Wednesday, November 13, 2019


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Well, the geniuses of HAARP have really pooched the goose in this latest installment of Weather Modification. See making America into January in November seemed like such a brainstorm idea by the cartel, as they buried America in snow and then flooded it with rain in 2019 AD in the year of our Lord, that they just felt all knowing.

The problem though is they did not consider the bleaters.

Now I should ask the sensitive American, in their genocide, in being displaced by foreigners in the Visa Vermin Invasion, if they would prefer their being called immigrant Mexican, Muslim and Indians as it is important when you are the last generation of Americans being wiped out, that you do not want to appear racist as you peruse this blog, or is it ok if they are called Sand, Curry and Taco Niggers, as after all you are the Caucanigs of this generation in slave labor.

Well you just decide on how proper you want to be, as when you are dead, the foreigners will be digging up your caskets to make chicken coops out of them and pulling out your teeth for the ivory and gold, as those relics will be quite fashionable in 2080 AD in the year of our Lord.

So anyway, this is about HAARP's miscalculation in making it winter in November, to sell all that fuel to keep you from freezing. It sounded good in committee and on paper, and on the action assessment, but then that wetware got involved, and something rat odd happened, in the Mexicans, Muslims and Hindus all stayed in doors.

They didn't come out and work. That really puts a cash crunch in production.

They did though start looking around where it was warmer, and started flooding those shithole areas.

So the worst laid plans in John Kelly dumping millions more Obama vermin into the United States, into Reagan areas of Christians to overthrow those states, saw a shift in these Sand, Curry and Taco Niggers all said, "I HATE THIS COLD", and they left for warmer regions.

Always the problem with the animal race, in they simply are not like Martin Luther primates who Protestant hunker down and take the cold, the heat, the storm, the plague, the pestilence and persevere.  No your replacements are in climate shock and are moving out of areas they are expected to replace the Caucanigs in.

I mean Montana has been in winter since September. Been cold there. The Dakotas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Minnesota and Wisconsin have all been January cold.
Poor Chicago is getting snow, wind and cold. It is hard for dope dealers to turn those bucks in that kind of cold, and that hurts Wall Street as a million dollar a week corners do not produce when Juarez is sitting home, putting the pepe to the litter.

See that is what the problem is in this, is the American Afroid is a superior race. They are no longer jungle folk. They are big fat, thick blooded hybrids. They can take that Arctic cold and just light a bong without even shaking. Now those Curry, Taco and Sand coons, just shiver and worse yet, they look on the internet for places where their kind gathers for free food, free housing and free sunshine warm, and off they go like rats off a ship.

That throws all of this Obama genocide of Americans in a lurch. Not much way to overthrow North Dakota if all the Visa Vermin are in Virginia.

Now I don't know how Oprah is going to be Obama fixing this as HAARP O is running into something they did not figure on. You can import all the Nigs you want, but they won't stay in the cold and storm. You can Weather Mod all the cold in to genocide White people and rob them in paying for high fuel costs, but in the end, there is no vermin to replace them.

It is the Catch 22, you can't import Nigs if they won't stay, and you can't get rid of Whites with cold if the Nigs won't replace them.

The solution of course is to warm the northern regions of North America, for a few decades to get them Nigs thick blooded like the Afroids and then they will be like Oprah in being tough and productive. Otherwise you are looking a  major economic shortage in the northern tier, as it will be a wasteland.

Just one of those things when you are a group who is the smartest immortals on the planet and they run into inferior races who do not like the cold and move away from it, no matter how much free stuff you give them.

I guess some areas of America are just suited for Whites and Blacks. That ain't racism, just genetics.


Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
