Friday, November 22, 2019

The Impeachment of Donald Trump is about Criminalizing a President for being President

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a fact in this 21st century, that the media of record in the foundational history of America, is the Lame Cherry, as the CIA control over the New York Times and Washington Post have turned them into papers of political minder propaganda. There is not Truth in those publications, only a recourse and a refrain of the cheering of the Balkanization of the United States.

November 20th, 2019 AD in the year of our Lord, was a damning day in the People's House, where it was all summed up on Trump Impeachment testimony, where Representative Devin Nunes used Intelligence chairman Adam Schiff as a scrotum punching bag of the Truth, as Shiff played the part of both testicles, looking like the pedo politician with his pants down behind a child, having just asked if the child wanted to play with the dolly.

Adam Schiff is the joke of the court jesters of the cartel.

WHOA: VP Mike Pence just dropped a bomb on Amb. Sondland’s credibility

From Pence's CoS Mark Short:
“Ambassador Gordon Sondland was never alone with Vice President Pence on the September 1 trip to Poland. This alleged discussion recalled by Ambassador Sondland never happened."

What Nunes was warning the Nation of and what Schiff was engaged in, was entering into testimony, the words of Ambassador Sondland of Ukraine. The problem is while Schiff was fabricating evidence again like a low IQ stoned crack head, about a Trump payoff to Ukraine, the Vice President of the United States and his Chief of Staff were defining Ambassador Sondland as liar, because Sonland was testifying that he had warned Mike Pence about a quid pro quo of Trump with Ukraine. The problem is Mike Pence with his Chief of Staff have corroborated that Sondland was never alone with the Vice President, no one heard this Sondland warning which he lied to Congress over, and the entire point of all of this being, what Schiff brought before America was another grand liar, without any evidence or second person account backing up Sondland, whereby Mike Pence and his Chief of Staff have the reality that Sondlan never briefed or was alone with Mike Pence.

Sondland's testimony proved nothing of bribery, but Sondland did prove he is guilty of perjury before Congress.
In fact, Sonland went on to state that Donald Trump never engaged in what Adam Schiff was accusing the President of.

The above are examples of what the Lame Cherry as the media of record is defining what Adam Schiff, and his democratic conspirators and colluders from Barack Hussein Obama, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, John Brennan, Nancy Pelosi all have in common and have engaged in, and this blog desires for you to comprehend this, so it s placed in bold caps, so you understand what this democratic impeachment is about.

The Democratic impeachment of Donald Trump is not about high crimes, misdemeanors or abuses of power. The Democratic impeachment of Donald Trump is about criminalizing the Constitutional actions of a President in order to make the President a criminal.

- Lame Cherry

 This blog has warned that the cartel and their various leftist branches from sodomite liberals to Islamic oil terrorism, have embarked upon using American Law against Americans to make an American a crimnal for being an American.
Christians have been propagandized against for decades. Blacks have been smeared by Hollywood. Whites are now criminal because of the charge of privilege. Every person reading this, has stuttered in not saying something or doing something, because the police state has been unleashed to record and arrest Americans for everything the 10 Amendments guarantee to them.

Today I was amused in an aging woman who works two jobs at 16 hours a day, can barely walk, sit down on her break and start defending Donald Trump and then say those democrats should all be lined up. Then she said, "I better watch what I am saying as someone does that, they will come looking for me for saying that".
That is what I mean in people are so intimidated now, that things they mean nothing by, have them trained to think they are guilty of something.

That is what Adam Schiff is part of in training the public to strip Article powers from the Executive President which are guaranteed. There really are no limitations on what a President can do or say. The Constitution grants that kind of broad power and Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt expanded the executive and Barack Obama literally shattered all Constitutional limits on his regime of Constitutional crimes in orders by dictator.

Adam Schiff with democrats for 2020 eletions, is in the process of making the President a criminal for being the President, as Americans have been criminalized for being an American. Words like Patriot, Gun Owner, Veteran, Christian etc... are all words that are in the national terror database. Those words were once glorified, but now have been criminalized for Americans. This is what Adam Schiff and democrats and their Mitt Romney smarmy #NeverTrumpers have engaged in, in making Presidential legal actions into crimes.

While Donald Trump did not engage in the crimes below, Barack Hussein Obama did in fact engage in the very crimes and worse in bribes, mass murder of the Polish leadership, mass murder of Syrians, mass murder of Libyans. Obama even sent a homosexual Ambassador Christopher Stevens to Libyan terrorists who hate sodomites, whereby Stevens was murdered with other Americans to try and cover up a weapon's deal Obama had in sending Libyan munitions to Syria to slaughter Muslims and Christians in Syria.
Obama bribed Egypt in their uprising, bribed Egypt to keep them quite on Chris Stevens murder and Obama promised to sell out the United States to Russia, after he stole the 2012 AD in the year of our Lord elections.

Those are what real abuses of power, high crimes and misdemeanors look like for impeachment and the gallows, not what Donald Trump has engaged in legally.

This Lame Cherry is not defending Donald Trump. This Lame Cherry is defending the Presidency. It can not be allowed for the cartel to criminalize a President for being President. There are a Constitutional check and balance and when the Congressional and Judicial collude to limit Presidential powers and authority granted by the Constitution, then the Republican form of Government ceases and it is a dictatorship of the American People and the President held in an Adam Schiff gulag.

I fully realize that this is what Webster Griffin Tarpley revealed was the deep state agenda of splitting the democratic party into two branches of Nazis and Communists to rule America. That is why this outlandish theater is presented by stage props like Adam Schiff. It is why I will not be drawn into defending Donald Trump who abandoned MAGA and I have been left even more destitute after creating the Time Line which elected him. This blog will always though defend the Truth and the Constitutional Rule of Law, as John Adams defended British Soldiers in court, this blog's interests is the rule of law in America, and that means protecting the Presidency from Adam Schiff or rallying to protect Congress from a despot like Barack Hussein Obama.

Yes this is cartel theater to manipulate the masses again, but there is a wounding of the Constitution which will not recover, because the boomerang effect of this, will be a course where Donald Trump will realize greater powers to dominate Congress and the Judiciary, and that kind of power can not be trusted in the Obama self aggrandizing type.  Lyndon Johnson stepped own from power, as Richard Nixon did. Some have that moral compass, others like Jimmy Carter or a Hillary Clinton do not have it in them to let go, just as Obama simply would not get out of Washington DC when Donald Trump was sworn in.

President Donald Trump will receive power from the public in this Shiff impeachment scam, and while he has shown his ability to restrain himself, that kind of power in those who follow Donald Trump will prove a crisis for America as those like foreign birthed Obama have proven.

Donald Trump has not engaged in any abuse or criminal act in the Schiff charges, because he is President and because he did not engage in criminal activity. Schiff and his fellow travelers have thus sought to criminalize a President for being President. That is a literal crime, and defined by sedition and being a traitor.

The United States can not allow a President to be criminalize for being President, any more than allowing a President to be afforded powers by the political treachery of Adam Schiff, as what Schiff is engaged in, will create a dictator one day which will rival the cabals, juntas and strongmen from Argentina, Russia to Turkey.

As the media of record, this is the Lame Cherry, in matter anti matter exclusive.

Nuff Said
