy wanted America to be a superpower for peace.....which America is guided by as long as it is not fighting Jimmy Carter wars with Islam or communist Birther Hussein Obama is not murdering Muslims in the Mideast for Obama's Islamocommunists.
Jimmy Carter is always strangely silent when it comes to the butchery he has unleashed on humanity, but in Jimmy's declarations the Constitution is not about protecting the Rights of Americans, no the Carter Constitution is about forcing America to be a superpower dictating to the world, at the sword of nuclear weapons, a superpower of Godless earth worship if the environment and Godless abomination of promoting deviant sex as equal rights, where pedophiles are protected under the law to rape children.
Carter also briefly discussed politics during the service. He said he wished the U.S. could be a superpower in world peace and asked "Wouldn't it be good if the U.S. could be a super power for the environment or for equal rights?"
As a Christian, the Lame Cherry calls upon this abomination of Jimmy Carter to repent, and as a Christian this Lame Cherry shines the reality torch upon the unrepentant sinner named Jimmy Carter, who has a fortune, lives like a royal, and has never reached out to hundreds of thousands as former President Herbert Hoover did in feeding, sheltering and clothing children after the murderous illegal Woodrow Wilson war against the world.
No Jimmy Carter spends some of other people's money, so he can create an illusion that he is a nice guy, a reach christian, a a moral man. The problem is the Secret Service agents who guarded Jimmy Carter, new him as an aloof, fake, who on one holiday, was chasing around a puppy outside of his house with a rake, trying to beat it to death, for wanting to eat.
St. Jimmy with his wife Roselyn, made the Secret Service get rid of that dog, as they were befriending the stray. God's littlest creatures to God's biggest creatures have all faced the murderous wrath of Jimmy Carter.
Secret Service Hated Jimmy Carter | Newsmax.com
Jimmy Carter was the "least likeable" president, Ronald Kessler reveals in his new book about the Secret Service that chronicles the agency's activities guarding every president from Kennedy to Obama. "In the President's Secret Service: Behind the Scenes With Agents in the...
I honestly hope that Jimmy Carter has the Jews save his life from cancer again, as under Obamacare, Jimmy has been having expensive treatments for bone breaks to cancer, while poor people had to do without and die in rationed death, because every time Americans begin to forget what an abhorrent person Jimmy Carter, he comes out whoring for attention, telling everyone they do not measure up to him, and how Jesus and America need to be changed.
As I type this, the Lame Cherry reminds all of you, that when Jimmy Carter dies, he has it all planned out, to rot on your media screens 24 hours a day, in having scripted all what will be said, and to how many peas are on the plates. He did this decades ago as he wants his legacy to be what he lies about, and not what Jimmy Carter is, in a failed Christian.
His funeral will be a displacement of Christ and the Resurrection, with the 8th wonder of the World in St. Jimmy, in how the world would have ended if he had not been here to save all of us Darwin primates.
You remember that, in what is coming, as Jimmy Carter is going to be as obnoxious as John McCain was in death, and it will cost you millions, as Jimmy Carter sticks his corpse face into your homes, telling you how much better Jimmy Carter is, than you will ever be.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Former President Jimmy Carter criticized President Reagan's ...
Mar 24, 1985 · Former President Jimmy Carter criticized President Reagan's 'lack of... 'It's OK for the Marines to be embarrassed and damaged in Lebanon, it's OK to have $200 billion dollar deficits, it's OK to have $120 billion trade imbalances and so forth,' Carter said.Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton: They Genuinely Dislike Each ...
Jimmy Carter repaid Bill Clinton and then some by going his own way on foreign affairs in the 1990s; by publicly rebuking Clinton's morals when he was at his nadir; after Monica, after the Marc Rich pardon; in that schoolmarmish manner that only Carter can muster.Carter: Bush Admin. Is "Worst In History" - CBS News
Former President Carter says President Bush's administration is "the worst in history" in international relations, taking aim at the White House's policy of pre-emptive war and its Middle East ...Jimmy Carter criticizes President Obama's foreign policy ...
Jimmy Carter criticizes President Obama's foreign policy This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," July 2, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.Jimmy Carter calls Trump an "illegitimate president" due to ...
Former President Jimmy Carter questioned the legitimacy of Donald Trump's presidency on Friday. Mr. Carter said the president would not be in the White House if not for Russian interference in the .