Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Grim Jimmy

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

What we know for certain is Jimmy Carter is like Hillary Clinton:

Falls down allot.

Gets blood clots in his brain when they fall.

Carter is suffering from tissue tears. His black eye is proof that his vascular problems are from deterioration from age. His brain is not functioning so he is off balance. This in turn causes falls, which in turn ruptures blood vessels and cause blood clots.\

As Carter has been falling a great deal, it is interesting to note this brain clot appeared in the last jolt, was not detected, but something was noticed as Carter has deteriorated in an area of the brain where pressure had built from this clot affecting some type of function.
For Carter to be rushed to the hospital in the middle of the night, indicates this was serious and he was deteriorating, in a life threatening condition. In essence, Carter was having a stroke due to brain pressure, which would have killed him.

The Rev Tony Lowden, Carter’s pastor, said the ex-president was hospitalized on Monday on what he called “a rough day”.
“We just need the whole country to be in prayer for him,” Lowden said.

I would add to this, that the Baptist preacher stated something which proved the Carter's are lying, in this blood clot and brain swelling was not from the October falling incidents. In diagnosis, Carter had a bleeder, which formed a blood clot, and that clot has not healed, but it tore loose yesterday, from perhaps another fall, and this produced a major flow which caused the pressure in Carter's brain and almost rid the planet of him.

It is logical to conclude in this, that Carter was put on blood thinners, and this compounded the problem. Jimmy falls, so he may have clots, so the doctors prescribe blood thinners to remedy that, but a clot undetected formed, tore loose on Monday, and set up this stroke situation.

The fool had to go prancing around with his black eye after his last fall, instead of recovering. Now he is in the hospital, being monitored for additional bleeding and stabilization, costing Americans a fortune as Carter is not on Obamacare.

Rough day says it all and Carter did not say it.

There is more to this story than you are being informed of again, save the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter exclusives.

President Richard Nixon when he was faced with this situation in having a stroke, bravely denied himself medications in hospital, and allowed a natural progression of brain swelling, which compressed his brain stem, and he died from this, as he knew life was more than laying in a hospital bed with tubes in him suffering. It was God's mercy to President Richard Nixon in providing a comforting way out.

Nuff Said
