Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Penis of Approval

He knows his place......

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I keep thinking about penis size. Well, not really, but when you are a world famous and read author of the best blog on the internet and off, you just are known for catchy phrases and getting people's attention, and now all you are thinking about is penis size.

In that, in a Trump room full of egos, do you think Jared Kushner says, "Donald Trump is my father in law?", or does he think, "I am the son in law of Donald Trump/"

Same with the President, does he say, "I am Jared's father in law?", or is it, "That is Ivanka's husband?"

Does Ivanka say, "I am Ivanka Trump," or she says that as she is not a Kushner even though she does that Orthodox Jew thing that swears like sailior, smokes, drinks like a fountain, lusts after faggot males like Justin Trudeau cucking the Jew husband, and pretty much goes Talmud on the goy, and boy are then chincs and nigs goy when it comes to Ivanka sweatshops.

Let us all admit thought that deep down we would like to be a Trump. I mean having Donald as your old man would be pretty cool. He bangs whores and they won't take money, he marries hot women, he is one tough SOB in protecting you, and asa long as you are not fat Tiffany, embarrassing him, Donald Trump just loves you even if you wear slacks as a major like Barron.

I mean who would not want Ivanka for a sister in law? You would get wood over her even if you were a woman. For that matter, maybe when Barron matures, he will be like Hunter Biden and be tapping Don jr's ex. as she is really one prime bun for the beefsteatk sausage.
People always say Donald is a perv for pervin over Ivanka, but that is just the Donald saying what everyone one is thinking about Ivanka. Everyoe has the bottle blonde bitch fantasy, with the fake knockers, who pretends she likes you, and then says how you don't measure up when she gets you naked, but you do her anyway as she could whip your dick with a power cord and it would never go down even on 220 volt as she is that hot.

No one thinkgs that about Hillary or Chelsea Clinton. No one thinks that about them Obama things. No one thinks that about Bush women, and hell let's face it, there never was a question what Barbara Bush said about Jeb, as we all know she said,' That is George's boy".

So Donald Trump had to create ficiton when Princess married Jared, because you just have to do things like that. He refers to him as Jared, not son, not anything familiar, as Donald just does not want Jared that close, but puts up with him. You know he has place for Don jr's kids, but with Ivanka, they just sort of show up, lecture Donald about Jew things and he thinks, "Yeah I will make Ivanka president one day, despite that Jew shit going on with her brain".
No one blames the President for that, as Jews treat him bad all the time. Most people do not treat Donald that great, but that is what he likes or he would not act the way he does. Donald Trump likes mixing it up, as that is how he shows he likes you. He is like the Irish mic who slugs you, just because he likes you.

I do think Donald would prefer if Jared did not wear jogging shorts, and was more like him. I think if Jared was a real Jew, that he would be crusing the streets looking for bald people, a slet's face it, the skinhead Nazi is a thing of the past, and jumping out of his mom van and working them over. Donald Trump would like that, and lord knows Ivanka would get the g spot erection if Jared came home with some tats filleted off a skinhead, and made a lamp shade out of them. Jared just does not have it in him though. He just does not have it in him like freed Jews from work camps, crusing Europe on motorcycles, stealing chickens and wathcing the poor farmer kids starve. So it comes down to it, what difference does it make what Jared Kushner refers to himself as, as we know the boy by his fruits.

The Trump;s have so much to accomplihs after 2020 and that is why they are the cartel choice, Tiffan wills lose 150 pounds, get Ivanka tit implants, wash her greasy hair, and marry some right wing tough and be married in the Rose Garden. Don jr. has to find a younger girlfirend wiht 40 DD tits. Eric still has not come out his shell, Barron has not brought home some European princess adults to date for cover storie on People, and Ivanka.......she jast to convert t o Jews for Jesus, start vamping it up in pin stripe minis and slacks, and start saying things tha ta real National Soclialist iwould about master race stuff, as when you are Ivanka beautiful the public will vote for it.

Yes the Trump family is our family, in who we all want to be. What they did for four years is just a warm up for 2020. Hell we have not reached the part of Nancy Pelosi storming the Bastille and Melania talking about letting people eat cake, as what good is a Trump Dynasty not founded on a proper revolution, which is what this is all evolving toward.

I will leave it at that, as now you are thiking about things, and to think it all started with penis size thoughts.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in mater anti matter.

Nuff Said
