Sunday, November 24, 2019

It is time for President Trump to father Neo Persia

I will be the father of the Persian People


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is time for President Donald Trump to do for the Persian People as he has done for the Jewish People of the Israeli state. It is time for the Four Columns of the Mideast be joined, with Egypt in the West, Judea and Saudi Arabia in the center and the Persians in the East, to form a stable Confederacy for a lasting peace in the Middle East.

The last pillar in this are the People behind the Mullah Curtain of Iran. The Revolution which Barack Hussein Obama crushed during his occupation of the White House in Iran, thankfully only fanned the flames stronger.  83 million Persians are banned from accessing the Internet. Iran the gas producer for communist China is robbing her own people in spiking gas prices 300%, so the Mullahs can live in luxury, while the People of Persia risk their lives on the streets in pleading to the world for a Republican form of Government where they will be heard.

The Lame Cherry supports the Persian People as she always has. It is in this, that this blog calls upon President Donald Trump to call for a Summit of Camp David, whereby Egypt, Judea, Saudi Arabia join with the United States, to recognize a more perfect Union of Persia.

This Government must be by the People of Persia, for the People of Persia and of the People of Persia. It should be moulded after the British Constitution, and yet more, in a true representation of the People of Iran. It should be the Holy Republic Monarchy of Persia.

Prince Reza, Shah of Persia

The leader would be the indomitable Prince Reza, to be crowned the Shah of Iran in Mecca. His office would be Constitutional, unimpeachable, and he would be the protector of the People in dissolving Parliament, calling for elections and signing bills into law.
The terms of office would be elected for 4 years, by the People of Persia.


Speaker Maryam Shariatmadari

Senator Natasha Fatah

Parliament would be of an upper and lower house, led by the Prime Senator and Prime Speaker. From this body all legislation would arise and from this body, would the appointment of the 3rd body arise, the Persian Judiciary, chosen by the Shah, voted on by the Senate, and every two years voted on by the People at large, with the necessity of 75% of the popular vote to remain in office.
If a Justice was elected for 6 cycles, they would retire at the end of 12 years.

Crown Justice Mohammed Tawhidi

This simple governance would afford the People of Persia their hereditary Monarch, balanced by their elected Houses who would pass laws, while the Shah would protect the People from overzealous legislation. The Judiciary would strike down laws unconstitutional and the Judiciary by a majority panel remove any of the ministers.

The military would be under the command of the Shah, while each district in Persia would elect their own Marshal, who would be the chief law enforcement officer of the district, whose authority as Magistrate would supersede the military and all security forces. Only the People could remove their Marshal in four year elections.

This is the Government the United States would recognize, along with Egypt, Judea and Saudi Arabia as the legitimate representative for the Persian People. President Donald Trump with all vigor should appoint Mark Dubowitz as the first Ambassador to the Persian State. Ambassador Dubowitz has been a champion of the Iranian People, and sanctioned by the Mullah mob of Tehran.

Ambassador Mark Dubowitz

When Jimmy Carter can disenfranchise the People of Taiwan for communist traitors in Peking and Bill Clinton can carve off Christian lands in Kosovo for another sect oil Islam, then President Donald Trump who has moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem, handed over the Syrian Golan to Judea, certainly has the responsibility to form with Mideast Partners a legitimate Sunni Government for the Persian People and move with all haste to begin the turn over of Iranian assets to this Government for the safekeeping of the Persian People.

The mullahs of Iran are illegitimate and of great harm to Persian, to the Mideast and the world at large. It is time a more perfect Union for Iran be founded, and let Donald Trump be the father of that union.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said