Sunday, November 17, 2019

Will Donald Trump Play the Schiff Card?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

William Barr announces revealing report on FISA abuse is 'imminent'   thebl 


I think it has been like 2 years since Sunprancer at Cuckservitude Treehose has been promising the Inspector General's Report on examination of the Obama players in the coup against Donald Trump with it a nothing burger. Someone in the DIA who actually has some good intel, is Sara Carter and with what Republican insiders are bleating about to Sean homo Hannity, there appears to be something which is to drop, before Thanksgiving as the Adam Schiff impeachment coup is in need to get knocked off the rails, before Nancy Pelosi gets a chance in December to vote to impeach Donald Trump in political lynching by a thousand Schiff charges.

Remember in this that CRIMINAL REFERRAL, does not mean a thing. We have had criminal referrals previously and the guilty walked. Remember in this, every conspirator knows they are guilty already, so a number of people who were involved in this, know what the problem is and who has the problems.

James Comey is being mentioned as one of a duo for criminal referral. As Andrew McCabe was fired, it pretty much is the conclusion that both of these operators will have the IG refer them to the Department of Justice for indictment by a grand jury. Do not overlook that past criminal referrals also may have persuaded some operators to become cooperating witnesses in the John Durham investigation.

There is a reason that the Durham investigation took on new meaning. It is because someone knew the Italians had British MI6 assest Mifsud's two blackberries. Someone used them as a bargaining chip to stay out of pound them in the ass prison for 20 years. It was that smoking berry which pointed the Attorney General in the direction he needed.

Furthermore, there are hints from Congressman Biggs, a Republican, that they are looking at others being culpable in the FISA warrant overreach. Sally Yates, Andrew McCabe, and Rod Rosenstein for three. Biggs also hinted the GOP might have their own whistleblower. That is evident as someone from the NSA has been feeding Rep. Devin Nunes information from the start of Pissgate.
It is even more telling that Nunes read the first Ukraine transcript during hearings with Adam Schiff, Friday, for full effect, and the White House stated that President Trump would be watching the entering of that information into the record.
That trasncript says nothing about what the democrats are sniffing around about. All the President said was to work together with Ukraine on corruption.

So it will not be James Comey in jail by Christmas unless he cops a plea. It is though a reality that Trump has played a major card before Thanksgiving recess in the transcript release, and the Sara Carter exclusive that the IG will release his report by next Friday with two criminal referrals.

There will be nothing like it to please the Trump mobs, and suppress the Schiff hordes, than James Comey surrendering to federal authorities, before Christmas. It becomes a point then of the absolute visuals in the person who tried to lynch Donald Trump is the criminal, and that does trump what Schiff has been involved in.......and it sends a clear intimidation to Schiff, as what Representative Biggs was suggesting, that Adam Schiff who lied about Pissage, is an accomplice in this.

Nancy Pelosi can spin this in her batting eyes waving of political witch hunts then, but Adam Schiff being taken into custody, stripped of his power and place in Congress, is political fodder which will not wash off by November 2020.

We know it was Sec of State John Kerry who leaked all the Pissgate fakery to Congress, when it was dumped on his lap by Susan Rice, deliberately by Obama. That daisy chain cuts to the top quickest, in does anyone not believe that Adam Schiff would go fetal on the floor and start writing in his tears a confession of it was evil John and Susan who put him up to it all for Obama?

Comey is a face card which sluffs the impeachment trick. Indict Adam Schiff though and Donald Trump will not lose another hand, and in fact, democrats will throw their hands down and run for the doors.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

2 Criminal Referrals

Nunes reads Innocent Donald Trump's transcript into Congressional Record
