as predicted by Lame Cherry
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In studying the greatest actor ever, Joaquin Phoenix, saving Hollywood and the Batman franchise in his genius portrayal of the Joker, it struck me in Mr. Phoenix's pose that he is Richard III, in the incarnation of Sir Lawrence Olivier.

I was the greatest actor once, but a far greater Joaquin has appeared, and I glady hand him the crown.
Hollywood leftists are jealous of the chivalrous and talented, Joaquin Phoenix, and this rare thespian must be protected from the Jimmy Kimmel poison left in now attempting to destroy this icon. It is in this, that Hollywood took the Lame Cherry's adivce and did not pay me, as the only person who could save the Batman frnachise from the black hole of Ben Affleck, that I wnat to write for Mr. Phoenix as modern Richard III, and yes I will title it Joaquin III.
I will not reveal the twists and turns of this script, but I will have full control of this movie, except for creative direction from the star in Mr. Phoenix. I do not pretend in some grande psyche to have all the answers, so I turn to Mel Gibson who has in Icon, his production company, the genius to be able to frame a storyline like this and to produce and cast such a drama in a modern version. From Payback, to Bravehart, Passion of Christ, Hamlet, to Apocolypto, Mel Gibson has proven capable of creating any genre in cinema. As Joaquin Phoenx has risen to the star status of the Bogarts, Eastwoods, Gibsons and Waynes, he must be framed by only the best in the industry.
The people will be attractive, unlike the Kevin Spacey ugliness of House of Cards which had repulsive characters. This will be built completely around Mr. Phoenix.
The Hollywood left has destroyed theater, as much as fags destoyed musicals and lefitsts destroyed the NFL. This is the last chance for Hollywood as it must free itself from it's leftist devolution of non watchable movies, and the person to lead the way is Joauqin Phoenix. I do not will to have Joaquin III as Mr. Phoenix's next productino, as he must be framed in several populist features to provide a lightness about him, to cement him as the international presence in America which he is destined to be. Only then will Richard III be appropriate, as audiences will be dazzled by this actor who has no equal.
All fans must protect Joaquin Phoenix as he is entering the realm of absolutes, and while he has shown exceptional character in his stardom, we will not allow him to be overcome as Elvis was in the status he will be rise to. He is our treasure, and his personal life will be protected as we all adore him, and desire only the best for him.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said